Today I’m going to explain how to Sort, Filter and Group data within a List (sap.m.List) or a  table (sap.m.Table) with the ViewSettingsDialog element in a dynamic form. Filtering data of the example Context The columns and their values to be used to sort, filter and group can be defined statically in the XML view....

SAP Fiori provides an easier, more intuitive way to run SAP applications in your organization.For SAP Projects we often deal with custom solutions/enhancements.This blog will help to create the Fiori tile for custom transaction codes or custom reports for sap object. This will be divided in mainly four parts: Create Semantic Object Create Catalog Create....

During my daily work I’ve got a task to implement a call of another Fiori App from my Fiori Elements App. In order to achieve that I have found three possible ways to implement it (but only one of them was working for me): Intent-based Navigation as RAP CDS Association Intent-based Navigation as ABAP Call....

本文将描述如何基于JSONModel数据模型,在前端对数以十万计的列表数据进行分页操作,给使用者营造出流畅的UI交互体验。 背景介绍 前端子项目基于SAP UI5框架进行开发,作为一个微服务部署在SAP Business Technology Platform。通用设计为List Page采用OData数据传输协议,Object Page采用RESTful API进行数据交互。在Object Page中,有一张列表包含着数以几十万计的Transmissions。为了防止页面崩溃,需要在前后端对列表数据进行分页操作。 需求分析 JSONModel作为一种客户端数据模型,将后端传来的所有数据绑定在页面View上,通过设置growing属性,点击load more表下按钮即可实现前端数据的懒加载。本功能需求是后端也要进行分页读取操作,并不能一次性将所有数据返回到前端,因此无法触发load more按钮的事件监听。解决思路是后台返回所有数据的总条数,来改写JSONModel的totalCount参数,从而触发load more按钮的事件监听。  代码实践 新建一个GrowingJSONModel类 sap.ui.define(['sap/ui/model/json/JSONListBinding'], function (JSONListBinding) { 'use strict'; /** * PagingJSONListBinding * @class * @extends sap.ui.model.json.JSONListBinding */ return JSONListBinding.extend('archiving-variants.javascript.GrowingJSONListBinding', { getLength: function () { return this.getModel()._totalCount; } }); });​ sap.ui.define( ['archiving-variants/javascript/GrowingJSONListBinding', 'sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel'], function (GrowingListBinding, JSONModel) { 'use strict'; /**....

Hello World! This is my first blog! I recently had a requirement where the client wanted 365 columns in a table. The goal was to edit the schedule of multiple employees in one table over the period of a year. Another requirement was to scroll horizontally (just like Excel). Although the Fiori guidelines clearly states....

After couple of months of work and refactoring, the SAPUI5 Extension is finally working with Typescript. There are a lot of pros to use TS, however, UI5 has some inconveniences. Together with this announcement I will give some advice and explain new TS related commands, which are introduced in v0.15.0. Control type casting One of the painful....

Introduction This blog won’t deal with well known and traditional reactive programming libraries like RxJs. But I advise you to have a look at those blogs: Reactive Programming in UI5 Application Reactive state management in SAPUI5 via MobX Building a SAPUI5 application with Predictable State Container This blog aims to underline how to simply use....

Having a code base, which is readable and maintainable is essential for sustainable development. The book Clean Code from Robert C. Martin and some other books contain many best practices around maintainable code. Writing cleaner code is an easy way to boost the quality, maintainability and testability of your code. With Clean SAPUI5 we provide....

Dear SAP Friends, Welcome to another interesting blog. In this blog will see about the new way of Migrating the data into S/4HANA. Note:- I will be explaining only about On-premises changes in this blog, and due to more data will split into parts1st Blog will be an overview.2nd Blog will be steps to perform Migrate data.....

Value is a default presentation mode of Fiori Overview Page pie chart. If you want to know how to switch between value and % of total then this blog is for you. Below is pie chart default presentation mode. Using plot area data label chart property it can changed to % of total. This is....