Greetings From Mahendrakumar D.P. If you face same problem mentioned below in SAP 10.0 FP2111 while Connecting your Add-on Source Code to SAP B1 then Open Your Visual Studio 2022 or any other version, you are using in Run as an Administrator Mode. Error: “Connection – Could not find SBO that match the connection string....

Este blog es una traducción al español del blog publicado por Clodagh Walls en Junio 10,2021: En este blog me gustaría cubrir algunos puntos de claves para configurar de forma exitosa el Servicio del SBO Mailer en SAP Business One. Estos se encuentran basados en preguntas que los Partners nos han hecho al equipo....

Este blog es una traducción del blog publicado por Relle Chen  en Sep 10,2021: En este blog queremos mostrarle algunos consejos útiles de experiencias reales cuando se correo el asistente de migración para bases de datos grandes. Revisaremos los siguientes temas: Preparación de la base de datos, Definición de las parametrizaciones de rendimiento y, por....

If We Restart SUSE Linux Server We need to Restart Our SAP B1 Server tools and b1s Service also. For the same kindly follow the following steps 1. Take Remote Desktop of Linux Server – Right Click on Desktop –> Open Terminal 1. su – ndbadm Path will be displayed — Of HDB ./HDB stop....

Greetings For the Day !!! Kindly find following code to Update Records in UDO (User Defined Objects) in SAP Business One 10.0 through SAP B1 GeneralService. SAPbobsCOM.GeneralService oGeneralService; SAPbobsCOM.GeneralData oGeneralData; SAPbobsCOM.GeneralDataParams oGeneralParams; SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService sCmp; sCmp = Main.Mahi_Company.GetCompanyService(); oGeneralService = sCmp.GetGeneralService("Enquiry"); //User Defined Object oGeneralParams = oGeneralService.GetDataInterface(SAPbobsCOM.GeneralServiceDataInterfaces.gsGeneralDataParams); oGeneralParams.SetProperty("DocEntry", DocEntry); oGeneralData = oGeneralService.GetByParams(oGeneralParams); oGeneralData.SetProperty("U_CardCode", CardCode); //User Defined....

If you are facing SLD issue kindly follow the following steps to resolve the above mentioned error.   1. Rename SAP** Folder C:Users(your user)Local SettingsApplication Data (or AppData)SAP 2.Start ‘SAP Business One Server Tools Service’ From Services 3.Make Sure ‘C:Program Files (x86)SAPSAP Business OneConfb1-local-machine.xml’ IP Address Mentioned here correct one or Server Name. 4.Verify the....

Consider we have Main User Defined Object named “Mahi_H” and It’s child table is “Mahi_D1”. If You want to Add / Updated records in Child table “Mahi_D1”. We can do using SAP B1 General Service as follows.   SAPbobsCOM.GeneralService oGeneralService = null; SAPbobsCOM.GeneralData oGeneralData = null; SAPbobsCOM.GeneralDataParams oGeneralParams = null; SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService sCmp = null; SAPbobsCOM.GeneralData....

Hello Team, Greetings for the day !!! If You want to increase your SAP Business One Add-on Performance you can do programming like this to fetch data from System Forms.   oForm = Main.Mahi_Application.Forms.GetForm("149", 1); System.Xml.XmlDocument oXml = null; oXml = new XmlDocument(); oXml.LoadXml(BusinessObjectInfo.ObjectKey); MainQutDocE = oXml.SelectSingleNode("/DocumentParams/DocEntry").InnerText;   Thanks, Mahendrakumar