Some manufacturing process involves manufacturing products in steps spread over several days. Standard SAP creates the Supply to Production tasks for all the products in one go which is not viable as the raw materials need to be added to the production floor over a period of time. To gain efficiencies, would like to be....

Over the past 2 years the risks and shortfalls in our global supply chains have been front and center in presidential briefing rooms, company boardrooms, and even family dining rooms. Supply chains are now recognized as central to business survival, success, and growth, rather than an opportunity to just reduce costs. As we head into....

If you’re still struggling to visualize your 2022 resolutions, maybe it’s time to take a different approach. Yes, another article about New Year’s resolutions when we’re already well into January. What makes this one (hopefully) worth waiting for? The creative mindset. As customer-focused creative experts within SAP – designers, strategists, video artists, and writers –....

Since COP26 commitments to systemic change mean that net zero is now an organizing principle for business.  Additionally scrutiny of worker treatment exemplified by the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act whose principles are likely to be placed on an EU footing – the German Act itself comes into force in January 2023 – is a key focus area.....

Since returning from maternity leave and slipping back into the business world, sustainability has been a hot topic on everyone’s agenda. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of sustainable business practices, sustainable purchases, and being simply more thoughtful about our impact on our environment and wider community—but are we being true to ourselves....

Note. Image made on Canva. Background image by DATA UNIT AG. ( During this Corona crisis, technological change is increasing in all sectors. Which technological trends will be relevant in 2022 and what does that mean for the industry? Artificial Intelligence: AI Edge & End-to-End Automation Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest growing branches....

The metaverse is the future of the internet. A new virtual world. A new economy representing a revenue opportunity approaching $800 billion in 2024 according to Bloomberg Intelligence. What is SAP’s role in it? What is the metaverse? The metaverse is the network of social virtual 3D worlds where virtual and real get mixed. We....

If you have a business, you likely have a lot of data. It’s your one true source for insight to understand your customers, their needs, and what they want. In this blog, you’ll learn how you can monetize the data your solution generates with the data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud and SAP BTP Startup Program from SAP.iO. To illustrate the....

Dear All Do you remember the days when you used to travel? Just think how much more time you now have back in your pocket to spend on other things? Whichever way you respond, its likely to be on longer hours working, but hopefully more time with your immediate (lockdown!) family, maybe an exercise routine,....

As the phrase goes, every rose has its thorn, the rise of the remote workforce has numerous benefits, but it also has its downside. Today it’s never easy to cope with advancing technology for most enterprises. Surprisingly, digital technologies often give them no choice but to thrive with the existing concepts employed in the technology.....

With the rising standard of living, many people have started diversifying their income portfolio by creating small-scale business enterprises like small delivery businesses. Maybe many of them fear overhead costs or large economies of scale that negatively affect production costs if proper planning is not considered. Having a small-scale business does mean that the earnings....

It is a business owner’s worst nightmare: phones ringing off the hook with insufficient staff to answer them, irate customers leaving nasty reviews online, and everything heading toward a complete and utter disaster. Unfortunately, once peak sales seasons arrive, this is what happens in many companies. Customers do not want to hear that their call....

They say that failure is not an option for those who are making it in life, but on the other, it’s a big challenge, especially if you are failing on the core things that make up life. Every time you lose confidence in something, your mind withdraws from it, and you get back to your....

Agility has become an increasingly important and more meaningful word for Finance, alongside other key words Responsiveness and Resilience, as I discussed in my earlier blog post concerning the impact of recent events on FP&A professionals. And while agility has been a word associated with Finance for some time, the events of the last year have placed....

As a product manager of Internet of Things (IoT), I have worked with many companies that implement IoT to reinvent production, dive into entirely new business models and put the focus on their customer In this blog, I would like to share with you the fascinating transformation journey at SCHAEFER WERKE. Earlier this month I was....

The global disruption caused by COVID-19 has found a lot of businesses rethinking their business models and given them a pause. The disruption can be turned into a Pit Stop – an opportunity to relook, replan and refresh businesses akin to the motorsports racing team using their pit stops during a competition. I will look....