It’s been a while since I walked my first steps using Kyma on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). If you haven’t had the chance to try it out you might want to read my previous blog first where I explain pods, deployments, services, volume claims and more: Kyma, Kubernetes, Kanban? Deploying a multi-service application on SAP....

In the past two years, I wrote a few posts that explained the nature of the managed approuter and when it can be helpful to use this feature (here and here). In parallel, we created a GitHub repository that contains sample projects and diagrams to make the differences between both options more tangible. Overall, there’s a lot of content that....

Typically applications rely on a REST based service design to expose functionality to consumers. In many cases this make sense due to the easy consumption model REST based services provide. JSON is the primary data format used in the description and data transmission which allows for simple tools such as the browser, postman, etc, to be....

R/2, R/3, ECC.. those were the days, when the SAP-life was “simple and easy”. Ok, not really simple and easy, however at least familiar and clearly laid out. However in recent days things are getting… complicated.There are several “new” buzz-words like BTP, SCP, RAP, CAP. SAP products are becoming more numerous and the rebranding is....

TL;DR – An enterprise ready data science environment in 20 mins! With SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), data scientists and developers have numerous options to run their data science experiments in the cloud. The best option is SAP Data Intelligence as it enables them to use their Jupyter notebooks and turn these into pipelines. However, for various reasons, organisations may....