SAP微卡 (SAP Mobile Cards for WeChat)是一个基于云服务的微应用平台。SAP的客户可以通过上载网页资源,配置后台链接直接快速发布微信应用。SAP微卡帮助企业用户减轻软、硬件资源管理负担。同时,SAP微卡降低了企业微信应用开发的门槛,缩短了企业微信应用开发周期。SAP微卡继承了微信使用方式,减少了用户培训投资。SAP微卡现支持企业微信账号。 此文中,用“Corporate” 代表“企业”,不用“Enterprise”。 SAP微卡与SAP Mobile Cards的iOS和安卓应用共享同一后台云应用平台,喜欢原生态应用的用户可SAP Mobile Cards的iOS和安卓应用共享SAP微卡数据。 SAP微卡web应用有两个链接接口, 企业微信账户使用这两个接口来配置应用: 注: 每个用户有自己的{landscape}和{account}参数值。 SAP微卡web应用需要微信账户的“企业ID”,“AgentId”,“Secret”,“Token”和“EncodingAESKey”来建立与微信账户安全信任。 企业微信账户管理员简介 企业使用企业微信网页来组织管理、授权用户和应用。这一小结的目的是帮助管理员找到关键配置信息。 手机用户可点击“下载”来安装“企业微信”应用(WeChat Work)。 管理员可点击“企业登录”后,可使用“企业微信”扫码登录。 管理员可在“我的企业 > 企业信息 ”下找到“企业ID”。“企业ID”是一项重要配置参数。 管理员可在“应用与小程序”下的“自建”区创建配置SAP微卡应用。 完成点击“创建应用”后,管理员需进一步授权配置应用。 每一应用对应一个自动生成的“AgentId”。“AgentId”和“Secret”是与“企业ID”一样重要的配置参数。配置过程中,推荐使用网页生成的值。 另外,管理员需要“配置”“接收消息”。在这一步骤提交https://cardsbroker{landscape}-{account}链接。 注:“Token”和“EncodingAESKey”也是重要的配置参数。配置过程中,推荐使用网页生成的值。 下面来配置网页应用链接。点击“菜单”中的“配置”。然后推荐按照以下图中的方式配置用户菜单。提交https://cardsui{landscape}-{account} 作为网页界面链接。 小结:请记录“企业ID”,“AgentId”,“Secret”, “Token”和“EncodingAESKey”。我们将在SAP端使用这些参数。 SAP微卡管理员简介 每个SAP 客户拥有自己的管理网页链接,例如https://mobile{landscape}-{account}。 微信配置 步骤: 登录后,管理员需导航到“SAP Mobile Cards”   使用前一小结搜集的参数来配置“微信设置”。点击图标,并提交参数 至此,SAP微卡和企业微信的接口配置完成。 创建“Sample Template Welcome Card”卡 “Sample Template Welcome Card”是一个简单的“Welcome....

On Tuesday 21st July we presented the latest SAP Customer Data Cloud Webinar named “Mobile SDKs – Android and iOS | Go Digital the Right Way (Part 1)“. The presenters of the session were: Daniëlle Loppé – Senior Product Marketing Manager, SAP Customer Data Cloud   Alejandro Perez – Technical Architect, SAP Customer Data Cloud....

(click to zoom) This blog serves as a one-point-reference for all SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer (C4C) integration content, and is updated every release. I am consolidating all the existing resources here, and have introduced a Troubleshooting section. Here, you will find FAQs related to specific topics. Feel free to ask questions on these blogs, as the....

SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer extended app has a capability to work in offline mode, without a connection to your backend. The user must do a initial sync to use the app in offline mode. The synchronized data is stored locally in the device. The users can perform the actions in offline mode and can....

Abstract A mobile application has been created using SAP S/4HANA and Flutter that enables warehouse employees to perform picking and packing tasks quickly. The video demonstrates a step-by-step process of how to perform simple picking and packing tasks. Motivation We all know the mobile capabilities of SAP EWM, which can be accessed through ITSMobile, Fiori....

The MDK framework allows you to create hybrid apps easily for iOS and Android. Although the framework has a lot to offer, it might be missing some native functionalities. The MDK framework allows NativeScript plugins but even that is not always enough. In those cases, it might be necessary to use native iOS code when....

SAP Warehouse Operator is a native mobile app integrated with Warehouse Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud public edition, that supports warehouse operators with business processes like picking and putaway. SAP Warehouse Operator is currently available for iOS mobile devices. This blog talks about integrating the App with SAP S/4HANA cloud system.   Required Systems and Components Warehouse....

To develop a mobile app with SAP BTP SDK for Android, theming could be a big puzzle which contains many pieces. This document shows how to do this with the view-based flows component before SAP BTP SDK for Android version 5.1. After ‘ThemeDownloadService’ was introduced in 5.1, there are more pieces come into play. The following links....

The Flows component of SAP BTP SDK for Android is to make the SAP Mobile Services onboarding process easier for the mobile developers. We released the view-based version 3 years ago, and many teams are using it now. Now the Jetpack Compose version of the Flows Component of SAP BTP SDK for Android is released in version....

Many of our customers apply their own themes to SAP applications, to adapt the visual appearance of the apps to transport their corporate brand identity. To do so, SAP provides a single tool for theming and branding SAP’s key user interfaces – the UI theme designer. With the UI theme designer, you can apply your corporate branding....

As a “heavy user” for food delivery apps, i always wondered how would SAPUI5/FIORI feels like for this type or requirement…as most of the “app usage” today is around: food delivery apps, communication/social network apps and shopping apps. Nowadays we can find SAPUI5 (specially on BTP public Apps) been used in all sorts of scenarios,....

Hello World! It’s been a while! This time i was investigation and exploring some innovation requirements and came across questions like: “How could we explore facial recognition inside SAP/Mobile applications?”… With this challenge accepted, i’ve decided to create a POC App that would make the screen interact with the user only based on their facial....

Continuing the innovation series, i wanted to bring back an “old” topic but that is not really explored in the “SAP World” so far… Gamification! What if SAP applications (Mobile, FIORI, UI5, etc) could bring more of a “gaming UX” for some functionalities and scenarios, improving the overall experience with SAP (that was knowned in the....

Curious to know more about the latest features introduced in SAP AppGyver? This blog post covers them in a summarized manner, read along and add value to your AppGyver projects with these exciting features. Introduction SAP AppGyver is a no-code solution part of SAP BTP! Please refer to this tutorial to kick start your Low-code/No-code journey! I have been working....

The ITS mobile application is a vital part of SAP when it comes to accessing SAP from remote locations, especially for scanning data from different types of handheld devices (HHD) using one application. Major challenges in developing ITS applications are related to the shape and size of application screens when we execute them from different....

Dear administrators, SAP Mobile Start application provides a very convenient ways for the initial configuration in order to start using the app productively and enter the SAP mobile universe. The initial configuration is also called onboarding. Since iOS version 1.3 and the initial release of Android version, SAP Mobile Start supports onboarding based on mobile app configuration.....

Embedded EWM provides flexibility to effectively carry out transactions through mobile RFUI Screens. These Screens are designed to cater to end to end functionality often with advanced features such as Picking with Pick Handling Units. While working as a consultant with various clients during EWM implementations I have come across numerous requirements where these screens....

Introduction SAP Mobile Start, the newly released native entry point for SAP’s business applications and content, is now available for iPhone and iPad. You can learn more about SAP Mobile Start in this blog post. To use SAP Mobile Start, there are two pre-requisites: You need to use iOS 14 or above You need to have a....

*** Default Header *** With the intention to show why SAPUI5 developers (as most of them came from the ABAP world) need to upskill with “safe programming” knowledge and skills, i’ve decided to create the #SafeSAPUI5. What is #SafeSAPUI5? A series of episodes with examples (of course with responsible disclosure, not showing names, servers, etc.) of security breaches that....

*** Default Header *** With the intention to show why SAPUI5 developers (as most of them came from the ABAP world) need to upskill with “safe programming” knowledge and skills, i’ve decided to create the #SafeSAPUI5. What is #SafeSAPUI5? A series of episodes with examples (of course with responsible disclosure, not showing names, servers, etc.) of security breaches that....