“When will my service ticket be completed?” There is growing recognition that high-quality customer service is key in today’s competitive markets. Companies are seeking ways to meet customer demands and increase their satisfaction. When customers seek for help via a service ticket, they expect quick, transparent and effective responses. On the other side of the....

With the announcements in the SAP Data Unleashed, SAP introduced the successor of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, SAP Datasphere – a powerful Business Technology Platform data service that addresses the Data to value strategy of every Enterprise organization to deliver seamless access to business data.  Our Datasphere has been enriched with new features thereby delivering a unified service....

Applying the Knowledge Graph Concept to Improve Job Recommendations With the rapid development of business, many companies start to deal with larger scale of data that contains more complicated relationships. And knowledge graph or graph technology is referenced more and more when people want to improve this situation. Therefore, in this blog, we want to....

Introduction Big Data is a term created in 1980 by American sociologist Dr. Charles Tilly in his article “The old-new social history and the new old social history” and although the context for the use of the term Big Data in this article was different at the time it was published in 1997 two NASA....

In many ways, nature is a great architect and comes up with concepts long before developers and architects had even thought about using them to solve IT problems. After they did, they typically realize quickly that nature’s concepts provide great value for them. Event-driven architecture is one of these concepts that for a long time....

In technology, there has long been a tug-of-war between centralized and decentralized control of platforms, approaches, and implementations. Both paradigms have validity. Centralized control assures consistency, and regulatory compliance at the corporate level. Decentralized empowerment enhances the likelihood that tech solutions will be meaningful, contextually relevant, and well-adopted at the business unit level. I have....

Edge computing today is one of industry’s most promising technology opportunities. Used in production by just over a quarter of manufacturers, it’s a tool that is expected to be trialed by more than half of U.S based manufacturing firms within the next two years. As a technology with revolutionary potential, it’s one that every manufacturer,....

After watching and being involved in activities around mergers, divestments, and acquisitions over the 16 years of my career so far, I have realized never to underestimate the importance of an organization’s Master Data. A consumer products company I am familiar with acquired a big competitor in Australia in 2018. I was involved in the....

Quite a number of blogs have been written about how to use SAP Data Intelligence for Machine Learning scenarios. Have a look for example to excellent and very instructive blogs of Andreas Forster. With the 2nd generation operators of SAP Data Intelligence we have got some additional facilitations to create productive training and predication pipelines. In....

Note. Image made on Canva. Background image by DATA UNIT AG. (https://www.dataunit.ch/digitale-transformation-in-der-technologiebranche-herausforderungen-trends-2022/) During this Corona crisis, technological change is increasing in all sectors. Which technological trends will be relevant in 2022 and what does that mean for the industry? Artificial Intelligence: AI Edge & End-to-End Automation Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest growing branches....

87% of data science projects up till 2019 failed to reach the production stage. In a report in 2019, Gartner predicted that only 20% of analytics insights would lead to business outcomes through 2022. These numbers are pretty surprising given the widespread acceptance and integration of data analytics and data science across industries over the....