This is the first in a series of blogs looking at different scenarios for using placeholders with the SAP Emarsys API.  Disclaimer: As well as providing some real code examples, we thought we’d have a go at demystifying some of the elements here with [simple explanations] for people (like me) who work in marketing or content and who use this kind of....

In our second blog on using placeholders with the Emarsys API, we will look at using a foreach loop to pull data from an array. Use case You want to trigger a standard email response to a purchase, listing the products bought. But you don’t know how many products there will be, so you need a dynamic section in the email that can repeat as many times....

In May 2021 the UK data protection and privacy regulator, the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) fined Amex (American Express) for sending “service message” emails which contained marketing. This article gives an explanation to the ruling and a practical interpretation of the ICO guidance to help organisations improve their marketing and communication campaigns What happened –....

This article provides you with an overview of various unsubscribe methods and terminology beyond the unsubscribe link. The aim is to help marketing teams understand how technology and processes work and what manual steps may need to be put in place if the technology doesn’t cover all of these processes. This overview is especially written....

In our third blog on using placeholders with the Emarsys API, we will look at using nested JSON objects. Use case For nested JSON objects, it’s hard to provide a plausible real life scenario because it depends a great deal on the setup of your website. You could argue that there is never a good reason to use nested objects, but if....

Dieser Artikel ist die deutsche Übersetzung des Artikels Deliverability issues? What and how to fix! von miguelmarques Das Versenden von E-Mails ist keine genau definierte Wissenschaft mit genau definierten Lösungen, denn mehrere Faktoren können dazu führen, dass Sie manchmal mit Zustellungsproblemen konfrontiert werden. In diesem Artikel werde ich über einige der Gründe sprechen, warum Sie Zustellungsprobleme haben könnten....

Black Friday is quickly approaching and you have so much to prepare. It is not only a choice of content and the products that you wish to promote. And failing to prepare can have an impact not only on your revenue but also on your deliverability. In this article, I will be mentioning some of....

This time of year, there’s so much to do! If one of the items on your holiday checklist is to expand your SAP CX product knowledge, here’s an easy way to do it without taking time away from all your other year-end tasks. Most of our SAP CX products have free short, easily digestible videos....

Every now and then email marketers look for opportunities to increase their email marketing KPIs and sooner or later some of them will come across BIMI or Trusted Dialog. But what is useful for which target markets? In this article I will provide you with a brief overview of both methods. Brand Indicators for Message....

We all know that it is not easy to keep track of the latest changes and developments in our fast-changing world. Here are a few important changes in email marketing that happened in the past 2-3 years and which not every email marketer may be aware of. Open rate The open rate as the most....

I’ll jump straight to the punchline: In email marketing, “inactive” contacts are normal and should be part of your marketing programme. Excluding inactives makes it difficult to build brand awareness, makes it difficult to retain and re-engage, and makes it very difficult for you to identify the signals that show where they are in the....

Introduction As enterprise e-commerce platform, SAP Commerce Cloud provides solid support for marketing, such as coupon management, promotion rule, personalization etc. Unfortunately, although SAP commerce has implemented a demo in B2C/B2B accelerator to distribute coupon by using free coupon action in promotion rule, it’s far from enough to meet the complex scenarios in real projects,....

A good subject line is essential because it directly affects both your deliverability and open rates. Bad subject line content can get your email flagged as spam and blocked, or simply ignored by the recipient. Good subject line content will ensure your mail gets through to the recipient and improves your open rates. In this....

Every part of your email message can help or hurt your deliverability. Here’s a short guide on how to compose your message to give it the best chance of hitting the inbox. 1. From address and subject line   From name   Your recipients must know and trust who you are. Your sending domain should....

What are the Gmail annotations and markups Gmail annotations is a feature that allows senders to add notes, labels, a product carousel, expiration dates and other information to their email campaigns to make them stand out in the Gmail promotions tab. While Gmail annotations are preferably used in marketing emails, there is another Google solution for....

Email authentication protocol DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is an essential tool for email security. It allows senders to protect their domains from unauthorized use, while providing receivers with information about the authenticity of messages they receive. You can find more information about how DMARC works here: Demystifying DMARC. In this blog post, we....

  Infographics – deliverability made easy!   Good Deliverability afonso.salgado Bad Deliverability afonso.salgado Email Opt-in afonso.salgado   Emarsys Deliverability Overview and Discussion   Welcome to Emarsys Deliverability in SAP Community A quick intro to your SAP Emarsys Deliverability team and some key concepts before you start steve_emarsys The changing world of email marketing and deliverability....

SAP offers the SAP Account Engagement for a “out of the box” data integration between the two CX products stated above, the SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement, in the context of the master data integration between them. For more information refer: SAP Account Engagement. In addition to the standard data integration with SAP....

Migrating an email programme from one service provider to another can be challenging and time-consuming. Establishing your Sender Reputation on the new IP and From Domain can often take a number of weeks, as can the process to “ramp-up” sending volumes to your normal sending pattern. There are many factors that determine how long this....

  Infographic designed by afonso.salgado Read more about how tick boxes and radio buttons can work with your opt-in process here And how your choice of sign-up confirmation impacts your results here

Building a good sender reputation can take a lot of time but vice versa a good sender reputation can be burned very quickly. In this article I would like to give you a brief overview of what you can proactively do to protect your sender reputation and your email eco system. 1. Implement DMARC (Domain....

  Infographic designed by afonso.salgado Compare with our Bad Deliverability Infographic! Read the Emarsys Deliverability Blog to learn how you can control your email deliverability success  

  Infographic designed by afonso.salgado Compare with our Good Deliverability Infographic! Read the Emarsys Deliverability Blog to learn how you can control your email deliverability success

Integrate SAP S/4HANA Cloud with SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement Table of Contents Integration Overview   SAP S/4HANA Cloud and On-Premise Configuration   SAP Cloud Integration   IFlow Configuration   SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement Configuration In this blog post we will describe one possible approach for replicating Contact and Sales Data from SAP S/4HANA to SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement.....

Bevor ich näher auf die Thematik dieses Artikels eingehe, möchte ich zunächst kurz erklären, was Blockbounces eigentlich sind. Wenn Blockbounces auftreten, dann wurden typischerweise E-Mails durch den Spam-Filter blockiert. Mögliche Gründe dafür sind: Der Content enthält verdächtige Wörter; E-Mails die (im Textkörper, in der Betreffzeile oder im Versendernamen) unangebrachte Wörter enthalten, werden zumeist zurückgewiesen.  ....

While using SAP Customer Data Platform (CDP) as the contacts source of ongoing data to SAP Emarsys for the first time and not being familiar with Emarsys, it may be helpful to know some important information beforehand so you can create the connector properly and troubleshoot any issue easily. CDP has the out-of-the-box connector SAP Emarsys....

Im E-Mail Marketing wird heutzutage oft der Name des Unternehmens oder der Organisation als Absendername der E-Mails gewählt, was in den allermeisten Fällen und bei den meisten Mailbox Providern auch kein Problem darstellt. Freenet mit seiner Domain bildet hier jedoch eine Ausnahme, denn reine Unternehmensnamen als Absendernamen sind hier nicht gern gesehen und können....

This article discusses the method(s) of custom integrations between SAP CDC and SAP Emarsys, away from using the standard connector which is now globally available. Without doubt, one should always consider using the standard connector first before embarking on custom integrations, and assessing both options to see which of the 2 are the most suited to satisfy....

Are you using SAP Emarsys Engagement Platform and Qualtrics XM in your organisation? Combine the advantages of both solutions and receive personal experience feedback! Learn here, how to integrate SAP Emarsys with Qualtrics directly by using SAP Integration Suite and standard extensibility features. SAP Emarsys is an engagement platform best suited for omnichannel and highly....

Infographic designed by Afonso Salgado Compare with our Bad Deliverability Infographic! Read the Emarsys Deliverability Blog to learn how you can control your email deliverability success  

Infographic designed by Afonso Salgado Compare with our Good Deliverability Infographic! Read the Emarsys Deliverability Blog to learn how you can control your email deliverability success  

Building a good sender reputation can take a lot of time but vice versa a good sender reputation can be burned very quickly. In this article I would like to give you a brief overview of what you can proactively do to protect your sender reputation and your email eco system. 1. Implement DMARC (Domain....

While using SAP Customer Data Platform (CDP) as the contacts source of ongoing data to SAP Emarsys for the first time and not being familiar with Emarsys, it may be helpful to know some important information beforehand so you can create the connector properly and troubleshoot any issue easily. CDP has the out-of-the-box connector SAP Emarsys....

Migrating an email programme from one service provider to another can be challenging and time-consuming. Establishing your Sender Reputation on the new IP and From Domain can often take a number of weeks, as can the process to “ramp-up” sending volumes to your normal sending pattern. There are many factors that determine how long this....

Infographic designed by Afonso Salgado Read more about how tick boxes and radio buttons can work with your opt-in process here And how your choice of sign-up confirmation impacts your results here   FollowLikeRSS Feed Alert Moderator

Email authentication protocol DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is an essential tool for email security. It allows senders to protect their domains from unauthorized use, while providing receivers with information about the authenticity of messages they receive. You can find more information about how DMARC works here: Demystifying DMARC. In this blog post, we....

Emarsys Deliverability Overview and Discussion Welcome to Emarsys Deliverability in SAP Community A quick intro to your SAP Emarsys Deliverability team and some key concepts before you start Steve Henderson The changing world of email marketing and deliverability Here are a few updates and developments in our fast-changing industry. Norman Fischer Deliverability guide to ISPs....

What are the Gmail annotations and markups Gmail annotations is a feature that allows senders to add notes, labels, a product carousel, expiration dates and other information to their email campaigns to make them stand out in the Gmail promotions tab. While Gmail annotations are preferably used in marketing emails, there is another Google solution for....

As enterprise e-commerce platform, SAP Commerce Cloud provides solid support for marketing, such as coupon management, promotion rule, personalization etc. Unfortunately, although SAP commerce has implemented a demo in B2C/B2B accelerator to distribute coupon by using free coupon action in promotion rule, it’s far from enough to meet the complex scenarios in real projects, such....

A good subject line is essential because it directly affects both your deliverability and open rates. Bad subject line content can get your email flagged as spam and blocked, or simply ignored by the recipient. Good subject line content will ensure your mail gets through to the recipient and improves your open rates. In this....

Every part of your email message can help or hurt your deliverability. Here’s a short guide on how to compose your message to give it the best chance of hitting the inbox. 1. From address and subject line From name Your recipients must know and trust who you are. Your sending domain should be a....

Introduction This blog post is part of a series of blogs demonstrating how to feed data on the SAP Emarsys from SAP Commerce. In this part, I demonstrate the developments on the SAP CPI that receives the customer data from SAP Commerce, does the necessary transformations and enrichments, then send it to SAP Emarsys. My....

SAP offers the SAP Account Engagement for a “out of the box” data integration between the two CX products stated above, the SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement, in the context of the master data integration between them. For more information refer: SAP Account Engagement. In addition to the standard data integration with SAP....

I hope you have all had a good start to the year! 2021 was a milestone for us at Emarsys – our first full year as part of the SAP family – and I’m happy to say that we didn’t take our eyes off our customers despite all the additional tasks that go with integrating....

Every now and then email marketers look for opportunities to increase their email marketing KPIs and sooner or later some of them will come across BIMI or Trusted Dialog. But what is useful for which target markets? In this article I will provide you with a brief overview of both methods. Brand Indicators for Message....

This is the first in a series of blogs looking at different scenarios for using placeholders with the SAP Emarsys API.  Disclaimer: As well as providing some real code examples, we thought we’d have a go at demystifying some of the elements here with [simple explanations] for people (like me) who work in marketing or content and who use this kind of....

Are you new to marketing automations and want to learn about how to use Automations in SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement? Perhaps you want to brush up on your skills? Maybe you simply like to re-enforce what you already know? If any of this describes you, join the hour long Automation for Rookies webcast. This webcast....

In our second blog on using placeholders with the Emarsys API, we will look at using a foreach loop to pull data from an array. Use case You want to trigger a standard email response to a purchase, listing the products bought. But you don’t know how many products there will be, so you need a dynamic section in the email that can repeat as many times....