ChatGPT is a chatbot platform that is designed to engage with users in conversations. It utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language processing to understand users’ queries and respond in the most appropriate way possible. ChatGPT has been programmed to provide useful and accurate information to help users find answers to their questions. Source: ChatGPT 😅 This blog....

Hey there, fellow techies! As businesses continue to rely on technology for growth and success, it’s time to shake things up with some ChatGPT magic! We’ve all heard the same old stories – developers using ChatGPT to generate code, script writers churning out viral content, copywriters producing content at lightning speed. But what if we....

Between April and June 2022 my colleague Stephan and I taught a Python MOOC on the openSAP platform. The course was named Python for Beginners. It was very popular with over 40.000 participants and very well received. Many participants asked the following questions in the forum: Why is SAP teaching Python How can Python be used in the SAP ecosystem What is a possible next step....

Introduction Tons of invoices have been sent from suppliers with PDF document or even paper style. On top of that doing data entry of invoices is grunt work and time-comsuming that causes mistypings as well. Fancy doing it automatically? This blog introduces you how we built the automated procure to pay process using SAP AppGyver,....

導入 仕入先から送られてくる請求書は、PDFや紙媒体で送られてくることが多いことが現状としてあります。その上、請求書のデータ入力は時に退屈な仕事で時間がかかり、誤入力の原因にもなっています。 その一連の作業を自動化してみませんか? 本ブログでは、SAP AppGyver、SAP AI Business Services、SAP BTP Kyma、SAP S/4HANA Cloudを使って、調達から支払いまでを自動化するプロセスを構築した方法を紹介します。 では本アプリケーションの概要から見ていきましょう。   プロセスの概要 Image1: ユーザーのアプリ使用のフロー Image1のように、ユーザーが本アプリケーションを扱う部分は、写真撮影/pdfや画像文書のアップロード部分とボタンを押すというフローのみです。使い方はシンプルで、どなたでも1~2分の間でSAP S/4HANA Cloudに仕入先請求書を作成できます。 初期フローのステップ では実際にどのようにユーザーがアップロードから請求書を作成するかを4ステップに分けて説明します。 まず本アプリにログインします 請求書の写真を撮る、またはスマートフォンのフォルダからドキュメントをインポートします ボタン操作 – SAP AI Business Servicesにそのドキュメントをアップロードします ボタン操作 – SAP S/4HANA Cloudで請求書を自動で作成します ステップは以上で、手作業で打ち込む過程を排除することができ、作業時間短縮が望めます。 アーキテクチャ フロントエンドではSAP BTPのプロダクトである SAP AppGyverという Low-Code / No-Code のサービスを使用します。ミドルウェアとしては Go言語のDockerのコンテイナーを走らせる為にSAP BTP Kyma というクラウドネイティブでフルマネージドな Kubernetes ベースのランタイムを用います。このランタイムにより、ユーザーはSAP AppGyverを通してREST APIを用い、Document Information Extraction へ請求書のアップロードを行います。 そして自動的にODataを用いて Supplier Invoice Creation....

This is the first blog post of my behind-the-scenes series on the SAP AI Business Services portfolio. Each blog post will focus on one of the services and clarify the following questions: What can you do with it? What happens behind the scenes? How does retraining work? What else is possible? – Think outside the....

Motivation Paper has been replaced by an increased volume of emails or electronic documents in general. If you speak with purchasing or accounts payable departments you hear that they work with a high amount of PDF invoices from countless suppliers. Entering these supplier invoices takes tremendous effort: So why not automate it? This blog outlines....

Introduction Document Extraction Information is a BTP service, and helps you to process large amounts of business documents. The purpose of this blog post is to demonstrate how you can combine it with SAP Data Intelligence. The use case is simple: we want to upload an invoice document into Document Extraction Services using Data Intelligence, and....

This use case is developed as part of AI & Automation SAP Community Tutorial Challenge 2022. Co-innovators: Kannan P Nair , Ramana Mohanbabu This use case involves the following products: 1. SAP Process Automation 2. SAP Conversational AI 3. SAP WorkZone 4.SAP AI Business Services Problem: With the growing demand of investors to understand a company’s performance in non-financial....

Introduction This blog is a part of “Document Extraction with SAP Intelligent RPA” series. With the smart document extraction capabilities in SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation powered by Document Information Extraction service (an SAP AI Business Hub service), information can be extracted from business documents (such as Invoice, Purchase Order, Payment Advice) using Pre-Trained AI....

Recently on April 29th, my colleague Tomasz Janasz and I presented the topic Business Document Processing with SAP AI Business Services as part of the SAP Community call series. This blog summarizes key highlights from this community call. You can watch the webinar recording of the same as well: Business document processing Many processes in enterprises still involve processing....

I am very happy to introduce our Topic of the Month activities in SAP Community with this blog post. I take this opportunity to first un-zoom from our product, SAP Intelligent RPA, and describe SAP’s broader strategy for low-code/no-code process automation. Indeed, 6 months ago McKinsey reported that the digitization of companies’ core internal operations, and of....