As a ABAP developer, creating and deploying your application in SAP BTP Platform is now very easy. Use of ABAP Restful application Programming model makes this tasks very easy. More over there is a huge demand now to deploy your application in ABAP on Cloud and to consume it in your On-premise applications and enhancements.....

The era of Cloud computing for ABAP is here. And hence the power of AI / ML are also unleashed with newly created packages and tools developed for ABAP. Here you can find an example of it. The main idea of using AI is to automate manual tasks or to help human in taking decisions.....

All Blogs in this Series – AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud – Part 1 AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud – Part 2 AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on....

All Blogs in this Series – AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud – Part 1 AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud – Part 2 AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on....

All Blogs in this Series – AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud – Part 1 AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on Cloud – Part 2 AI Powered Invoice Management with SAP RAP and ABAP on....

News Feed: 23.05.23: ABAP Environment release 2305 23.02.23: DSAG ABAP developer day for Microsoft integrations with SAP’s engineering team Dear community, Building on Frank’s “BTP ABAP Environment on Azure” release announcement we will take you on a journey of various Microsoft integration scenarios with ABAP over the coming weeks. Excited yet?🤩 Using the language flavor “ABAP Cloud” ensures you’re set....

In the world of ABAP development, the RAP framework has revolutionized the way we build robust and flexible applications. One of the key features of RAP is the ability to dynamically generate EML (Entity Manipulation Language) requests. In this blog post, we will explore the dynamic form of MODIFY ENTITIES OPERATIONS, which allows us to....

We’ve started working with Fiori elements, it’s an exciting journey and I see lots of possibilities- and challenges ahead. It’s really a group effort where you need to involve everyone from the business, UX to the dev. But one thing leaves me especially puzzled; in all examples and tutorials the CDS views are annotated with ....

The SAP Community is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. We thought it would be the perfect time to not only commemorate the SAP Community but also honor the remarkable accomplishments of our fellow ABAP developers within the open-source ABAP community. What is Open-Source? Open source refers to software whose source code is made available....

In the blog series of enterprise event enablement I present to you the possible ways to produce and consume an event in SAP BTP ABAP Environment and SAP S/4 HANA Cloud, also I show you how you can create RAP Business Events in an OP2022 system. Implementation and configuration of an event in RAP only takes a few minutes and is relatively....

When doing demos in workshops it is beneficial when participants are able “see” which buttons the presenter has pressed when working with ADT. For example when using the data preview for a table or a CDS view one will press the F8 button and this information is then nicely displayed so that the participants can easily read....

This is not a blog post about convincing you to adopt a clean core policy and why it is important, but instead, this blog post is more about asking the question: Can we keep the Core Clean with RAP Model? If you’re still unfamiliar with this clean core policy, I would suggest reading through this....

There were days where customer requirement was to create ALV reports in GUI and to provide button on top of ALV to print the report data as PDF or to show the details of selected line item. Now Customers are focusing on application which are more user friendly, responsive instead of old GUI applications/screens. In....

I was curious on how to best implement an Fiori Elements ‘Overview Page’ Layout based on an OData Service exposed by our SAP BTP, ABAP Environment. After a little “googling” I found several Articles, Blogs, or UI5 Extensions Guides about Overview Pages but no concrete Guide on what the necessary Steps are to create a....

There is a very common problem, that while doing a post request or any kind of update containing empty dates are not allowed by default via SEGW based OData-Services. How to enable this is described here: DateTime field in OData entity – Points to take care when the UI is throwing run-time error. | SAP Blogs....

This Blog will be continuation of the 1st part of the blog where I explained how we can generate Fragmented Forms from Fiori List report using SEGW (OData) Project. Part-1 – Preview/Download Fragmented Forms From Fiori List Report In this part of the blog, I will be explaining how we can switch/ convert SEGW project to Unmanaged....

Last weekend I published an update to my openSource project RAP Generator. The updated version is available at GitHub As a UI I now use the Fiori Elements preview of the new OData V4 service binding. Open RAP generator The new version comes with a new UI which let you enter the basic project data....

Problem Statement: For example you created a RAP based application in S/4HANA Public Cloud system and now you want to test it locally(Fiori Elements Preview) but you end up having authorization issue. Like below: For On-Premise systems this issue won’t arise while testing locally. Resolution: To consume services in an SAP Fiori app, you need to....

This blog showcases the approach I took to achieve the requirement of Customizing SAP My Inbox App. Even though it comes many extension possibilities like extending detail page (regular extension approach) or add more attributes to the detail page. But achieving the requirement when your app is Fiori Elements was challenging. Requirement: As part of....

What a trip this case has been. The ABAP RESTful Programming model isn’t exactly new, and yet in my reality it hasn’t been used much. And suddenly I saw myself facing the need for an unmanaged scenario. First off, this is what you will find here: every single step, from CDS data definitions, to behavior....

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies need to be agile and responsive to rapidly changing market conditions. This requires seamless integration and communication between different business applications and systems. In the SAP BTP landscape, Remote Function Call (RFC) and Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) are the traditional ways to integrate applications, but Event Driven Architecture....

“Nothing is impossible” if we think in positive way. Yes, there will be many hurdles to achieve final goal. Solutioning in customer digital transformation landscape is very complicated day by day as, many customers want to leverage their skills set and systems to be get connected with new age cloud technology. To achieve this there....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can create Factory Actions in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Ref:     NOTE: We are using same application code base which we have used to demo Large Object (LOB) or File Upload Blog. Refer below URL:   Before starting on....

In the previous blog post, I covered my experience with creating a CDS data model and filling in some data. In this post, I’ll continue with the tutorials to develop a Fiori app using the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model. I’ll also share key takeaways from my experience defining and exposing a CDS-based travel data model. CDS- Based Data....

Switching from a conventional middleware to direct consumption of a RESTful API in Azure Cloud requires me to design and build a new SAP program .   Business scenario  SAP Invoices are to be sent out to Microsoft Dynamics AX Cloud to create local invoices in AX. The invoices from SAP need to be stored....

Welcome back to our ongoing series on getting to know RAP! In the previous blog post, we went over the steps on how to create a CDS data model and how to project this data into an OData service. Additionally, we also showed how to consume this data model using the SAP Fiori elements app preview. In this blog....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can use Large Objects (LOBs) in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   In this blog post we are going to see how to Upload File in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model. Annotation used to to work with Large Objects is @Semantics.largeObject   Ref: Previous Blog....

Welcome back to the series! We’re already halfway through it, and I hope you’re finding it informative and helpful. In our previous blog post, we walked through the process of creating a CDS behavior definition for a managed travel business object. We covered the steps to define the behavior for the travel entity, as well as creating....

How to use side effects in RAP A long awaited feature became available with the latest upgrade to 2302 of the SAP BTP, ABAP Environment and SAP S/4HANA ABAP Environment systems. It is now possible to configure side effects in the behavior definition of your RAP business object. GitHub Repository I have published the source code on GitHub in the following repository: SAP-samples/abap-platform-code-samples-cloud:....

​The most awaited feature was released for SAP BTP – ABAPEnvironment in 2302. It is none other than ‘Side effects in CDS Behavior Definition’. I have been waiting for this feature and can’t stop myself from trying it. I thought the syntax would be complicated and was surprised when I realized they were so simple....

We have read from several previous blog posts  – RAP for Beginners ,   Modernization with RAP, Managed RAP. RAP is framework that would still allow to use the ABAP to develop Modern applications. With the below blog I want to show a real life use case which demonstrate the power and easy of use of unmanaged RAP.....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can use Pages and Spaces on Fiori Launchpad. We are also going to see how we can configure Tile using Spaces and Pages concept and make it available to Fiori Launchpad.   Ref:     Prerequisite fro Spaces and Pages S4HANA2020 or Later Role :....

In this blog, you will learn how to create a simple RAP model. In this example, we will create a table, CDS view entity, Metadata extension, Behavior definition, Service definition, Service Binding. We will create below application for creation of Driver detail with the help of FIORI element. Step 1 –> Create table – ZRV_RAP_DRIVER Right....

Field Extensions in a Fiori Applications is the most common requirements in many S/4 HANA projects. However this blog will focus on the RAP based Standard Fiori app Extensions for the Custom /Standard Fields. The below flow charts will illustrate the different decisions and possibilities in extending the custom fields/standard for a RAP based Fiori....

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season with friends, family, and colleagues. As an ABAP developer, we are always looking for new and better ways to create robust and scalable applications. Recently, I have been exploring the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP) and I am impressed by its capabilities....

This is the second post in this series. Here is the previous blog post: [Get to Know RAP: Introduction] This blog post also follows up with a video that walks you through the tutorial that I will be going over. Introduction As mentioned in the previous blog post our goal is to develop a Fiori app using the....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can use #ISOLATED (Isolated Processing) in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.     Previous Blog Posts ABAP RAP – Instance Authorization ABAP RAP – Global Authorization ABAP RAP – #CHANGE_SET   Thanks you Ramjee Korada for your help and guidance.   Use Case: Isolated processing can be....

I have just published a new version of my openSource project called the RAP Generator. The main new features are that I have added an option that allows you to delete the objects that have been generated using the RAP Generator. This option becomes handy when you have generated your objects in a package that....

Hello everyone. The purpose of this document is to shed some light on the process to call Adobe Forms Service API (for Cloud Foundry environment) from ABAP cloud. It sometimes becomes very confusing because of the different components involved especially when you are implementing the ABAP part. Let’s begin with the prerequires first. We need:....

This blog describes the differences between classic ABAP programming and ABAP Cloud programming with regards to the SAP Logical Unit of Work (SAP LUW) [1] and the ABAP RESTful application programming model (RAP). It helps to understand how database updates work and what developers must consider avoiding data inconsistencies during database updates. Classic ABAP Programming In typical....

For a great user experience, it is very important that users can enter data quickly, fluently, and efficiently – even on a slow network. This is particularly relevant for power users, i.e., users who spend significant time with data entry, often using keyboard shortcuts to move from field to field. In this post, we will....

There‘s a popular internet meme out there: “One does not simply …”. It comes from the statement “One does not simply walk into Mordor” made by Boromir, a member of the fellowship in the first Lord of the Rings movie, who is doubtful about the mission‘s prospects of success regarding the destruction of the one ring in Mount Doom –....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can use Authorizations (Instance Authorization) in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Ref:     Instance Authorization Instance authorization is used for all authorization checks, in addition to the user role. With instance authorization, you can define authorization on a field or operation....

Beside the option to start and schedule application jobs from within the Application Job App there might be the need to start an application job from within an application based on a RAP business object. Scheduling an application job using the API’s provided by the underlying ABAP platform framework can be tricky when doing so....

Updated 6th January 2023. For all those who are more visually stimulated, I have updated the blog post with a video posted on the SAP Developers YouTube channel on how to use the app. Updated 23 February 2023. Release 2302 What it is, in a nutshell Are you a newbie in the world of ABAP CDS, SAP....

Since we can do UI5 development with VS Code and deploy our web app to BSP stack on SAP Netweaver. We can do exactly same with any other javascript framework. Personally I am not fun of oData therefore I try alternative ways of building web apps which are hosted on SAP. In my first blog/video....

I wanted to user RAP based API in sap cloud in my workflow service task to get/update the data from BTP Workflow to S4 public cloud. When I was trying with service URL with direct basic authentication as destination in BTP, it wasn’t giving me the result as authentication which comes when we try from....

RAP Extensibility has been released with ABAP release 7.57 (OP). SAP-delivered RAP BOs can be extended by customers. Customers can add extension fields (field extensibility), behavior (behavior extensibility) and extension nodes (node extensibility) to RAP BOs by means of developer extensibility. This blog post is about C0 developer extensibility for CDS behavior definitions (BDEFs). It....

Hello, In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can use Side Effects in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Ref:     What is Side Effects : When user makes a change to a field on UI, and this change effect the content of other field, this behavior is called....

Over the years SAP have introduced a number of different frameworks to support transactional processing, for example Business Object Layer(BOL), Business Object Processing Framework(BOPF) and the ABAP Restful Application Framework(RAP). While the new frameworks have introduced enhanced capabilities and greater flexibility to integrate with newer technologies they share some of the basic fundamental design principles....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can use Prechecks in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Ref:     What is Prechecks Prechecks is used to validate data before it can reach to Transactional Buffer. You can prevent invalid changes from reaching the transactional buffer by prechecking modify operations.  ....

In this post, I would like to show how to connect Eclipse ADT to SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Edition 7.52 SP04 on Ubuntu, which is running on Oracle Virtual box. For Eclipse ADT installation you check that link. And for Abap Developer Edition installation have a look at that blog post. With steps below you can connect....

In this article we will explore how complex transactional processing can be implemented using the ABAP Restful Application Processing framework. The article will demonstrate how the RAP unmanaged scenario supports the reuse of existing code and how best OO practices can be maintained in a complicated transactional environment. The central design concept is that the....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how we can use Authorizations (Global Authorization) in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Ref:       What is Authorization in RAP Authorization control in RAP protects your business object against unauthorized access and operations (Create, Update, Delete). Authorization control is always relevant when....

When using the Fiori Elements preview for a RAP business object in an on-premise SAP S/4HANA test system I ran into the problem that the SAP Fiori Elements preview did not work. Instead I got the following error message: “Host and port configuration information is missing” The solution: The root cause of this problem was....

This article will explore how an action(trigger) which is associated with an action profile can be controlled programmatically. This paper will explore how an action can be established as repeatable and how a workflow container can be utilised to control the scheduling and processing of an action. In a previous article we explored how the RAP....

In our previous section ( Part 1),  we have created the backed data models, behavior and service for the query. In this part we shall proceed with the frontend application and shall extend the application to implement multiple views for the segmented buttons and the function import. Once the application is created and if you run....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how to work with Virtual Elements in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model. Ref:     What is Virtual Element : Virtual Elements are as name suggests “Virtual” which does not exists. Virtual Elements does not exists in actual Data Base table or Persistent Table used....

This blog is an end-to-end guide to development and deployment process, from creating ABAP RAP OData service, generate a Fiori element report as Multi-Target Application (MTA) using managed approuter, and finally deploy it to Launchpad service in BTP. Prerequisites: BTP trial/enterprise account Create ABAP environment instance in BTP(Tutorial) Setup Business Application studio in BTP(Tutorial) Add....

This blog post provides an example on consuming ABAP RESTful application programming model OData services in asynchronous mode through SAP Gateway. Example Step 1: HTTP POST Request to ABAP RESTful application programming model OData service in asynchronous mode The calling platform can initiate an HTTP POST Request through an ABAP RESTful application programming model business....

Introduction Most of the project development has now started using ABAP RESTful application programming model Capabilities as it provides immense in-built functionalities, which allows the developer to focus on real business logic. But all the business cases cannot be realized using generic Managed Business Object functionality. Developer might require tweaking the standard OData behavior. Choosing....

As announced last month in the blog Devtoberfest 2022: Return of the Developer by Thomas Jung,  the Devtoberfest from SAP is back again. The Devtoberfest in 2022 is a four-week virtual event for developers with many interesting, interactive, and educational content sessions on various SAP Technologies. The event is broadcast live on the SAP Developers’ channel on YouTube throughout October. This year, Monday....

Purpose Help developers to find CDS annotation examples, especially when this error message appears in ADT: Text search services are not supported, because it is not available / not configured in the backend. I created it to help my students to find samples and for myself when dealing with the many possible annotations listed on the SAP Help....

ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP) based SAP Fiori Elements app, gives developer the opportunity to create UI5 apps with minimum (or most of the times with none) front-end code. This includes the benefits of out-of-the box UI5 application features (like value help, filter bar, object page etc.) and standard layout across other apps in....

This blog post shares my experience about a particular issue I encountered working with an OData service created using ABAP Restful Application Programming model and one possible resolution. The case is associated with an amount field in an CDS entity was exposed as an entity in the service definition. Amount and currency fields in CDS....

We are almost there: the SAP TechEd in 2022 is just around the corner! SAP TechEd is THE premier tech conference for all developers, IT practitioners, professionals, tech visionaries, innovators, and leaders who are interested in gaining a detailed understanding of SAP’s portfolio of solutions, platforms, and technologies, as well as insights into their future direction. This year,....

C0 developer extensibility is a new extensibility option on ABAP Platform. It’s an attempt for upgrade-stable cloud extensibility with maximum flexibility. One use case for developer extensibility is the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP). With C0 developer extensibility, you can extend your RAP application from the database to the service definition directly in ADT....

In this blog post we are going to see how we can Extend CDS View Entity, for demo purpose a custom View Entity is created (SAP Standard View Entity is not used):   Extension to ABAP CDS View Entity is needed when there are some changes needed which are part of custom requirements… In this....

Deploying Fiori List Report and Object Page application to Cloud Foundry account. We have created Fiori List Report and Object Page Application as MTA Project using Business Application Studio.   Below video shows step by step detailed process of deployment.   Step By Step Guide Create and Deploy MTA Project What is MTA Project MTA....

Hello, In this beginner blog post we are going to see how to perform field Validation in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Ref:     Field validation is used almost in all of the applications, used to validate Objects to keep data consistent or we can say for data consistency. Once the validation is....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how to add Determination Functionality in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Ref :     Determination in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model is used to determine something at runtime, when Trigger condition matches. Determination is always invoked by Business Object Framework. Determination always defined....

The world today witnesses a massive digital transformation, impacting organizations globally through fast-evolving business models. Likewise at SAP, key products and solutions are advancing with all the more flexibility and robustness. To enable this agility within the foundations of ERP, has repositioned its flagship product offering to a new ‘digital-core’ in the form of S/4HANA.....

In this beginner blog post we are going to see how to work with Feature Control – Action in ABAP Restful Application Programming Model.   Dynamic Feature Control with Action   Ref :     Feature Control : Feature Control is used to control the Fiori UI. Feature Control is used to send information to....

Hello, In this blog post we are going to see how we can read Domain values using CDS Views. Scenario :  When we have limited number of values which are not going to change (not dynamic), in that case we can use SAP Standard CDS View which will return all the values available in Domain.    ....

Use Case – As a maintenance technician, I want to be able to see all the open , Closed , In progress , Completed and Archive notifications on a functional location so that I can check if the malfunction has already been reported. Inputs : • Plant (single value) • Functional location (single value) •....

Unfortunately the ABAP Platform, Developer Edition for Docker is currently not available for installation. But for everyone who still uses it I will quickly describe how you can update the ABAP and HANA License. The blog post by Andre Fischer on How to install a new license in your SAP ABAP Platform Developer Edition isn’t helping anymore as the license that....

This blog post explains how to enable CDS data models for C0 developer extensibility, how to find extensible models, and how to extend such a model by means of developer extensibility. It answers the following questions: What is developer extensibility? What is the C0 release contract? How do you design a CDS data model as....

In this post, We will go over a series of steps in creation of a Fiori application to perform CRUD operations using ABAP RESTful Application programming model(RAP) on S/4 HANA cloud platform and Business transaction platform(BTP). Pre-requisites for this Application: S/4 HANA Cloud System Business transaction platform(BTP) Eclipse IDE There are 2 type of scenarios....

Since kernel release 7.83, CDS projection views are available in different flavors, specified using the syntax statement PROVIDER CONTRACT. Each flavor has a different feature set and different syntax checks. This blog post describes the available types of CDS projection views and where to find further details. Types of CDS projection views CDS projection view: definition and purpose....

In ABAP CDS, a special handling for amounts and quantities is implemented. If differs from DDIC amount and quantity handling and it has recently been overhauled. Read this blog post and learn about ABAP CDS amount and quantity fields, conversion functions, and handling of amounts and quantities in expressions. Contents: CDS Amount Field CDS Quantity....

Calling all ABAP Developers! 📢 As SAP celebrate its 50 year anniversary we invite you to join us by creating a fun video to let us know what you love the most about ABAP! It’s very simple! So be part of it and tell us what you love about ABAP! Send us a short self-recorded video....

Problem Statement: With the Fiori List Reporting Framework it is always expected to have a navigation using the Smart links from one application to another application . How can the smart links be implemented using different Annotation possibilities :   Navigation to a single Custom application  There are two ways to  navigate to a single....

In this blog post we will be seeing how we can use Access Controls in CDS Views or Authorization Objects in CDS Views. Authorization Objects or Access Controls are used to limit users and provide users only required and needed Information based on there work profile/role.   SAP Access control in ABAP CDS restricts the....

In this blog lets look at the Managed Scenario (Behavior Implementation )  in the ABAP on BTP platform .   As mentioned in the title , Managed scenario helps to eliminate most of the code (used for CRUD operations in the Implementation class).  Since the managed approach takes all the responsibilities  of the CRUD operations , we....

This blog shows how the Client Proxy (CP) can be used to consume any public REST service. The features used in this blog will be available from ABAP Platform 2022 and the corresponding SP’s in SAP Note: 2512479. For our example, the PetStore-V3 REST API from swagger has been used. Since it is based on....

Business Object classes play a key role in ABAP OO Design, because SAP transactions are almost always about Business Objects. In RAP there is no Business Object class, however there is a Behavior class. In RAP there are multiple development object which form together a Business Object. These objects are: CDS data modelling = CDS....

Introduction The SAP Gateway OData V4 framework does not support to perform a deep update. This is also true for the OData V2 framework. And as a result also RAP based services do currently not support deep updates. However today I learned about the need of such a support for an integration scenario where the....

Problem Statement You may have encountered a message like “You cannot use the XYZ conversion exit here” when trying to publish an OData V2 or V4 service via RAP service binding. The reason is that most conversion exist are not allowed any more in the context of OData services as they lead to various issues.....

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In case you are working on ABAP Restful Programming model; you will be creating V4 Odata for the same.  We do transport assignment for oData V2 using transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE. But in case of V4 oData , we can view them in transaction  /IWBEP/V4_ADMIN and /IWFND/V4_ADMIN but it does not show provision of adding a transport request in....

Since ABAP release 7.88, SAP BTP ABAP Environment 2205, CDS view entities are feature complete. In this blog series, you find a complete list of new features, improvements, and differences of CDS view entities compared to CDS DDIC-based views. Part l: New features Typed literals Set operators EXCEPT und INTERSECT Calculated quantity with calculated unit reference Entity buffering using tuning....

This blog post will describe the steps of how to expose REST API and handle REST API request from SAP ECC 6.0 without installing SAP Gateway service builder component. It will also help to convert json data to ABAP data. In this blog post I have described how to build web server service in ECC application....

Links to other blogs post in this series – Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 1 Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 2 Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 3 Introduction In continuous to the previous blog post (Excel Upload using RAP: Part -2 | SAP Blogs) post where I have discussed on adding a....

When implementing my openSource based RAP Generator I had the requirement that on the object page on item level fields should be read-only based on data that I had entered in the object page on header level. So on the item level I had a mixture of fields that are read only by default and....

Based on the following question RAP: Key As Segment capability support posted by Geert-Jan Klaps I found that I missed to blog about a nice “out-of-the-box” feature available for OData V4 services that lets a consumer use an alternate convention for addressing entities by appending a segment containing the unquoted key value to the URL. This feature is described....

The HTTP service is the component of the Application Server that provides facilities for deploying web applications and for making deployed web applications accessible by HTTP clients. We have seen HTTP and HTTPS services in SAP ERP, there are many steps involved to create and enable this service in ERP. But in BTP its relatively....

Links to other blogs post in this series – Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 1 Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 2 Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 3 Introduction One of the most common scenario in the SAP On Premise System is to develop a program in ABAP for uploading data to a....

Job Scheduling is nothing new for us being an ABAPer and with SM36/37 or even programmatically we submit jobs, so now the question is how to use the same job scheduling from BTP. Obviously leveraging a service available for the same. Challenge was a little more for me when I had to perform certain on-prem....

I recently got in touch with OData in connection with the ABAP Programing Model for SAP Fiori. However, there is more than only this one programing mode. There is SEGW, there is RAP and CAP… I’m aware of the fact that various documents/blogs have been published on the topic of OData already, but for sake....

How to find if a ODATA service is created using a RAP Model from Fiori app library in a standard application : Open the Fiori app Library and select your desired application :‘F0702A’)/S21OP Applications with the Versions 2021 will be created using the RAP Model In the below examples you can see the Odata....

Links to other blogs post in this series – Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 1 Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 2 Excel Upload using RAP: Part – 3 Introduction In continuous to the previous blog post (Excel Upload using RAP: Part -1 | SAP Blogs), where I have discussed about the creation of....

As Junior Software Developers at Grupo Kyly , me and my colleagues Rian Gustavo Oestreich and Augusto Curt Hansen were assigned the job of creating a Fiori List Report on top of a standard view as part of our company’s project to migrate to SAP S/4 HANA Erp. As this is a topic that, despite being simple and well....

I got a requirement to build OData service to fetch the data from DFKKKO and DFKKOP tables using OData V4. Using SEGW we can build OData V2 and finish it within the given time. After spending some time, I came to know that we should not use SEGW to create an OData V4. It is....

The problem before the upgrade With the upcoming upgrade to 2105 you might run into problems if the coding of your behavior definitions still contain the outdated syntax that uses foreign keys rather than using the new syntax that uses associations. If you do not change your coding your application will stop to work. As....

I am currently working on using json strings as input for my RAP generator tool. Here I ran into the problem that I had to provide a (very) long json string as an input for a class that is run as a console application. But also when using a simple json string such as this....