Hi, all, With this blogpost I would like to document the steps that I went through in order to obtain a clean starting CAP project setup using TypeScript. Below I will go through a series of terminal commands and some file configuration. It might take quite some time to go through all the steps the....

Beginning with OpenUI5 and SAPUI5 1.116 (planned for July 2023), UI5 framework libraries will start using modern ECMAScript syntax in their code and define “Specification Version 3.0“ in their UI5 Tooling configuration. If you use UI5 Tooling in your projects, this means you will have to upgrade to UI5 Tooling Version 3. In addition, you have to make sure that your project’s....

We’ve started working with Fiori elements, it’s an exciting journey and I see lots of possibilities- and challenges ahead. It’s really a group effort where you need to involve everyone from the business, UX to the dev. But one thing leaves me especially puzzled; in all examples and tutorials the CDS views are annotated with ....

The purpose of this blog is to show how to consume a reuse component. This is the second blog in the series of two – on the topic of Developing and Consuming a Reuse Component. Develop Reuse Component Consume Reuse Component (this blog) The consumption of the reuse component with a simple demo application is....

This short blog post will explain how you can change the UI5 version of the fiori application which you are running locally. This is sometimes necessary to validate if there might be some issue or different behavior in some older SAPUI5 version. How can you preview your application in BAS? If you created your project....

It’s hard to believe we are already in May. SAP Sapphire is coming soon, so expect to see some exciting announcements. While much of the focus will be on new low-code / no-code capabilities, there will also be some pro-code goodies on display. We have some updates below and stay tuned for more information in....

As always, we continue to bring you new and easier ways to build apps using our pro-code solutions. Following a cloud mindset, we are introducing many features as we complete them. Keep your suggestions coming as this helps us prioritize our development efforts. We look forward to ongoing innovation and collaboration for the rest of....

In this blog post we will learn how to create space and pages on Fiori Launchpad.   What is Space and Pages Provides structured way to display the apps in Fiori launchpad and ease to end user for accessing the apps, which is available from S4 HANA 2020 and onward ON-PREMISE environment.   Prerequisite for Space and Pages....

Recently I did extension for My Inbox Fiori application for Purchase Order and Purchase Requisition approvals. As beginner, I did not know where to start initially. After some research I found a blog from Ragini Upadhyay (https://blogs.sap.com/2018/06/02/fiori-my-inbox-2.0-extend-approve-purchase-order-s4-hana-1610/) which was well explained but I had to struggled a lot. There are few places where this solution wasn’t accurate and....

With so much economic uncertainty ahead, it’s more important than ever to figure out ways to drive efficiencies in software development. While low-code tools can help business analysts and similar roles build apps quickly, professional developers often need more powerful ways to provide the functionality, performance, and UX that their users expect. If you want....

We publish the SAP Fiori development every other month to share new information with developers in the SAP ecosystem about SAPUI5, SAP Fiori elements, SAP Fiori tools, and SAP Business Application Studio. The editorial team that curates the articles includes Oliver Graeff, Raz Korn, as well as Peter Spielvogel. To receive this content in your inbox, please subscribe to....

In this blog I will discuss one error which I face during creation of screen in tcode SE51 Screen Painter. When clicking on layout button following dump was coming with short text “RFC callback call rejected by whitelist”. By analyzing this error it clearly indicates that call back function module is missing in destination “EU_SCRP_WN32”.....

If you are setting up a Frontend /Backend Servers scenario for the SAP Fiori Launchpad, you might find yourself doing some pretty time consuming investigations. At least this was true for me, when I tried to setup a Frontend system for a certain use case, without knowing the right tools. In an Embedded system scenario....

In order to enable multiple odata services for fiori apps in S4 Hana. There is a requirement to activate multiple odata service in a single step instead of doing it one by one. In this blog I will explain steps to activate multiple ODATA services in single transaction. Step 1: Go to tcode STC01. Enter task....

Common Import API Definition with cds import Database Compile CDS Models to Different Outputs with cds compile Persist Data by Deploying to SQLite with cds deploy --to sqlite Add HANA Configuration with cds add hana Persist Data by Deploying to HANA with cds deploy –-to hana Security Generate XSUAA Deploy Configuration with cds add xsuaa Based on CDS Annotations Update XSUAA Deploy....

通用 导入API接口定义:cds import 数据库 编译CDS模型为不同格式的输出:cds compile 部署至SQLite来持久化数据:cds deploy --to sqlite 添加HANA的配置:cds add hana 部署至HANA来持久化数据:cds deploy –-to hana 安全 基于CDS Annotations来生成XSUAA相关的部署配置:cds add xsuaa 更新XSUAA相关的部署配置:cds compile MTA 根据package.json生成MTA相关部署配置:cds add mta Fiori工具 增加前端应用部署相关配置:fiori add deploy-config 通用 导入API接口定义:cds import 你需要做的第一件事是获取XML文件 (EDM XML,Entity Data Model XML,缩写 EDMX) ,这些文件定义了OData服务包含的实体,以便后续应用程序使用。你可以从SAP API Business Hub获得这些XML文件。 使用 cds import 命令将API接口定义导入你的项目: cds import srv/<api-definition-file-name>.edmx 这条命令会将你的API接口定义以CSN(Core Schema Notation)的格式加入srv/external文件夹中,同时拷贝EDMX文件至该文件。你可以看到,CSN文件不过是一个对服务元数据以及所包含实体描述的JSON文件。通过该JSON文件,CDS框架可以以简单且安全的CQL(CDS Query Language)方式调用OData服务。....

In this blog post we are going to see how we can Extend CDS View Entity, for demo purpose a custom View Entity is created (SAP Standard View Entity is not used):   Extension to ABAP CDS View Entity is needed when there are some changes needed which are part of custom requirements… In this....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how to work with Feature Control – Action in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Dynamic Feature Control with Action   Ref : https://help.sap.com/docs/BTP/923180ddb98240829d935862025004d6/a5055eef86fa492d99a29b3a9c7c2b88.html     Feature Control : Feature Control is used to control the Fiori UI. Feature Control is used to send information to....

Hello, In this blog post we are going to see how we can read Domain values using CDS Views. Scenario :  When we have limited number of values which are not going to change (not dynamic), in that case we can use SAP Standard CDS View which will return all the values available in Domain.    ....

In this blog I will discuss one issue in S4 HANA in PFCG during role creation.  Users successfully create Launchpad Group and Launchpad Catalog in S4 Hana launchpad designer. Both catalog and launchpad are available and visible in launchpad designer. But still in PFCG when users are trying to assign Launchpad group following error comes....

BAS features or extensions may vary slightly in different environments. If you need to use SAP Fiori tools but your BAS tenant hasn’t gotten it installed by default. In which case, no worry about it. You can install it manually by yourself. “SAP provides you with a mechanism to access third party sites to view and download....

BAS的功能在不同环境中可能略有不同。如果你需要使用SAP Fiori Tools,但手中的BAS tenant默认没有提供这个功能,在这种情况下,不用担心,你可以采取手动安装的方式来获取该插件功能。 “SAP provides you with a mechanism to access third party sites to view and download open-source, 3rd party or its own tools, libraries, or software components (“Extensions”) to dev spaces in SAP Business Application Studio. Using this mechanism, you can view and install VS Code Extensions from the VSX Open Registry....

Please refer to my first blog: Fiori OVP Cards with XML Annotation using CDS This blog is extending my first blog. Navigation from OVP cards to the Drilldown application (Which is developed by using Manage KPIs and reports) In the Annotation file: We need to add UI.Identification annotation in the annotation.xml file. The XML code is like the....

In this blog, we shall learn how we can create OVP Column card using XML annotations which based on the CDS service which is very simple process. I will cover only Column type OVP card creation, consuming the CDS view using annotation file. Pre-requisite: Have to understand  or knowledge on UI. Annotations Creating new app....

Whats the ODATA and REST API’s and why we need that? Combination of different software system is sometimes need, sometimes mandatory in our modern IT world. The question is that how these systems have to communicate and exchange Datas. A number of standards and protocols have been discovered to facilitate communication between different systems. If....

In this blog I like to show how you can document your SAP Fiori authorizations along your business process. This blog also contributes to my previous blog How to work with SAP Fiori Applications in SAP Solution Manager 7.20 – Process Management. There are many knowledge sources available to understand the Fiori authorization concept. I suggest....

Hi, One problem which usually face by fiori users in My Inbox fiori app is that by default only 100 items are visible. If users have a list of workitems more than 100 then total number of workitems are not visible. 100 Workitems in my inbox   In this blog I will share simple steps....

In S4 HANA when we implement my inbox fiori app. It shows some action tasks buttons by default like “Suspend”, “Claim”, “Show Log” etc. as follows: My inbox fiori app buttons In this blog we will discuss how to hide these buttons In order to hide these buttons we will use the standard BADI “WF_TASK_SUPPORT”. Go....

Lets Get Started with creating a new BAS Account. As I have been using Sap webide to develop my application I got a requirement to start working on the Business Application Studio where we can have more number of features. So found gathering info here and there. There by I am writing this blog which....

As working with SAP Fiori applications becomes more and more important for customer I like to share some insights on how to handle them with SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Process Management. In SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Process Management it is possible to document SAP Fiori applications within the solution documentation functionality. There are....

This article gives you the information related to UI5 Integration Cards overview and gives you an idea to develop for your own projects which can provide a quick information for business users in one single portal. UI Integration with Cards Documentation In order to develop cards the card developers should be familiar with: Getting Started Card types....

Once application cache busting is enabled and the sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json is available, UI5 will start looking in the timestamped directory for the resource. E.g. /webapp/~1623054905000~/controller/App.controller.js Is it up to us to provide a routing to these original files in both deployment to a standalone app in the Cloud Foundry Application Runtime and the HTML5 Application Repository? At the....

As we know, with S/4HANA Fiori is the new UX and the entry point. But setting up launchpad and Fiori apps is tricky (I would say) task as involves lot activities before the user could run the apps. SAP has provided tools like rapid fiori activation , Content Manger and all to expedite the process....