With the new evolving modern methodologies around many SAP applications and database technology, i am trying to contribute with some idea that can be helpful or spark a new idea for others. The thought is … What if we can create HANA docker container with database filesystems mounted to the container using NFS filesystems from....

At the end of 2020 Apple released Macintosh computers with a dramatic shift in hardware, leaving behind the Intel x86 based CPU’s and using their own in house M1 arm based CPU’s. This shift meant software had to be recompiled or rearchitected to run natively on the M1 processor. While some x86 based apps will....

Uninstall SHINE XSA from SAP HANA, express edition (version: 2.00.057) before upgrade to (version: 2.00.061). Reason of the Article During the upgrade the following error message appeared. hxeadm@hxehost:/usr/sap/HXE/HDB90> /usr/sap/HXE/home/bin/HXECheckUpdate_linux.bin -a Installed SAP HANA, express edition version : Connecting to download server... Newer SAP HANA, express edition version is available. Found XS Advanced +....

Trust and believe, nobody’s going to be where they are not supposed to be. Warrants the SAP Authorization and Trust management service. Which its sole mandate is to provide support to your security policies of your organization, permit user authorization and trust to identity providers. Developers may configure and deploy application-based security artifacts containing authorizations....

This blog demonstrates a simple use of SAP Client for Python with SAP HANA HDI SQL APIs (stored procedures) in an on-premise SAP HANA Database. TL;DR: A simple example of a Python wrapper on top of the SAP HANA Client for Python (https://pypi.org/project/hdbcli/) is provided in the Git repository https://github.com/nklinked/hana-task-runner with one predefined example for containers deletion.....

This blog demonstrates an approach of collecting information about applications, service instances and other entities from SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced Model (XSA) using XS Controller APIs. TL;DR: The blog provided an overview of a command-line tool that utilizes XS Controller APIs to simplify some of maintenance operations. The tool is based on a....

One of the most important task during S4 Hana conversion is CVI integration. When functional consultants run report SAP readiness check for S4 Hana conversion.  Usually MasterData BP error comes. SAP Readiness check   In order to resolve this issue SAP has provided many tools tcodes and reports. In order to develop these tcodes SAP....

During S4 Hana conversion SUM sometimes give following error. SUM error   In log file system was stuck at following place. SAPup> Starting subprocess with PID 26421 at 20211104101611 ENV: DIR_LIBRARY=/usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin ENV: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/PRD/hdbclient ENV: PATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin:/home/prdadm/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/run:/home/prdadm:.:/usr/sap/PRD/hdbclient ENV: RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data ENV: RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key ENV: SAPSYSTEMNAME=PRD ENV: dbms_type=HDB *DBENV: dbs_hdb_schema=SAPABAP1 ENV: rsdb_ssfs_connect=0 *DBENV: (auth_shadow_upgrade) PWD: /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/tmp EXECUTING /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin/SAPCAR -cvrf /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_troubleticket.sar....

I have been working on SAP HANA for the past two years.  SAP HANA XSA adds so much more new possibilities to the new SAP platform offering by incorporating NodeJS and also providing the multi-target application development approach for having each application have it’s isolated runtime environment, Text search, predictive analytics, Geo-spatial capabilities, etc., etc. This....

In the previous blog post in this series, we took a deep look at the two major different JavaScript modules that act as HANA Clients: @sap/hana-client and hdb. Architectural differences aside, let’s return to that sample usage of the @sap/hana-client we saw at the end of the previous blog post: import hanaClient from "@sap/hana-client" import * as xsenv from "@sap/xsenv" export....

Going back to our discuss in the previous blog post in this series about @sap/hana-client and hdb, the situation is now even more complex. @sap/hana-client supports promises, but hdb doesn’t. That’s just one of several differences between the two modules.  There are also other functions like connection pooling or calling stored procedures that can be done in both @sap/hana-client and hdb, but perhaps could be made even easier with....

  In this blog post series, we’ve explored several aspects of the HANA client tooling for JavaScript developers. In part one, we examined the differences between @sap/hana-client and hdb modules. In part two, we saw how to optimize our code using Promises / Async / Await. Then in part three, we looked at the value of additional wrapper modules like @sap/hdbext and....

Earlier this year the first version of the SAP HANA Database Explorer Visual Studio Code extension was released to the Visual Studio Code marketplace. This version included the database connection list and a SQL console for executing queries against a database. What’s New? Today, version 1.5 of the extension has been released to the Visual Studio Code marketplace.....

Try the SAP HANA Modeling functions and possibilities with the SFLIGHT demo database. Reason of the Article To illustrate the process by a concrete example based on the SFLIGHT database. During the process there are many additional steps and setups are necessary. There are also some helpful documentation is available, which can be used during....