Hello SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit users,

if you use the XML files to populate the staging tables with data – maybe you come across the hint in the documentation:

The size limit for each file is 100 MB. You can upload multiple XML files at once by using a zip file. Note that the combined size of all the XML files you want to add to the zip file must not exceed 160MB. The maximum permitted size of the zip file is 100MB.

We have prepared a sample code for a file splitter tool that can help splitting big xml files.

Note that this is a sample code only! 

Find all details in Git Hub https://github.com/SAP-samples/s4hana-mc-xml-file-splitter

Best regards,

Sybille Lackermeier, SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit Product Management

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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