mThis blog post of how to connect any email service provider to SAP Marketing Cloud, consists of 3 chapter:

    1. Email Send Scenario


    1. Example ESP: SAP Digital Interconnect


    1. Get Bounces


Example ESP: SAP Digital Interconnect

This chapter shows how to connect SAP Ditital Interconnect as an example implementation.

Transformation Overview

The requests and responses are transformed by the iFlow as follows:

Send Mail Request

Integration Flow

The general structure of the iFlow for the ESP “SAP Digital Interconnect” is the same as described in the parent page Integration Flow – Email Send Scenario. However, there are some SAP Digital Interconnect specific adaptions needed, which are yellow marked in the picture below.

Establishing connection to SAP Digital Interconnect

SAP Digital Interconnect can be connected to the iFlow using a control with type Receiver. Similarly, as above, the connection settings for outgoing calls from SCP to any endpoint can be defined by double clicking the Receiver node:

Here the connection settings can be maintained in the same way as for inbound connections within the tabs General and Adapter Specific. The general configuration used in our send mail scenario is shown below:

Credential Creation

In the SCI Tenant, create a new credential.

Redefinition of the Input Parameters

In the following, the SAP Digital Interconnect specific transformation steps are discussed.

Create the New Request Body


Create Body

Control Type: Content Modifier

In this transformation step, the body for the send mail request to SAP Digital Interconnect is created according to Configuration of Inbound- and Outbound connections of chapter 1 Email Send Scenario.However, the recipients still need to be added. You may also wonder what ${body} means. It contains the information for the requested delivery date of the email message and is discussed in more detail in the next chapter. The previously defined properties can be accessed in the body via the syntax ${property.<propertyName>}.

Define Properties for the Requested Delivery Date


Control Type: Router

The router decides, whether the email message shall be send to the recipient later with a specific delay. The determining factor is the property sendAt in the request body of the SAP Marketing Cloud System. The conditions can be defined by selecting the conditional arrows starting at the router:

In the properties panel, the condition can be maintained. With the checkbox “Default Router”, the route can be defined as default meaning that it will be passed if the routed cannot be taken.

If the XML expression type is selected, the properties can be accessed via the syntax “// <propertyName>”. This route is taken if the sendAt property contains a value. Only in this case the request message needs to be delayed.

Clear Body

Control Type: Content Modifier

Set Delivery Date

Control Type: Content Modifier

Process Send Data

Control Type: Script

This script transformation step adds the recipient’s data. This cannot be defined in the request body directly since the recipients are maintained in an array and the “XML to JSON Converter” does not provide this functionality. Therefore, only an empty property was added to the request body and now the recipient is added encapsulated in the following structure: [“email: ‘<recipient>’ “].

Add Recipients

Control Type: Script

This script transformation step adds the recipient’s data. This cannot be defined in the request body directly since the recipients are maintained in an array and the “XML to JSON Converter” does not provide this functionality. Therefore, only an empty property was added to the request body and now the recipient is added encapsulated in the following structure: [“email: ‘<recipient>’ “].

Redefinition of the Response Parameters


Set Status

Control Type: Script

Because the status code of the SAP Digital Interconnect response is always 200 in the success case, the code and its text needs to be changed to the code 202, which is the expected one of the SAP Marketing Cloud system.

Postman Collection

Headers: Content-Type: application/json

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1.  Email Send Scenario

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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