I am Monica Elam Parithi, a Senior SAP Consultant working in SAC and ByD. In this article, I would like to provide comprehensive insights into the “Input Task” in SAC. We will generate an Input Task rather than share the version with each responsible member and risk getting out of track. In most cases, we....

SAP Extended Planning and Analysis (xP&A) can bring your people and plans together to increase agility and performance. But what does xP&A really mean? As Gartner have summarised: “Cloud xP&A consists of financial planning and analysis (FP&A) and multiple packaged operational planning solutions delivered on a single integrated, composable, data-harmonized vendor platform. It “extends” traditional FP&A solutions....

The purpose of this blog is to showcase the usage of a multidimensional array with the SAC Analytics Designer scripting APIs. More specifically, in relation to calendar tasks as here the built-in functionalities were lackluster to me. The greater context is to retrieve information of calendar tasks for the current planning cycle ordered by the....

I’m S.Sreejith and I’m a Financial Planning Consultant at Applexus Technologies.   The SAP Analytics Cloud’s allocations feature is a useful tool for businesses to allocate values gathered on one object to a number of other receiving objects depending on a driver. What instructs the system on how much of the collected value to allocate....

Learn how a SAC Planning model can be populated with data coming from custom calculations or Machine Learning. We describe this concept in a series of three blogs: Accessing planning data with SAP Datasphere Create a simple planning model in SAC Make the planning data available in SAP Datasphere, so that it can be used....

Integrated Financial Planning is a comprehensive content package for SAP Analytics Cloud that covers planning of operating expenses, product costs, sales and profitability, CAPEX, and financial statement. With the CAPEX module, capital expenses are planned on an aggregated level, not on single investment projects. Therefore, depreciations only can be taken into account on a global level....

For all those who are in a hurry, this picture might explain everything: Comments on BW/BPC live connections in QRC2.2023 All those who are interested in a little more information we would like to invite to continue reading to find out the details of this exciting new feature…   Introduction In many reporting or planning....

The aim of this blog post is to in a simple way explain the underlaying mechanisms which Time series forecasting in SAP Analytics Cloud is built upon. We will explore the mathematical ideas and the number-crunching that allows Smart Predict to estimate everything from fashion trends to your company’s future revenue. This is the third....

This blog post is mainly focused on workaround (as far as I know the only one at the moment) to the main problem we encounter in our latest SAC implementation – invalid data combination. We found out that defined validation rules do not restrict displayed combination of dimension automatically. Of course, you can edit plan....

SAP Custom Widget Currency Widget is a powerful tool that displays real-time currency conversion rates between two currencies. It can be used in SAP applications to enhance user experience by providing quick access to currency conversion information. In this tutorial, we will go through the installation process and various methods that can be used with....

While creating Plans and Budgets or analysing data over months, Year-to-Date and Quarter-to-Date are very useful measures that can provide different views of the data and insights. BPC as a standalone tool provides these measures out of the box and can be customised with ACCOUNT dimension depending on the ACCTYPE. It will also help provide....

In wave 2023.06, Data Actions (DA) and Multi Actions (MA) will be integrated into the file repository. This 2-part blog series will elaborate on the changes and provide answers to some common questions. Part 1 focuses on the changes in permission setting and the migration, while part 2 provides helpful hints and a list of FAQs. Part....

In the first part of the blog we have seen the changes introduced with the file repository integration of Data Action (DA) and Multi Action (MA). this second part we will have at look at the permission setups required in different areas and the FAQs. Part II Content: Helpful Hints Required Permissions for DA/MA and Related Artifacts....

The SAP Widget package is a Node.js module designed to help developers create and use SAP widgets in their applications. With this package, developers can easily create, configure and use SAP widgets, and export them to various platforms, such as SAP Launchpad, SharePoint, and others. In this tutorial, we will cover the steps required to....

This is part of a series on exploring the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) data export API. When the series is complete, it will also be available as a single tutorial mission. We’ve taken a tour of SAC’s Model Export API, began constructing our Python API wrapper and added support for extracting model metadata and master data from the tenant. Now we....

The standard viewing mode of all SAC stories are the dropdown menu – and users have to go to the “Display” menu to change this to “Tab bar” In 2022 SAP provided a function, where the Administrator could select which viewing mode is preferred for all stories on the platform, this is done by going....

SAP Analytics Cloud分析云支持连接本地和云端的多种数据源,并提供了数据实时连接和数据获取两种连接方式。 SAC分析云数据连接配置是SAC项目最基础的配置操作,经常有客户在SAC系统开通之后,想知道如何配置SAC与现有系统的连接,技术设置应该如何一步一步的做。虽然在线帮助文档提供了相关的配置方法,但由于各种原因,客户和合作伙伴在配置数据连接时,还会经常碰到一些问题。 为此,SAP BTP售前团队对项目中常用的几种数据源及不同的数据连接方式,整理了一套中文版的《SAP分析云数据连接配置指南》,内容包括了BW/4HANA、HANA、S/4HANA、SQL数据库及云平台等多种数据源的不同连接配置方式。 本套文档结合了售前团队的数据连接配置经验,并整合了SAP在线帮助文档和相关Note的内容。希望为客户和合作伙伴提供一个全面、清晰的SAC数据连接配置指南,能够给客户和合作伙伴带来帮助,推动SAC分析云的应用和落地。 说明:本套文档非官方文档,且由于SAP Analytics Cloud产品不断更新,文档中个别内容如有与最新SAP在线帮助文档不一致之处,还请以最新SAP在线帮助文档为准。 数据连接配置文档请从以下链接下载: SAC分析云数据连接配置指南

In 2022, SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) added an OData (Open Data Protocol) API for exporting fact data and master data from a model. This is a departure from the classic data export approach in SAC. Previously, the only strategy for exporting data was for SAC to connect to the data import API of the remote system and....

This blog aims to illustrate Waterfall Chart configurations based on different model configurations. Depending on your configuration options (measures or account-type model, dimensions analysis, etc.) the retrieval of your data can dramatically change in the Waterfall Chart. If you have no Account dimension, you can use multiple measures in the Waterfall Chart. If you have....

This is part of a series on exploring the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) data export API.  When the series is complete, it will also be available as a single tutorial mission. Before you can use SAC’s data export API, there is a little bit of housekeeping that needs to be done. Specifically, app integration for the consuming....

This is part of a series on exploring the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) data export API. When the series is complete, it will also be available as a single tutorial mission. We’ve configured our SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) tenant to accommodate an application. Now we’ll assume the mantle of that app and explore the export API. I’ll assume that....

This is part of a series on exploring the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) data export API. When the series is complete, it will also be available as a single tutorial mission. Now that we’ve taken a tour of SAC’s Model Export API, we can begin constructing a Python wrapper to consume it, in Python application, without having....

This is part of a series on exploring the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) data export API. When the series is complete, it will also be available as a single tutorial mission.  The completed export API wrapper can be found on github. We’ve taken a tour of SAC’s Model Export API and began constructing our Python API wrapper. We’ve marked out....

Using a planning enabled SAC model, users can comment on data – typically this done by clicking on a table and accessing the contextual menu to add a data point comment. From a UX/UI perspective this got me thinking that there must be a more obvious way for users to read/add comments – particularly if....

Cumulative sum, running total, accumulative sum, running sum… Yes, we have many ways to call this calculation: A summation of a sequence of numbers across a certain period or dimension. No matter the name, it always gives us a headache: You have many ways to calculate it but it seems you can never fit your....

This blog is co-created with my colleague Charlotte BURNIER, Planning Expert. This blog illustrates the step-by-step details of automating the row addition with calculations for tables in SAC for HXM Data collection and the process of adding new dimension member combinations to users. 1. Requirement: As a HXM customer, you need to Plan for the coming....

The legacy VDT will be, after co-existing with the new VDT in stories for some time, deprecated in SAP Analytics Cloud. The planned deprecation timeline will be as follow: Legacy VDT: 2022 QRC4: Can be opened, viewed, and executed in VDT designer Can no longer be created, copied, or edited, but will remain functional in....

SAP Analytics Cloud(SAP分析云,简称SAC)作为SAP全新一代的战略绩效云平台,其不仅仅只是传统的BI商务智能分析,而是整合了“商务分析”、“智能预测”、“全面预算”为一体的全新数据应用与分析的一体化平台,它既能支持业务用户进行敏捷自助化的数据分析,也能支持技术用户设计复杂的应用场景。 SAC为用户提供了“敏捷可视化”、“决策推演”、“预算编制”、“智能预测”、“专业分析应用”以及“数字董事会”等强大的功能。同时SAC也提供了多种数据连接方式,支持不同数据源的连接,支持便捷的数据处理和数据建模。SAC预置了强大的系统管理功能,支持细化到单元格的权限管理,支持用户对系统使用情况、报告访问情况、报告加载效率等进行监控和分析,以提供端到端的DevOps解决方案。 SAC于2017年落地中国,五年来,随着SAC在国内的快速发展,很多企业已经采用了SAC作为其企业级的分析平台,赋能国内的千行百业。 在SAC产品落地中国的过程中,我们国内的客户、合作伙伴都希望对SAC有更加深入、更加全面的了解。为此,SAP BTP售前团队结合SAC的应用场景和技术特点,整理了一套中文版的《SAP分析云操作培训文档》,内容涉及SAC总览、模型构建、BI分析、计划预算、分析应用、智能预测、数据连接和系统管理等多个方面。 我们希望这样一套贴近实战的操作培训文档能够为客户和合作伙伴带来实实在在的技术收益,为推动SAC分析云在中国的应用提供些许助力,也欢迎大家针对文档中的错误和纰漏提出宝贵的意见和建议。   操作培训的材料请从以下链接下载(因SAC系统不断更新,本系列文档个别内容如有与最新SAP在线帮助文档不一致之处,请以最新SAP在线帮助文档为准)。 1、 SAC 分析云操作培训_总览 2、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附1_构建模型 3、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附2_BI分析 4、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附3_计划预算 5、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附4_分析应用 6、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附5_智能预测 7、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附6_数据连接 8、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附7_系统管理

This Blog Post is written by Filippo Naggi, I’m an SAP Solution Architect working with both BPC and SAC. With this article, I would like to deep dive into the SAC Currency Conversion standard framework. We will simulate how the Currency Rate can affect a Stock portfolio. The solution is entirely no code, all the....

this is Filippo, I’m SAP Planning Solution Architect and I worked with both BPC and SAC.   In this blog, I would like to show a basic data action: how to calculate the Volume measure percentage under all Hierarchy levels in a Product dimension inside SAP Analytics Cloud. Let’s start with the model:   The....

Author: Geetha Madhuri Bobbili LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geetha-madhuri-bobbili-971268184/ Introduction: We can use the ” Export to PDF“ component and its script APIs to export an analytic application to a PDF file. By default, the export settings we defined in the Export to PDF panel cannot be modified during the application run time by the users. In this example, to offer application users the....

With the Q3 QRC 2022 release of SAP Analytics Cloud, we delivered additional sample content to help you on your accessibility journey. In addition to the high-contrast stories and templates that have been available for a while, we added an analytic application and two themes that show you how to style analytic application elements dynamically....

Dear customers and partners, When encountering performances issues, what can you do before contacting the support of SAP or your Customer Success Partner? Start by checking your local PC resources, your network speed, number of Chrome extensions and set power mode on battery on “best performance” for more detailed information see System Requirements and Technical Prerequisites....

はじめに 本ブログでは、SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) とSAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) の双方向のデータ連携の方法を記載します。 DWCのデータをSACで分析するには、SACから直接DWCへライブ接続でデータ活用行うことができ、ここではモデルのセマンティクスなども連携されるため分析シナリオでは最適な組み合わせとなります。 一方、SACの計画機能を利用する際はSACにデータをインポートする必要があり、2022年9月時点ではDWCのAPI(※)を利用してDWCからSACにデータ連携することが可能です。(ヘルプ、下図の青線) ※本APIは2022年9月時点では制限付きリリースとなっており、いくつかの制約がある点ご留意ください。詳細はSAPノート3199078をご参照ください。今後のリリース予定はロードマップをご参照ください。 正式リリースとなり、制約が取り払われました!(2022年9月下旬) 更に、SACの計画機能で更新されたデータをDWCに連携する際は、こちらも2022年6月時点ではSACの公開APIを利用してSACからDWCにデータを連携することが可能です。(ヘルプ、下図の赤線) 本ブログのPart1ではDWCからSACへのデータ連携(青線)を説明し、Part2ではSACからDWCへのデータ連携(赤線)を説明します。 図1. SACとDWCのデータExport&Import連携 本ブログを作成した2022年6月時点では上記のような方法での連携となりますが、今後段階的にSACとDWCの統合が進み、2022年Q4時点ではデータモデルおよびカタログの統合が予定され、更に2023年にはSACとDWCのデータ基盤が完全に統合される予定です。 図2. SACとDWCの機能統合ロードマップ   本ブログのシナリオ 本ブログでは、「触ってみよう!SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning」で使用しているモデル、データを利用してご説明します。 大まかな流れは以下の通りです。 図3. 本ブログのシナリオ概要 S/4HANAなどから実績データをDWCに連携する。(本ブログの対象外) DWCの実績データをSACの計画モデルに連携する。(本ブログPart1でデータ連携方法説明) 計画データを入力、公開する(本ブログの対象外、触ってみよう!ブログでご紹介) SACの計画モデルを参照する計画テーブル(仮想)をDWCに作成し、これをもとに予実対比のビューを作成し、予実分析を行う(本ブログPart2でデータ連携方法説明) では、早速本題に入っていきましょう。   DWCのデータをSACのモデルに連携する方法 手順概要 DWCからSACへのデータ連携は、以下のような手順で進みます。 DWCでOAuthクライアントを登録 SACでODataサービス接続を作成 SACでデータをインポート   1. DWCでOAuthクライアントを登録 まず、DWCでSACへのデータ抽出用のOAuthクライアントの登録を行います。 SAC側作業 まず、SACの「リダイレクトURI」を取得するために、SACで新しいOdataサービス接続を作成します。SACで「接続」に遷移し「+」ボタンを押下します。 図4. [SAC] 新しい接続の作成 データソースの選択で「ODataサービス」を選択します。 図5.....

本ブログでは、SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) とSAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) の双方向のデータ連携の方法を記載します。 Part1ではDWCからSACへのデータ連携(青線)を説明しました。本ブログPart2ではSACからDWCへのデータ連携(赤線)を説明します。 図1. SACとDWCのデータExport&Import連携 本ブログを作成した2022年9月時点では上記のような方法での連携となりますが、今後段階的にSACとDWCの統合が進み、2022年Q4時点ではデータモデルおよびカタログの統合が予定され、2023年にはSACとDWCのデータ基盤が完全に統合される予定です。 図2. SACとDWCの機能統合ロードマップ   本ブログのシナリオ 本ブログでは、「触ってみよう!SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning」で使用しているモデル、データを利用してご説明します。 大まかな流れは以下の通りです。 図3. 本ブログのシナリオ概要 S/4HANAなどから実績データをDWCに連携する。(本ブログの対象外) DWCの実績データをSACの計画モデルに連携する。(本ブログPart1でデータ連携方法説明) 計画データを入力、公開する(本ブログの対象外、触ってみよう!ブログでご紹介) SACの計画モデルを参照する計画テーブル(仮想)をDWCに作成し、これをもとに予実対比のビューを作成し、予実分析を行う。(本ブログPart2でデータ連携方法説明) では、早速本題に入っていきましょう。   SACのデータをDWCに連携する方法 手順概要 DWCからSACへのデータ連携は、以下のような手順で進みます。 SACでOAuthクライアントを登録 DWCでクラウドデータ統合接続(CDI接続)を作成 DWCでリモートテーブルをインポート、ビューを作成   1.  SACでOAuthクライアントを登録 まず、SACにてOAuthクライアントを登録します。(Part1ではDWC側にOAuthクライアントを登録しました。) SACの「システム」→「管理」→「アプリ統合」に遷移し、「OAuthクライアント」より「新規OAuthクラ案とを追加」を押下します。(ここのトークンURLは後程使用します) 図1. [SAC] 新規OAuthクライアント追加 以下の項目を入力・選択し、「追加」を押下します。 名称:任意の名前 目的:「インタラクティブ用途及びAPIアクセス」を選択 アクセス:「データエクスポートサービス」を選択   図2. [SAC] 新規OAuthクライアント設定 OAuthクライアントが追加されました。この後DWCにて「OAuthクライアントID」と「シークレット」を使用します。....

We built a planning application in SAP Analytics Cloud using SAP BPC Live Connection. The requirement was for the users to be able to load the actuals data in the BPC System from the application and also get a real time status whether the data load got completed. Since we have the Planning trigger in....

This blog is complementary to the blogs of my colleague Manivannan Pachiyappan, SuccessFactor Expert. His first blog explains in details how to connect both applications SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP SuccessFactors (HCM): Connection and Automatic User Sync, Detailed Illustration | SAP Blogs And the second SAP Analytics Cloud Planning with SAP SuccessFactors (HCM): Step by Step Illustrations....

This blog illustrates from SuccessFactors standpoint how to create an optimized Planning model in SAP Analytics Cloud. When you design your SAC Planning model, you create dimensions for data collection and retrieval purposes. We, currently, witness customers and partners who create for each table of their SuccessFactors query a corresponding dimension in the SAP Analytics....

In one of my prior blogs I’ve contemplated the question “What-if” using a simplistic example of my past houseplant business. It served as an introduction to the great things a Value Driver Tree (VDT) can do to visualize and formulate driver based analysis with What-if questions. What-if is however a question that never really lets you go,....

A while ago we rolled out the optimized table presentation for SAP Analytics Cloud and for a year it has been the default for any new table added to your stories. Many of you however have not updated your older tables to use the optimized presentation. Since we do not want you to miss out,....

This blog post will demonstrate how to pass parameters between two analytics application. Two kind of parameters will be discussed Passing data source filter values across applications Passing constant value  – which can be numeric constant to be leveraged for calculations Or values like SAC Calendar Task Id or user name, values that do not....

While part 1 of this FAQ series deals with basic questions regarding the handling of versions in SAP Analytics Cloud, this second part here aims to tackle questions often faced by administrators and power users when dealing with versions within the context of security checks, data action and version size control: What kind of security checks governs....

Power BI has Decomposition Tree Graph. It is very good for helping business users to do their Data Analysis. How’s in SAC? This article is to describe the using of Collapsible Tree having close functionality to Decomposition Tree Graph in SAC.   Table Contents: Introduction Collapsible Tree Features Setup Collapsible Tree R-Visualization in Analytic Application....

In this article, I would like to describe the use of the SAP Analytics Cloud within Office 365. Even though the web browser is the central strategic user interface of SAP Analytics Cloud, Microsoft Excel can be used very well with the SAP Analytics Cloud Microsoft Excel Add-in for data analysis and planning.   Problem....

An OData API has been developed to allow SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) to acquire Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) data. Acquisition of data within SAC is often required for SAC Planning scenarios. Consumption of this API by 3rd party tools is also planned, but not available with the initial release. The DWC OData API was made available in Data Warehouse Cloud....

It is key that any derived insight can be turned into an action, because without any alternate action the insight brings no value. This is what makes the SAP Analytics Cloud platform so valuable, as it combines derived insight from business intelligence with resource allocation in planning as a form of strategic decision making.  ....

随着人类社会的进步,世界能源消费总量迅速扩大,能源安全和环境保护问题已引起全球关注。与社会各界共同探讨切实可行的碳减排战略至关重要。作为最早签署《巴黎协定》的国家之一,中国致力于积极应对气候变化,但中国仍然是世界上最大的能源消费国和碳排放国,并呈上升趋势。尽管中国政府制定了一系列总体减排目标,但交通运输等高碳排放行业仍面临着严峻的减排挑战。为了实现碳达峰、碳中和目标,我们需要关注碳排放量的变动,准确、提前地对其进行预测,以便指导未来的碳减排工作。本文将利用SAP 分析云的计划预测功能,研究影响中国碳排放量的主要因素,并根据这些因素预测相应的碳排放值。  在本文中,您将学习到:  如何基于历史碳排放数据,构建一个计划模型,为碳排放预测做准备;  如何在利用“影响因素”功能进行时间序列预测并进一步优化预测结果;  如何在不同的政策环境和变量假设下进行“what-if”预测模拟。 场景和数据 本文使用中国各省(直辖市,除西藏及港澳台)的碳排放量及宏观经济数据,其中包括中国各省(直辖市,除西藏及港澳台)1998-2019年的数据。数据包括许多可能会对碳排放产生影响的自变量,包括第一、第二和第三产业GDP、城镇化比率、出口总额、公路里程、火力发电总量、人口等19个自变量。本文使用这些数据构建了一个计划模型,用以对2020-2025年碳排放量进行时间序列预测。 我们想得到未来6年的预测。但我们无法对未来的自变量值给出准确的值。此时我们需要假设不同的未来政策方向和背景,对自变量进行假设,我们将这种方法称为场景分析(Scenario Analysis),它考虑了不同发展模式下各种影响因素的变化,以及这种变化对于预测目标的影响,而不是简单地忽略政策变化的影响。结合碳排放预测的研究,我们将场景分为三类:高速发展模式(High Growth Mode, HGM)、基线模式(Baseline Mode, BM)以及可持续发展模式(Sustainable Growth Mode, SGM)。在BM场景下,经济、社会和能源的发展通常应根据国家宏观计划进行,这将作为其他情景的基准。HGM场景模拟了中国将继续高速经济发展道路,而相对忽视能源转型的情况。SGM 场景正好相反,中国将更加重视可持续发展模式下的节能技术和低碳转型研究,并在经济适度增长的情况下有效控制化石燃料消耗。  数据导入和计划模型构建 首先我们需要构建计划模型,以支持后续的预测方案工作。在本文中,我们利用现有csv数据文件,将其导入到计划模型中。如下图所示: 导入数据文件后,点击“启用计划”,并选择“年份”为计划日期维,创建模型。如下图所示: 此时完成计划模型的创建,下面我们将基于计划模型创建预测方案,建立碳排放的预测模型。 预测模型建立 我们经常使用“时间序列预测”功能来寻找一些因变量的演变规律,从而生成可以用以预测未来数值的预测模型。时间序列预测可以帮助帮助用户理解,这些因变量的变化是否存在某种规律,以及他们在某个特定月份是否倾向于更低的值(周期性分析)。在一些情况下,被预测的因变量只和时间相关,因此仅依靠该因变量的历史值即可实现准确的预测。但有时,我们要预测的值不仅取决于时间,还与其他外部因素相关。例如,碳排放量可能还与火力发电总量有关,因为火力发电主要依靠煤炭燃烧,产生大量的二氧化碳气体,增加了该省份的碳排放量。  因此,在 SAP 分析云中,我们可以将“影响因素”功能引入到时间序列预测模型中,使得时间序列模型的生成过程中,不仅可以基于历史值,更可以将其他外部影响因素的影响纳入模型的学习范围,从而生成更准确的预测值。下面我们将向您展示如何使用“影响因素”功能,以从碳排放数据中获得更多见解,并提高预测的准确性。 基线预测模型 让我们创建一个“基线”预测模型,在不使用影响因素的情况下预测碳排放量。我们将在 2018 年之后预测 1 个预测点(2019年),并从21年(1998-2018)的历史数据中学习,以预测2019年的碳排放量,并以“地区”列为实体,即对每个省份(直辖市)分别进行预测,见下图。 如下图所示,我们配置一个观测项时段,时段大小为21年,截至2018年。  如下图所示,目前我们不添加任何的影响因素。  对预测模型进行训练后,我们可以在预测建模报告中得到以下结论(如图所示):  预测的绝对平均误差为4.88%;  不同的省份(直辖市)预测结果不同,预测报告中列出了最佳实体和最差实体;  在解读中可以选择不同实体(省份),获取不同的预测结果。 预测结果显示碳排放量某种程度上是与时间相关的。但我们想要引入其他的影响因素,观察是否能获得更好的结果。我们利用“影响因素”功能,来验证是否存在这种相关性。  利用影响因素改进预测模型 我们希望保留基线模型作为参考,并对改进的预测模型使用相同的设置,所以让我们使用“克隆”功能。 打开新创建的预测模型,向下滚动至设置的“影响因素”部分。让我们通过添加以下影响因素并训练预测模型来验证我们关于宏观经济变量对碳排放量产生影响的假设:  一个时间序列预测模型最多可以添加20个影响因素。影响因素是计划模型(账户、度量等)的数值,这可能有助于预测目标。模型训练完成后,在预测建模报告中,我们得到以下几点结论:  预测的绝对平均误差为4.53%,相较于不加入影响因素,模型拟合效果提高;  最佳实体和最差实体发生了变化,例如未添加影响因素时,上海的预测结果较差,但加入影响因素后,上海的预测结果得到了提高,这说明上海的碳排放量更多取决于宏观经济; 对于上海市来说,对碳排放量产生影响较大的变量是火力发电、人口以及水泥生产。  由于预测实体过多,后续的假设模拟我们将以上海为例,为读者展示后续的工作流程,其他省份(直辖市)同理。  为了了解模型的“真实”准确性,我们需要查看水平周期的准确性。通过放大预测与实际的可视化结果,我们可以看到,对于上海市,当使用影响因素时,预测序列更接近实际时间序列: 使用影响因素的时间序列预测分析 不使用影响因素的时间序列预测分析 进一步,我们只利用上述三个影响因素再一次进行预测,观察预测模型拟合效果是否更优。如下图所示:   模型训练完成后,在预测建模报告中,我们得到以下几点结论:  预测的绝对平均误差为4.09%,相较于加入所有的影响因素,模型拟合效果提高;  最优实体与最差实体再一次产生变化;  各个实体的模型拟合结果均优化。 我们在设置中选择的一些影响因素没有出现在列表中。预测模型只保留“有用”的影响因素。它评估每个影响因素将为模型带来多少额外性能,只保留那些带来足够额外准确性的性能。因此,重要的是要理解,如果一个影响因素没有显著提高预测精度,那么就不可能强迫预测模型使用该影响因素。  接下来,我们将利用这三个影响因素,基于不同的政策场景,进行假设模拟,对未来碳排放量进行预测,并观察在不同的发展模式或政策场景下,碳排放量变化的差异。  假设模拟 我们在之前的文章中介绍过有关假设模拟的概念以及相关知识,在阅读该部分之前,您可以点击链接跳转至先前的文章,做初步的了解。  在上一部分,我们对HGM、BM和SGM三种场景进行了介绍和定义。每个模拟场景都将表示为一个计划版本,因此我们需要创建3个私有版本。但要创建这些版本,我们需要考虑SAP....

I’ve written a bunch of Sample Scripts, in Postman, that demonstrate how the ‘export data’ API retrieves data from models stored inside SAP Analytics Cloud. These samples are now available. This blog first takes a step back and provides an overview of other means and ways to extract data before then introducing the sample scripts....

Hello fellow SAC Fanatics, This Blog Post was written by Sebastian Rodriguez and coauthored by Filippo Naggi from NIMBL Finance Practice, SAP Analytics Cloud F1 channel.   We’d like to display the differences between the Overwrite and Append Data Action Option in SAP Analytics Cloud. To do this we have created a copy Data Action.....

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Last year SAC introduced the new model type as successor of the classic account model. The new model brings together the measure based and the account based approach. When you create a new model there are two basic decisions that you need to take: Use/Not use the account dimension Define the structure priority between measure....

Hello fellow SAC Fanatics, This Blog Post was written by Filippo Naggi from NIMBL Finance Practice, SAP Analytics Cloud F1 channel.   This weekend I will travel to Orlando,Florida with my friend Alessio, a fellow SAP BPC Master, to enjoy the Florida sunshine, the Ocean and the amazing attractions of the Disney Hollywood Studio amusement....

Introduction With QRC2.2022, we are making the new SAP Analytics Cloud Data Export Service (DES) available to  all SAP Analytics Cloud customers. In a nutshell, this is a generic OData-based pull API that can be triggered from other applications and platforms, including 3rd party. There is no dedicated UI for this functionality as the API simply....

In this blog post I will show how we can configure the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Data Export API to access SAC planning data and integrate it with Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) and SAP Data Intelligence (DI). The API provides OData and Cloud Data Integration (CDI) access for great integration with DWC and DI. CDI....

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But sometime we need to add items in Dropdown dynamically, so for this we need to write a code, follow the bellow step to add items to dropdown dynamically. Create Dropdrown First add new fresh dropdown from insert tab, and for example your dropdown name is Dropdown_1. Create Planning_Model Create Planning model shown in image, then....

For the past release dates in 2021, please see this Blog Post. You can find our recent release highlights on the page  https://www.sap.com/products/cloud-analytics/features/release-highlights.html  to explore new features, functions, and highlights. Planned enhancements in SAP Analytics Cloud for 2022 are available on the Road Map page. SAP Analytics Cloud aligns with SAP’s global strategy for cloud application releases,....

Need to replace character from a long string, so in SAC we have predefine function to replace a specific character from string, as we know SAC based on JavaScript but not all javascript code are works here, so here we have replace() function to replace that string. But there is an issue its can only....

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Happy New Year! Welcome to the January 2022 Edition of our SAP Analytics Cloud Community Monthly News. We hope to bring the latest product updates, top user content, helpful resources, and more to the attention of our community. What’s in the Spotlight? Sneak Peek into SAP Analytics Cloud release for Q1 2022 SAP Analytics Cloud....

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In this blog post I will discuss the new model in SAP Analytics Cloud and how to get started with it. It has been recently introduced to better align with source systems, improve performance, improve calculation capabilities and to generally improve the model experience in order to give users more flexibility.   How to use....