Once application cache busting is enabled and the sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json is available, UI5 will start looking in the timestamped directory for the resource. E.g. /webapp/~1623054905000~/controller/App.controller.js Is it up to us to provide a routing to these original files in both deployment to a standalone app in the Cloud Foundry Application Runtime and the HTML5 Application Repository? At the....

As we know there are many things to explore in SAP Business Technology Platform, and there are many services and functionalities available. Here in this blog i am going to explain the steps if we want to connect SAP System with SAP BTP. Registering an SAP System in BTP To connect an SAP solution system....

Foreword. SAP Jam is no longer available as a service with SAP BTP. Still its application integration capabilities are an excellent integration playground for whoever is keen to understand the internal workings of the OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion flow together with SAP BTP Destination service. Happy exploring!   Abstract. This blog is about SAP Jam App Integration with OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion flow....

Connecting to on premise systems using the SAP Connectivity Service in the BTP Cloud Foundry environment is convenient, reliable, secure and helps integrating fast-paced Cloud applications with on premise systems. However I had never used protocols other than HTTP(S) and the occasional RFC connection through the Connectivity Service and was in for a surprise when....

Welcome to the April 2021 issue of the SAP Cloud SDK release highlights! March in numbers: 26 issues and support incidents received 16 of those were answered or solved and closed 4.75K clicks from search in Google guiding to our documentation portal SAP Cloud SDK Documentation SAP Cloud SDK for Java 3.43.0 SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript 1.42.0 Latest documentation updates....

This article is a memorandum on setting up the Edge Platform for SAP IoT services for SAP BTP for the Cloud Foundry Environment on a Raspberry PI. First When setting up the Internet of Things Edge Platform on your Raspberry PI, you need to be aware that you cannot start the gateway unless you have....

In the past two years, I wrote a few posts that explained the nature of the managed approuter and when it can be helpful to use this feature (here and here). In parallel, we created a GitHub repository that contains sample projects and diagrams to make the differences between both options more tangible. Overall, there’s a lot of content that....

In this blog post we will see how we can enable X.509 Certificates based single sign on for User Authentication in SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication. Prerequisites: You are using SAP Cloud Identity Services and you have created your Identity Authentication service tenant. Trust setup between Identity Authorization service tenant and your BTP account is....

Intro SAP iRPA & SAP CAI are the two prime topics that are changing the game in this rapid and volatile Enterprise Plannings and Product Designing approach. SAP already has proven that no-code/low-code can be a very useful and easy way to design modern AI-Bot driven Enterprise Softwares. This blog will give an overview of the integration aspects of iRPA....

Object : Deploy ML Model in CF (Cloud Foundry ) and Access end point  Flask API by SAP Here I assume that you have a basic understanding of Machine Learning and you have your trial account available on SAP Cloud Platform . This ML model used to Predict Salary of Employee based on Experience and Interview Score .....

R/2, R/3, ECC.. those were the days, when the SAP-life was “simple and easy”. Ok, not really simple and easy, however at least familiar and clearly laid out. However in recent days things are getting… complicated.There are several “new” buzz-words like BTP, SCP, RAP, CAP. SAP products are becoming more numerous and the rebranding is....

As SharePoint has become a popular way for people to store and share files, this blog post illustrates how to create/read/delete files on SharePoint from a Microservice. SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) provides a fast and easy way to create, run, manage and scale business applications in the cloud. In a cloud-based business application, Microservices....

Purpose I found accessing tables in HDI container using SAP BAS is a bit of tricky and have been juggling of how to use the form editor for synonym. Here is a tip for someone who might have been in the same dilemma as I have, or for who don’t want to spend time on....

Philip MUGGLESTONE from the SAP HANA Academy and the Partner Innovation Lab just uploaded a new series of hands-on video tutorials about SAP Business Technology Platform extension generators. In this blog post you will find the videos embedded with references and additional information. For the related blog posts, visit SAP BTP Extension Generators: Authentication and Authorization....

In this blog post will see how to do CRUD operations after defining service in CAPM Please follow steps given in the below link to create database with sample entities and sample data till step “Querying thru OData out-of-box” https://cap.cloud.sap/docs/get-started/in-a-nutshell Now go to menu -> select New Terminal -> and run the command cds run....

In this blog post will see how to do CRUD operations after defining service in CAPM Please follow steps given in the below link to create database with sample entities and sample data till step “Querying thru OData out-of-box” https://cap.cloud.sap/docs/get-started/in-a-nutshell Now go to menu -> select New Terminal -> and run the command cds run....

Introduction I wanted to create some public API with Node.JS which needs to deploy on Cloud foundry environment. In that I had to consume on-prem service. While consuming on-prem service in unauthenticate Node.JS app, throwing me error as Invaild Proxy Authorization Header. After lot of  search, I figure out the solution for it. So I’m....

Hi developer! We are in an exiting moment for SAP cloud development. Since SAP decided to offer Cloud Foundry environments, the company has release several tools and frameworks that clearly speed up development, and what I even like the most, it gives us flexibility to choose what we want to use and how we want....

The SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) is a development library that enables development of SAP compatible components in Java. It can be used to communicate with on-premise SAP systems via SAP’s RFC protocol. (Source: https://support.sap.com/en/product/connectors/jco.html) In this tutorial, we are going to learn how can we call a function module in an on-premise ABAP system....

Well it’s been a year since my blog posting Step-By-Step Guide to Custom Domains with Multitenant Multi-Target Applications and the wildcard domain certificate for *.conciletime.com has expired.  I could have replaced it before it expired, but I wanted to show what happens when you neglect renewing your custom domain certificates. Indeed when we look at the certificate....