Here I am just explaining the Importance of Groovy script in the Real time scenarios when we are dealing with Cloud Integration. Groovy scripting is an integral and important feature of SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI). The goals of this repository are: Providing templates when you are implementing a new script. Easily finding Groovy functions related....

Here I am just explaining the Importance of Groovy script in the Real time scenarios when we are dealing with Cloud Integration. Groovy scripting is an integral and important feature of SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI). The goals of this repository are: Providing templates when you are implementing a new script. Easily finding Groovy functions related....

As an Integration developer, sometimes you may use same sub-process or process multiple times and sometimes the same subprocess is required to use in another Integration process. For this kind of situations, we can handle via below approach. There may be multiple Integration processes in one single main Integration process (In one Artifact).   Motivation:....

Here I am just explaining the Importance of Groovy script in the Real time scenarios when we are dealing with Cloud Integration. Groovy scripting is an integral and important feature of SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI). The goals of this repository are: Providing templates when you are implementing a new script. Easily finding Groovy functions related....

Here I am just explaining the Importance of Groovy script in the Real time scenarios when we are dealing with Cloud Integration. Groovy scripting is an integral and important feature of SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI). The goals of this repository are: Providing templates when you are implementing a new script. Easily finding Groovy functions related....

Here I am just explaining the Importance of Groovy script in the Real time scenarios when we are dealing with Cloud Integration. Groovy scripting is an integral and important feature of SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI). The goals of this repository are: Providing templates when you are implementing a new script. Easily finding Groovy functions related....

Introduction Here I am just explaining the Importance of Groovy script in the Real time scenarios when we are dealing with Cloud Integration. Groovy scripting is an integral and important feature of SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI). The goals of this repository are: Providing templates when you are implementing a new script. Easily finding Groovy functions....

Use Case: Using Google Workspace SDK to process purchase order information and create a sales order in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.   Prelude: SAP Build Process Automation enables automation of google workspace products such as Gmail, Google drive, Google calendar, Google sheet, Google slides, Google documents and Google cloud storage. In addition to that it has....

Hope you are doing great!! And wishing you a very happy read.   We see that AI is touching almost every corner and helping people in getting their job done easily. Yeah AI is trying to fill the gap of repetitive activities easily and providing helping hands to the users by giving them the exact....

I am writing this post how we can combine AppGyver and SAP CAI together to achieve business goals. Let’s see how AppGyver can help in increasing the productivity in your day-2-day business activities – you can be so close to your relevant information which can improve decision making and off-course a fast way to take....