In many companies the business application system landscapes over time have become very large and extremely complex. This scale and complexity slows down innovation, because even a small change can have a huge impact on the whole system landscape. The impact could be business process related, so extensive testing in all affected systems is required.....

Searching for latest Technology trends will fetch you “Data Visualization”, as one of the latest trends. Why Data Visualization? In simple terms Data Visualization is visual representation of data. It is the key element and important stepping stone for Data Driven Decision Making (DDDM). Data driven decision making (or DDDM) is the process of making organizational....

In our last blog we went through some commonly used platform transforms in bods, you can check that out on below link Today, in this blog i will cover the data integration transform Table comparison with Map operation  in SAP BODS which is widely used to handle many data management scenarios. What’s in it....

In our last blog we went through SAP BODS ETL tool snapshot, you can check that out on below link…ap-bods-snapshot/ ‎ Today, in this blog i will cover the most commonly used platform transforms in SAP BODS during whole Extraction, Transformation and Load process. What’s in it for you? This blog focuses on giving....

In our last blog we talked about simplified version of SAP Data migration process i.e. ETL with preload and postload validations. Today, in this blog i will cover the most commonly used ETL tool for SAP data migration which is SAP Business Objects Data Services or it is commonly known as SAP BODS. It is....

Purpose of this Blog : Nowadays, SAP is one of the widely used ERP software across the large or medium size enterprises because of its excellent integrated business processes and friendly user experience. You can access your business data and processes easily at one place.   Data Migration is important step in any SAP implementation....