I admit, that the title sounds a bit like a commercial and maybe in a way it is.
All supported Service Packs have received the latest sapconf package (5.0.2).

It contains some minor bugfixes, but the reason for this blog post is the the newly added check tool.
In the past one reason for Service Requests or SAP Incidents about sapconf was mixed up setups.

Wrong tuned profiles, forgotten services, something like this.
The new check tool allows you to verify yourself, if everything is in order.

sles15sp2:~ # sapconf_check
This is sapconf_check v1.0.

It verifies if sapconf is set up correctly and will give advice to do so.
Please keep in mind:
- This tool does not check, if the tuning itself works correctly.
- Follow the hints from top to down to minimize side effects.

Checking sapconf
[ OK ] sapconf package has version 5.0.2
[ OK ] saptune.service is inactive
[ OK ] saptune.service is disabled
[ OK ] tuned.service is disabled/inactive
[ OK ] sapconf.service is active
[ OK ] sapconf.service is enabled

Sapconf is set up correctly.

That’s how you want it to look like!

But what if something isn’t quite right?

sles15sp2:~ # sapconf_check

This is sapconf_check v1.0.

It verifies if sapconf is set up correctly and will give advice to do so.
Please keep in mind:
- This tool does not check, if the tuning itself works correctly.
- Follow the hints from top to down to minimize side effects.

Checking sapconf
[ OK ] sapconf package has version 5.0.2
[ OK ] saptune.service is inactive
[ OK ] saptune.service is disabled
[WARN] tuned.service is enabled/active with profile 'virtual-guest -> Sapconf does not require tuned! Run 'systemctl stop tuned.service', if not needed otherwise.
[FAIL] sapconf.service is inactive -> Run 'systemctl start sapconf.service' to activate the tuning now.
[FAIL] sapconf.service is disabled -> Run 'systemctl enable sapconf.service' to activate sapconf at boot.

1 warning(s) have been found.
2 error(s) have been found.
Sapconf will not work properly!

It not only tells you what is wrong, but also gives you hints how to solve the issue.

We hope this will help.

Don’t forget! It will not verify the tuning itself, but it will tell you if sapconf can do it’s job!

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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