You asked for it.  We delivered it.  SAP Marketing Cloud May ‘21 Release (2105 Release) is here. Our latest release focuses on innovations that help marketers across B2B and B2C brands to seamlessly scale while gaining deeper insights into their customers that support decision-making and drive action to optimize their experiences.

The May ’21 Release brings together even more customer-driven innovations, new capabilities and enhancements across the following marketing areas: Dynamic Customer Profiling and Segmentation, Campaign and Journey Orchestration, Commerce Marketing, Lead- and Account-based Marketing and User Interface/Extensibility/Integration capabilities.

Let’s deep dive into some of the key innovations in the May ’21 Release a little further.

Understand your customers and audience even further by focusing on the information that matters the most

You can’t find a needle in a haystack without a magnet. Likewise, marketers can’t find the right customers without the tools and information they need. Not every interaction matters to your organization.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could kick unwanted information out the door easily?  Shouldn’t marketers be able to focus only on meaningful interactions?

Sending the wrong communication at the wrong time can have a detrimental effect on your brand perception.  If you’re wondering why your unsubscribe rates are over the average of 0.5%, consider looking at the data you’ve collected on your customers and correlating it to their engagement levels.

At the same time, adhering to customer permissions is crucial in this day in ate.  That’s why marketers need the agility to execute a campaign on their terms to quickly calculate segments and live groups changes dynamically.  With 2105, considerable performance improvements have been made to ensure you’re engagement is in compliance.

Take deeper control of your campaign orchestration

Marketers can’t wait for other parts of the business to give them the information they need. They also shouldn’t have to depend on IT to perform their duties.  That’s why with 2105 we’ve introduced even more functionality to make your life easier.

The days of creating a landing page and requiring 1-2 weeks to surface it are gone.  Not only that, but they can also be surfaced to your first party company page with ease.


Take further control of your branding needs by delivering email safe type-fonts to your customers, further increasing deliverability rates and open rates while decreasing unsubscribes.  The power is in your hands.

Never skip a beat.  Your customers might not only have one email address.  In fact, the average person has two personal addresses.  The stress of missing a send is kept at bay by ensuring every email address per contact is processed.

We also believe in the value of martech.  Data doesn’t sit in one repository usually. That said, the contact-to-account relationship in the B2B space is imperative to understand the lay of the land (i.e. buying centers, key personas, etc.).  Release 2105 brings deeper integration capabilities with Sap Customer Data Cloud, SAP Cloud ALM, and third party solutions.

If you build it, they will come.

Got leads?

We hope so.  But how are you passing them off to your sales organization though? Are you meeting your SLA’s?  Are you capturing the information that your sales team needs to have the follow up conversation?

Never miss out on the actions that you find meaningful.  Arm your sales team with the insights they need to close the deal.  In real-time.

Did that really just work?

Wasted spend. Wasted effort.  Wasted leads.  Wasted revenue. We’ve all been down that path before at some point. Search the internet for “marketing metrics” and you’ll find thousands. But are they meaningful to you and your brand?

In the B2B space, understanding the organizational landscape and contact/account relationships can be difficult.  You should never guess. We’ve brought deeper analytics on B2B contact-to-account relationships to enable marketing and sales to focus on the right buying centres and personas:  your magnet delivered.

We’ve also armed your landing pages with magnets.  Don’t extrapolate your metrics.  Measure them exactly. Understand how your prospects and contacts have engaged with your pages and forms.  Then redeploy the tactics that worked.

Make it your own

The days of hyper-personalization are upon us.  It’s inevitable.  Not only do we need to cater for dynamic content delivery, we must ensure the users of the system are content. Release 2105 allows you customize the user interface for SAP Marketing Cloud even further.  Like your mobile phone, one should be able to change the look and feel to suit their needs. From a drag and drop interface to re-arrange tiles, or the ability to upload a custom image thumbnail, make it yours.


Late night reading

Take advantage of the SAP Marketing Cloud May ’21 Release (2105 Release) now!

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Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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