In this blog post, I will share the details on how you can set up a digital badge for yourself using the Pimoroni Badger 2040 – a cool little e-ink device powered by a Raspberry Pi RP2040. I’m very fond of e-ink devices. I like how reading on an e-ink device allows me to focus on the content.....

Two decades ago, our community began officially with the launch of the SAP Developer Network (SDN). In the 20 years that followed, I’ve been part of the community’s constant evolution — sometimes involved directly, other times contributing peripherally, but never far away. I watched SDN become SAP Community Network (SCN), witnessed SCN transform into the....

Writing my most recent blog post I realised that collaborating on writing posts on SAP Blogs is harder than it could be. Even though I wrote the post by myself, I wanted to show drafts to others before actually publishing, to make sure I was writing comprehensible content. Sharing these drafts however was more tedious than I....

Clean Code – From Contribution to Decision Clean code is a term used to describe software that is easy to read, understand, maintain and test. With the adoption of the clean code style guide by thousands of teams, changes to the style guide can have a large potential impact on developers (e.g. through new static code checks for new rules). While there is....

Improvement proposal open for voting Add an overview of trashed blogs and an option to recover from trash SAP Blogs platform is based on the renowned and proven WordPress backbone. It gives an option to move blogs to the trash. It is a nice feature to get rid of not needed articles. However SAP Blogs....

This blog is about an important principle for improving the quality of documentation. It can also help to improve decision making, collaboration and more effectively use meeting time by leveraging written asynchronous communication. Documentation (e.g. Architecture Documentation, Good Practices and Product Documentation) should be treated as code, which means that it is: placed under version control very simple syntax changes undergo reviews....

An agile approach involves cross-functional teams where individual team members complement each other’s skills. With the move to cloud-based development, teams must often deal with increasing complexity and must learn quickly. Both aspects bring up new challenges when it comes to growing the necessary skills. This blog introduces some problems in empowering the teams to....

Almost exactly 3 years ago, we went open source with the OpenUI5 developer documentation: OpenUI5 Developer Guide: Have Your Say! Next up: SAPUI5! What is the Open Documentation Initiative? In a nutshell, the Open Documentation Initiative is SAP’s way of opening up its documentation sets for outside contributions. Here’s how DJ Adams puts it: Looking at some documentation and you’re not....

Introduction In this new world of BTP, I was wondering whether I can run python applications in the cloud foundry & perform several things like the followings: accessing the data of different systems(S4H On-Premise, ECC, BTP CAP OData services, etc.) via destinations. running python flask applications having multiple functionalities/pages. I have checked a few places....

With great excitement today, SAP Developer & Community Relations can announce that we have joined openSAP Podcast. openSAP Podcasts provide knowledge from members of the SAP ecosystem, including SAP employees, partners, and customers. You can choose topics relevant to your business or personal interests, and now you can find here a series of SAP Developers content created by our Team, including our....

We have a new code challenge for you as part of the Community Spotlight for the month of June. This time it’s about testing UI5 apps with wdi5. Read on for all the details. Code challenges are all about having fun, trying new things, and learning along the way. For this code challenge we invite....

Writing readable, maintainable and testable code is a practice and discipline you can apply to any kind of programming language. And many developers switch between languages and frameworks (e.g. between ABAP backend and UI5 frontend development). Therefore we wrote the books Clean UI5 and Clean ABAP with the intention to simplify learning and make it easier....

Hey everyone,  I am so excited to announce a new long format “talk show” that we are releasing from the Developer Advocates team called Developers Digest (link at bottom of page to watch) Developers Digest In this premiere episode Mamikee Kanneh co-hosts with me.  We have a great time running through all the segments, similar to the way a....

I needed to connect a CAP application to a remote oAuth2 client credentials service.  Here is a short recipe 🧑‍🍳 that describes the steps I made Ingredients: package.json src/rest.cds src/rest.js SAP BTP destination service default-env.json cds bind destination Prerequisites: of course you should have the connection details of the remote service 🤷‍♂️ For this recipe to work you will....

A new year often brings changes, new innovations, or other news and so it is for the SAP Community Event badges for community driven events. I am excited to share a completely new concept of event badges in SAP Community. With this new approach we would like to encourage you to make your event like SAP Inside Track, SAP Stammtisch,....

Code samples teach, inspire, instruct, and un-stuck developers as they think about solving problems, building new things, and fixing broken ones. The SAP Samples organization on hosts sample applications, extensions and customized functionality, step-by-step how-to tutorials, and chunks of code that could save the day in implementation projects. In 2021, we published 120 new sample code....

Happy New Year! If you’re like me, 2022 has started with some very cold weather and the occasional fresh snowfall. But despite the frigid temperatures, the beginning of a new year is a cause for celebration – a time to celebrate new opportunities, new resolutions, and for many, an entirely new beginning. That’s why it’s....

In my previous blog, [SAP BTP Onboarding Series] SAP BTP Cockpit – Global Account Technical Overview, I provided you with an overview of the BTP Cockpit features and structure. In this blog post, I’m going to dig deeper into the topic of Directories. Specifically, Entitlements and User Management at the directory level.  Before introducing directories at....

In this three-part series I outline and demonstrate an approach to help newcomers get started more quickly with our tutorials, by describing and providing an environment with all the prerequisite tools installed ready to go. This is part one, where I describe the challenge and the base solution I’m going to go with. See also....

In this three-part series I outline and demonstrate an approach to help newcomers get started more quickly with our tutorials, by describing and providing an environment with all the prerequisite tools installed ready to go. This is part two, where I add the tutorial prerequisite detail to the Dockerfile I created in part one, and....

A few weeks ago Riley Rainey announced that the annual SAP Developer Insights Survey was live. The 2022 SAP Developer Insights Survey is Live | SAP Blogs.  In this previous post he also shares the link to report produced from last year’s data. There are many teams at SAP that use the results of this survey; but in....

If you’ve had a chance to attend an SAP Community Call recently, you may have noticed our new format on YouTube. Starting January 2022, all community calls have shifted from a recorded Zoom call-only format to YouTube Live Video sessions.  The new process is faster and easier for our members, whether you watch live or....

SAP Next Talent(SNT) takes pride in providing a robust 7-day onboarding experience for all its new program participants. Over the course of several days, SNTers learn SAP strategy, expectations for their time in the program, as well as crucial human skills and technical skills that will help kickstart their journey at SAP. But of course,....

You know that we love and very much appreciate it when you engage in SAP Community. That’s why I publish a weekly roundup to community members who have earned a mission the week prior. This blog post covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC). Well done, Gabriel Kunz for what seems like a....

  A penny may seem like a small price to pay to know what’s on your mind. However, experts believe that each person has 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. That can get quite pricey!  Our inner-voice, self-talk and mental health have received much attention these days. And rightly so. A lot of these thoughts....

We want to collaborate with you to improve our documentation. To do this, we’re taking our first steps with the Open Documentation Initiative.  One of the things I’ve been happy to observe over the decades is SAP moving towards an increasing openness. To name just a few milestones, there’s the inclusion of open protocols such....

[Update // May 27th 2021] First winners! We have awarded our first Crossover Learner badges and we enjoyed all the wonderful words of encouragement (and even the request for more Basis tutorials)! Thanks for all the warm words  Here’s how the badge looks in your profile (thanks Svea Becker, and congratulations): IMPORTANT: Some of you have done....

It was one of those office days, like so many others. Completely lost in thought, I went to the coffee machine in between two meetings to get myself a fresh latte. Once there, a catering employee was cleaning the machine. A quick glance at the clock showed that I had enough time to just wait....

Or as a question, does the SAP Community improve with the recently available Universal ID login,  degrade, or no impact? I had a chance to test how well an alternate login process would behave compared to current response times, an opportunity presented to me under the SAP Champions program. We could kick around scenarios from....

Just-in-time / just-in-sequence processing is important to the automotive industry. In my second blog, I will focus on the supply to the production process and how the next-generation JIT Supply to Production solution in SAP S/4HANA helps Manufacturers need to ensure that inventory levels are kept minimal due to limited space on the production line and line-side....

You know that we love and very much appreciate it when you engage in SAP Community. That’s why I publish a weekly roundup to community members who have earned a mission the week prior. This blog post covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC). Great achievement – David Kunz and Anant Acharya made their way....

You can earn SAP Community badges for collaborating with us on SAP documentation.  Last week we introduced the Open Documentation Initiative which is all about collaborating on SAP documentation. We thought it would be fitting to be able to reward valuable collaboration by issuing badges, so we’ve set up a couple of new ones in a new....

Disclaimer: This blog post is my opinion of what needs to happen. Not linked to any organization. And not linked to the SAP Champions program.  Just linked to me! Disclaimer 2: This article doesn’t cover the technical fixes to the platform. Never fear there are many people working on that. I’m a SAP Champion. So....

As my colleague Audrey Stevenson shared in her first installment of this blog post series, we publish a weekly shout-out to Community members who have earned a mission the week prior. The list covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC). First of all, I would like to announce a great achievement from last week –....

Dear community, an MM consultant contacted me on LinkedIn. First of all, nothing special. People are happy about contacts. However, he asked if I could give him advice – advice on how to learn ABAP. Since there is no easy answer to this question for me, I suggested a phone call. Because of the common....

Two days back,I have seen an important announcement in SAP Blog, that SAP offered Free Global Certification campaigning and I have missed this very very important announcement. I was wondering, I was disappointed & I was upset too Because I have missed the deadline.:( I was thinking biting my nails & asking myself how....

I am very happy to introduce our Topic of the Month activities in SAP Community with this blog post. I take this opportunity to first un-zoom from our product, SAP Intelligent RPA, and describe SAP’s broader strategy for low-code/no-code process automation. Indeed, 6 months ago McKinsey reported that the digitization of companies’ core internal operations, and of....