In this blog post, I would like to give you an overview of the Simple IT Request’s new features included in Focused Build SP05, up to Focused Build SP08.

Besides continual performance improvements and overall stabilization, we focused on developing the following three core features:

  • Multi-Level-Categorization Layout Field
  • Solution Documentation Integration
  • Substitutes

Before going into detail, I would like to point you to my colleague’s blog post about the Simple IT Request in general. If you’re looking for a general overview, Stefan’s post is the right place to start: Simple IT Request – Focused Build Standalone Extensions Part 3. For an overview of the new features of Focused Build SP03 and SP04, please see my previous blog post: Simple IT Request: New features with Focused Build SP03 & SP04 | SAP Blogs.

Multi-Level-Categorization Layout Field

This newly introduced layout field enables End-users to maintain Values for custom Multi-Level-Categorization Schemes. The field supports pre-filled values selected from the template itself, as well as entries from scratch.

To include the layout field, the Service Manager has to enter the following entry in the Simple IT Requests SPRO Customizing activity ‘Definition of available Layout Fields for UI5 Apps’:


SPRO: Customizing of MLC Layout Field

The Field name column contains the Catalog type (here: D), followed by a Separator and the technical ID of the MLC Scheme (here: ONE_SERVICE_TOOLSET). ID, Catalog type and Transaction type may vary based on the system configuration. Please note, that both the Template as well as the follow-up Request transaction type need to be assigned to the same Application Area of the MLC.

After integrating this layout field into a Template, the Catalog App should offer an additional Pop-up for maintaining the desired Category:


Catalog App: Category Pop-up

Solution Documentation Integration

The Solution Documentation Area does not require additional Customizing activities to be used in the Catalog App. It can simply be activated by the Service Manager via checking the Solution Documentation checkbox within the Simple IT Request Setup Assignment Block:


CRM WebClient UI: Solution Documentation Area activation

After activating the area, the Catalog App should offer an area for displaying pre-filled SolDoc elements as well as maintaining them:


Catalog App: SolDoc area

If required, the assigned Solution Documentation elements can be displayed in an additional Tab within the MyRequests App. This can be achieved by an entry in the ‘Customizing of visible tabs in My Requests App’ activity:


MyRequests: Solution Documentation Tab

The Transaction type may vary based on the system configuration.


The standard substitute functionality offered by the WebClient UI is integrated into the MyRequests App without any need of additional customizing. Once a substitute relationship (technical ID BUR013 or BUR013- as shown in the following screenshot) is maintained, the delegated Requests are displayed in the MyRequests App.


CRM WebClient UI: Substitute Relationship

End-users can identify the delegated Requests easily via the orange Marker in the Main-View, as well as the notification in the Header area:


MyRequests: Delegated Request


The detailed configuration guide and additional information regarding Focused Build can be found under following link: Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager

If you have any questions or input, please feel free to comment and share!

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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