Purpose Our goal is to create and deploy a sample project using CAP, multitenancy and postgreSQL to SAP Cloud Foundry environment (BTP). However, getting the lego pieces of several different development frameworks can sometimes be tricky. Let’s  take a quick look at the three frameworks we’ll be combining in our sample project. The Cloud Application Programming....

Purpose Today the goal is to deploy our cds model to SQLlite, PostgreSQL docker and lastly to Postgres hosted on AWS RDS. Deploying to AWS is optional and doesn’t change our development pattern. However, a SaaS solution could not realistically support users or tenants until paired with a cloud postgres instance. Let’s get started, If....

This example demonstrates how to build multitenant application using Cloud Application Programming Model Java SDK and mtx-sidecar node module. Overview: This sample application contains UI module containing a public welcome page which contains link to fetch data from its own tenant database. backend module which contains CDS service exposing OData CRUD APIs on Books entity....