In this blog, we shall learn how we can create OVP Column card using XML annotations which based on the CDS service which is very simple process. I will cover only Column type OVP card creation, consuming the CDS view using annotation file. Pre-requisite: Have to understand  or knowledge on UI. Annotations Creating new app....

  Slides The showcase and design-review slides from Philip, Akin and Kai can be downloaded here: Showcase SAP Fiori Makers Strategic Talent Development @ BSH – Showcase from Dr Philip Meyer and Akin Aritmac Review SAP Fiori Makers Strategic Talent Development @ BSH – Rreview by Kai Richter   Content In this SAP Fiori Makers....

Slides The showcase and design-review slides from Stefanie, Ralph, Christoph and Kai can be downloaded here: ShowcaseSAP Fiori Makers | Employee staffing @ dm-drogerie markt – Showcase from Stefanie Sehm, Ralph Tonn & Christoph Ade ReviewSAP Fiori Makers | Employee staffing @ dm-drogerie markt – Review by Kai Richter   Content In this SAP Fiori Makers....