Have you ever heard of co-leadership? A year ago, my answer to this question, maybe just like yours today, would have been “No, I’ve never heard of it.” During my fellowship with the Diversity & People Programs, HR Germany team last year I was responsible for driving this topic for HR Germany, and I really....

I created this blog post along with my co-author Caroline Souza and it was a fun collaboration! In the previous blog we wrote about the studies on impostor syndrome. In this one, we will go through the 5 possible types.   1. Perfectionist: Perfectionists set extremely high expectations for themselves, and even if they meet 99% of their goals,....

Wir besprechen was Gamification im Lernbereich bedeutet, wie Beispiele aussehen können und geben Tips zur Umsetzung. Gamification – Definition Das Stichwort „Gamification“ hat in den letzten Jahren in Bezug auf firmeninterne Weiterbildungen immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Besonders die Einbindung von spielerischen Lerneinheiten gestalten Weiterbildungen nicht nur dynamischer, sondern steigert die Motivation und das Engagement....

Image courtesy of SAP Image Library Work life for SAP employees has drastically changed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, SAP employees went from socialising in an office environment to working from home. Virtual meetings over Zoom and Teams have become the norm, but these constant meetings can cause fatigue and don’t achieve the....

I worked on this with my colleague Philip Brossette “One step to improve the ability to innovate is to improve in design, because we believe that design in one way or the other way will lead to INNOVATION.” Hasso Plattner Source: Adobe Stock   In today´s fast pacing world organizations face multifaceted problems. Corona crisis. Climate....

If you’re still struggling to visualize your 2022 resolutions, maybe it’s time to take a different approach. Yes, another article about New Year’s resolutions when we’re already well into January. What makes this one (hopefully) worth waiting for? The creative mindset. As customer-focused creative experts within SAP – designers, strategists, video artists, and writers –....

Companies that adopt appropriate employee well-being strategies innovate better than those that don’t From February this year, a new law will take effect in Belgium that will hand government employees the right to ignore calls from their bosses after designated work hours. Called the ‘right to disconnect’, the new rule is meant to protect government employees from....

  As low-code/no-code application development and citizen automation continue to evolve and accelerate globally, SAP Intelligent RPA is at the forefront enabling this shift, now closely integrated with SAP Workflow Management and SAP AI Business Services, among others. Process automation is now required to become even more accessible to people with little or no coding skills.....

There’s certainly no disputing that 2020 was a disruptive year – and not in the good, ‘groundbreaking-innovation-that-adds-value’ kind of way. More in the ‘turbulent, disorderly, uncertain’ meaning of the overused word: Sudden pandemic-induced restrictions sparked existential fear and economic confusion Mother Nature’s righteous fury showcased herself with a record-shattering hurricane season, raging wildfires, major earthquakes, widespread drought....

For a long time, remote work was either a way for a lean business to save office costs or a way to organize cooperation between people who could not work together otherwise (e.g., those living in different locations). However, the pandemic turned everything upside down in a matter of weeks. Now working remotely is the new....