The Security Optimization Service (SOS) is designed to check the security of your SAP system (see Introduction to Security Optimization Service (SOS) – Security health Check report).

The SOS report shows two tables with results and findings.

In the beginning you find the overview about findings which includes the count of users related to a check:


SOS Chapter – Detected Issues


Near the end you find the overview about ratings including “green” or “not rated” checks:


SOS Chapter – Rating Overview


You may want to get a cross-system overview about these tables.

You can use a new Z-report ZSOS_OVERVIEW to show the combined data of these both tables.

Update from 27.07.2022: You can now use the same report to view the rating overview tables of the  EarlyWatch Alert (EWA).

You can get the report on GitHub.

The value help (F4) on field ‘Session number’ shows SOS sessions which are not older than one year respective EWA sessions which are not older than one month.

The selection screen allows to filter by system, change date range, check id like “0022” or rating (“red”, “yellow”, “green”, “not rated”). It offers a checkbox option to process only the latest report per system:


ZSOS_OVERVIEW – Selection screen

The initial result is a cross-system list in the original order of the SOS checks.

You can rearrange, hide and sort columns getting a result like this example for 2 systems:


ZSOS_OVERVIEW – Sorted result



Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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