Log in to the tenant in Responsive UI Go to Visits Select Map view Here there is a option called “Locate Me” on the top right corner of the Map. When clicking on the option nothing happens Cause The Location Services is not enabled in that particular Windows device Resolution Go to “Settings” on your....
Session Handling for Multiple Logon How it works? Log in to Device A with a user id A Now open any record for example, open an Account and try to Edit any data Now go to Device B and log in with the same user id Once you enter the credentials and....
When you create your own analytical objects such as reports or data sources, you may encounter content issues i.e. the content of your report / data source is not the expected result. This blog outlines what checks can be done to find the cause for this, and also what information to provide to the support team....
Q1. How is the similarity score calculated when I enter name fields only? In a first step the Duplicate Check calculates the formatted name (e. g. ‘Microsoft Corp’; ‘Dr. Joe Doe’). This formatted name is compared with the formatted name of each persisted instance. To calculate the similarity of these two formatted names we use....
1. Business Background As a simple business scenario, end customers follow the official WeChat account of a car dealer, and then submit service requests to the dealer via WeChat. The service agents of the dealer could respond to the service requests, and the message will be posted to users in WeChat. In this scenario, the end....
In the previous blog (https://blogs.sap.com/2018/04/11/integrate-your-c4c-with-wechat-1), we have gone through the scenario of external individual customer engagement with C4C WeChat integration. Considering the internal employees of your company can also be WeChat fans, can they benefit from C4C WeChat integration? The answer is yes! Scenario 2 – For Internal Employees Daily work of internal employees who are....
Cloud for Customer (C4C): “Sell Smarter, Anytime, Anywhere with SAP Hybris Sales Cloud.” + “Revolutionize Service with SAP Hybris Service Cloud.” WeChat: “A life style. Smartphone mobile application used by more than one billion people, voice message, videos, photos, texts and group chats.” Have you ever thought of integrate your C4C with WeChat to provide....
Several follow-up scenarios can be setup when you integrate C4C (SAP Cloud for Customer) with your on-premise SAP ERP system. From sales documents created in C4C you have the following options: C4C opportunity => ERP sales quote => ERP sales order C4C opportunity => ERP sales order C4C sales quote => ERP sales order ....
My series of Cloud Application Studio Blogs How to detect EditMode in an Embedded Component Step by step to enable your custom BO with attachment upload functionality Step by step to create an Adobe Print form in Cloud application Studio How to render PDF which displays picture from the image attachment....
No one would want to work on a system that is slow , we understand that there are quite a few times users are facing performance issues and they are reported to SAP via incident Performance being a very vast subject and this can occur because of multiple factors which has different methods for analysis....
Exchange Impersonation allows setting up SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer server-side integration in a way where instead of connecting to user mailboxes using users’ credentials, SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer server-side integration uses single Exchange Service Account to connect to all user mailboxes in the organization. While Exchange Impersonation requires some configuration steps on Exchange....
This blog is about creating custom code list restriction. SAP ships standard code list for certain role codes such as parties e.g. customer, ship to, bill to, owner, payer, etc. Now there are certain scenarios, wherein a special type of restriction is required. For such cases SAP ships code list restrictions for such role code....
SAP cloud for customer (C4C) [renamed to C4 Hana Service Cloud) delivers standard calendars as working calendars and holiday calendars for different regions which needs to be configured in the system. This is a prerequisite for Service Level Agreement (SLA) milestone calculation. Sometime’s certain calendar days are declared as ad hoc holidays which are then needed to be maintained or introduced in....
In this Integrate Your C4C with WeChat series, (https://blogs.sap.com/2018/04/11/integrate-your-c4c-with-wechat-1 and https://blogs.sap.com/2018/04/15/integrate-your-c4c-with-wechat-2), we have gone through the integration scenarios of external individual customer engagement with C4C and internal employee engagement with C4C. In C4C, when managing customer, besides B2C scenario (customers are individual customers), there is also B2B scenario (customers are contacts of corporate accounts). With new features....
Sometimes you can face a dump, error message, inconsistent behavior, etc. when working on offline mode with C4C Extended App. Such events are store on log files, a log file is a file that records either events that occur in the software. Usually the content of this files can be used for technical analysis....
C/4HANA Sales & Service (aka C4C) allows you to modify the ID mapping for different entities such as Materials, Business Partners, etc. This is usually accessed in Work Center Administrator->ID Mapping for Integration. If you are using the ID mapping from Microsoft Excel (top left) feature to import your updated ID mapping entries, it will bring up a....
As an administrator, you can define your company settings that are applicable for all users, or a selected business role. To define the settings, log on as an administrator in the HTML client and navigate to Adapt -> Company Settings. In the Define Settings for field, choose Company, if you want to make....
This blog is about creating custom code list restriction. SAP ships standard code list for certain role codes such as parties e.g. customer, ship to, bill to, owner, payer, etc. Now there are certain scenarios, wherein a special type of restriction is required. For such cases SAP ships code list restrictions for such role code....
SAP cloud for customer (C4C) [renamed to C4 Hana Service Cloud) delivers standard calendars as working calendars and holiday calendars for different regions which needs to be configured in the system. This is a prerequisite for Service Level Agreement (SLA) milestone calculation. Sometime’s certain calendar days are declared as ad hoc holidays which are then needed to be maintained or introduced in....
In this Integrate Your C4C with WeChat series, (https://blogs.sap.com/2018/04/11/integrate-your-c4c-with-wechat-1 and https://blogs.sap.com/2018/04/15/integrate-your-c4c-with-wechat-2), we have gone through the integration scenarios of external individual customer engagement with C4C and internal employee engagement with C4C. In C4C, when managing customer, besides B2C scenario (customers are individual customers), there is also B2B scenario (customers are contacts of corporate accounts). With new features....
Sometimes you can face a dump, error message, inconsistent behavior, etc. when working on offline mode with C4C Extended App. Such events are store on log files, a log file is a file that records either events that occur in the software. Usually the content of this files can be used for technical analysis....
C/4HANA Sales & Service (aka C4C) allows you to modify the ID mapping for different entities such as Materials, Business Partners, etc. This is usually accessed in Work Center Administrator->ID Mapping for Integration. If you are using the ID mapping from Microsoft Excel (top left) feature to import your updated ID mapping entries, it will bring up a....
As an administrator, you can define your company settings that are applicable for all users, or a selected business role. To define the settings, log on as an administrator in the HTML client and navigate to Adapt -> Company Settings. In the Define Settings for field, choose Company, if you want to make....
This blog will give some brief introduction of how C4C’s UI framework works and what is the render process of C4C. As we know SAP C4C’s front client is built based on SAP UI5, but actually how C4C using UI5 have some different from other application. For almost Fiori applications which is based on UI5,....
While updating a Registered Product in C4C from SAP ERP system, inbound web service message fails with below error: – Error Message “Enter a Customer” When Update Registered Product in C4C Replicated From ERP Kindly check the below knowledge document to resolve the issue https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2581810 While replicating a Registered Product in C4C from SAP ERP....
How adaptation is done in HTML5: Log in to HTML5. Click on Adapt. Edit Master Layout or Edit Page layout. The adaptations done here will have effect on HTML5, Responsive UI and Silverlight. Tickets work center view is an exception. How adaptation is done for Tickets work center view for changes to replicate in....
How adaptation is done in HTML5: Log in to HTML5. Click on Adapt. Edit Master Layout or Edit Page layout. The adaptations done here will have effect on HTML5, Responsive UI and Silverlight. Tickets work center view is an exception. How adaptation is done for Tickets work center view for changes to replicate in....
This service provides a procedure to capture the answer/responses from third party system( a native external application) to the C4C Survey. Survey A2A enables the external application to send Asynchronous responses of the survey in the Cloud for Customer system through an external portal (which is part of integrated software system of the business enterprise).....
In the SAP Cloud for Customer solution each phone number is stored in two different representations. There is the single field representation or formatted number where – as the name implies – the whole number is stored in a single field. The UI uses exclusively this representation. There is also the structured representation of the GDT PhoneNumber consisting of the components....
Now you would like to test your changes, but no data is shown on preview. Connecting the XML data of a document will help you in this task. Data is populated in forms with the information from the XML file of the respective BO. Let’s use a Customer Invoice for example. In e.g.....
End to end to performance consists of the time spent in the client (browser/device), the server and the network. Quite a few factors influences performance in terms of client settings, network setup and how you customizations are implemented. The following articles and how-tos will help you run C4C with optimal performance. Performance Analysis Blogs....
In order to further harmonize our support processes and decrease our solving time for critical issues we have introduced a new mandatory step when forwarding urgent incidents to SAP Support. In the upcoming 2102 release of Cloud for Customer it will no longer be possible for key users to forward an incident with priority high or....
(click to zoom) This blog serves as a one-point-reference for all SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer (C4C) integration content, and is updated every release. I am consolidating all the existing resources here, and have introduced a Troubleshooting section. Here, you will find FAQs related to specific topics. Feel free to ask questions on these blogs, as the....
I’m Arthur Hanauer from the Product Support at SAP, I am writing this blog to serve as central information for Status related topics in SAP Cloud for Customer Service Requests (Service Tickets). It all starts when the Service scenario is maintained and scoped in the SAP Cloud for Customer system used, as it....
In this blog we will try to cover aspects on how to execute the new features that are there for release version 2105 for survey, such as attach a survey response summary to a follow up task that is created, so that the sales representative / field executive can attain more insights out of it....
1) What are the Types of Layout? Master – Which will be applied for all the users Page layout – will be applied for users of a business role for which the layout is assigned 2) Who can configure the page layouts? Only key user can configure. 3) Unable to find a field while trying to add in....
SAP Data Workbench (DWB) offers REST APIs that enable customers to import bulk data into SAP Cloud for Customer. It includes the following APIs: DWB Authentication API DWB Template API DWB Import API Purpose Use the SAP Cloud for Customer Data Workbench (DWB) REST API, to import bulk data into SAP....
Background The existing server certificate for domain “*.crm.ondemand.com” is renewed as it is going to expire on Dec 16th, 2022. Scope You will be affected if either of the below scenarios are applicable to you: Your browser does not have DigiCert Certificates. You have an inbound communication integration to your C4C product. Impact....
As part of infrastructure migration, and standard practice for SSL certificates it is recommended to use SAN extension for which your existing *.crm.ondemand.com domain certificate is incorporated with Multi Domain SSL Certificate feature. Scope You will be affected if either of the below scenarios is applicable to you: Your browser does not have DigiCert Certificates. You have an....
One of the most useful features is to be able to allow inbound and outbound calling with SAP Sales & Service Cloud for your contacts and customers. SAP provides a great way of doing this with multiple vendors – (Avaya, Cisco, Genesys as per SAP Help) and this article can show you how to connect....
One of the most useful features is to be able to allow inbound and outbound calling with SAP Sales & Service Cloud for your contacts and customers. SAP provides a great way of doing this with multiple vendors – (Avaya, Cisco, Genesys as per SAP Help) and this article can show you how to connect....
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer extended app has a capability to work in offline mode, without a connection to your backend. The user must do a initial sync to use the app in offline mode. The synchronized data is stored locally in the device. The users can perform the actions in offline mode and can....
The following blog has the goal of providing a clearer understanding on how to update marketing permissions using the Data Workbench tool, both to add a new permission (for example, to a different channel) and to change an existing permission. The marketing permission is the configuration of a business partner’s stance on being sent marketing....
As an administrator, you can broadcast reports and dashboards by e-mail. It enables business users to analyze report data without necessarily having to log on to the system and navigate to the report. This blog will help you to understand how to create a broadcast and some broadcast options. Create a Broadcast Let’s imagine a....
It is a usual practice to periodically copy all the data from a production system to a test system for setting up a demo system, test system or a training system. In case of SAP Business suite system customers copy their production system to a test system using for example system copy and in case....
Usually the first thing comes to mind when facing an unexpected behaviour while working with SAP Cloud for Customer is to open a case to SAP Support. However, sometimes this situation could be a more straightforward error or a simple behaviour confirmation. Those incidents are going to go through the whole case lifecycle and it....
Sometimes you can face an error message, inconsistent behavior, sync errors, etc. when working on Outlook Add-In. Such events are store on log files, a log file is a file that records either events that occur in the software. Usually the content of this files can be used for technical analysis like in SAP....
The goal of this blog post is to introduce the following updates on payment medium files downloaded from the Manage Payment Media app: viewing hash algorithm and hash value defining custom naming rule Based on the best practice experience, I’ll describe the step-by-step process of how to define custom naming rule for payment medium files with an example.....
In this blog post,we are going to see how to send a Odata Batch Request to the SAP Cloud for Customer system using POSTMAN Tool. Answers to expect from this post? How to use batch request in the POSTMAN Tool What all are the Pre-requisites needs to be done before making a batch call.....
FAQ’s on security session restriction for ODATA calls This document contains FAQs with respect to the change done all OData APIs to optimize security session handling thereby helping the stability and performance. To know more about the change, refer to https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/3339155 Does this change impacts the integrations which use x-csrf-token that is sent in the request....
I’m Arthur Hanauer from the SAP Product Support team. I’m writing this blog to provide a general overview on how a custom MIME header would be set up for email servers, as this is something that may be needed when you are using different email approach’s, specially when working with the SAP Cloud for Customer....
This blog post will explain the process of setting up a phone and chat channel in the Agent Console Add-On, provide visual examples of incoming and outgoing calls and chats, some important points to keep in mind during this integration. This integration eliminates the need for agents to switch between different applications, saving them time....
Intelligent Case Manager on Service Cloud V2 provides a flexible framework for adapting service processes to customer-specific requirements. With ML, you can access information at the tip of your fingers. As a result of this powerful combination, service centers are able to increase efficiency and flexibility during the service process. Introduction to Intelligent Case Management....
The goal of this blog post is to introduce the following updates on payment medium files downloaded from the Manage Payment Media app: viewing hash algorithm and hash value defining custom naming rule Based on the best practice experience, I’ll describe the step-by-step process of how to define custom naming rule for payment medium files with an example. Content....
In this blog post, we will look at the history of Intelligent Sales Add-On, followed by the features available. Then we’ll look at the prerequisites for enabling Intelligent Sales Execution in our C4C tenants. ISE_History Let’s look at how Intelligent Sales Add-On has evolved over time. Connor Murphy and Ray Smith founded Data Hug Limited....
One of the most useful features is to be able to allow inbound and outbound calling with SAP Sales & Service Cloud for your contacts and customers. SAP provides a great way of doing this with multiple vendors – (Avaya, Cisco, Genesys as per SAP Help) and this article can show you how to connect....
One of the most useful features is to be able to allow inbound and outbound calling with SAP Sales & Service Cloud for your contacts and customers. SAP provides a great way of doing this with multiple vendors – (Avaya, Cisco, Genesys as per SAP Help) and this article can show you how to connect....
Como administrador, você pode alterar aplicativos para sua própria terminologia e realizar a tradução para outros idiomas por centros de trabalho de aplicativos. Por exemplo, utilizando centro de trabalho “Clientes”, você pode alterar o campo de nome “External ID” para “ID do Cliente”. Existe duas alternativas para realizar a tradução / adaptação de idiomas. Nas....
Background The existing server certificate for domain “*.crm.ondemand.com” is renewed as it is going to expire on Dec 16th, 2022. Scope You will be affected if either of the below scenarios are applicable to you: Your browser does not have DigiCert Certificates. You have an inbound communication integration to your C4C product. Impact The SSL....
Background As part of infrastructure migration, and standard practice for SSL certificates it is recommended to use SAN extension for which your existing *.crm.ondemand.com domain certificate is incorporated with Multi Domain SSL Certificate feature. Scope You will be affected if either of the below scenarios is applicable to you: Your browser does not have DigiCert Certificates. You have an....
The 2202 release (February 2022) for SAP Cloud for Customer is nearly ready to be deployed. We will adding the release webcast related information and assets here in our community. This will allow you to access the on-demand recordings, slide decks and also keep the conversation alive. 2202 Release Briefing for SAP Sales Cloud & SAP....
What is AppGyver ? The world’s first professional no-code platform, enabling you to build apps for all form factors. AppGyver Composer Pro is the best no-code, drag&drop app development environment I’ve seen. It allows you to create both web and mobile apps for Android (even Android TV) and iOS, packs tons of flexibility, and offers most....
What is Mendix ? Mendix is an American low-code software platform company that provides tools to build, test, deploy and iterate applications.. It allows you to create both web and mobile apps for Android (even Android TV) and iOS, packs tons of flexibility, and offers most of the best features Business Use Case ‘Telporter’ is....