SAP Group Reporting Data Collection May 28, 2021 release is live, with new formula and comment features

We in SAP Product Engineering are glad to announce the general availability of the latest version of SAP Group Reporting Data Collection on May 28, 2021. SAP Group Reporting Data Collection is the companion app of SAP S/4HANA for group reporting. It’s designed to help you collect unconsolidated / reported data, as well as comments, in a flexible way into our consolidation software. SAP Group Reporting Data Collection is a native cloud app developed on SAP Business Technology Platform, with a new version being released every two weeks.

The May 28, 2021 release of SAP Group Reporting Data Collection delivers on the following key new capabilities and features:

  • Use formulas, labels and new formatting features in forms
  • Enter comments in in forms
  • Use the app in Japanese, in addition to English and German

Formulas, labels and new formatting features

First, you can now use a new formula feature in the Define Forms app, where you design your forms for manual data input. Use this feature to define calculations in your forms, and optionally save calculated amounts in SAP S/4HANA for group reporting, in the ACDOCU table. Using formulas you can:

  • Calculate total row or columns in real-time
  • Define visual controls in forms
  • Define titles, add headlines and help text directly in the form
  • Define automatic reversal of data in addition data entry scenarios (example C/I control data)

In the screenshot below, you can see how to add formulas when designing your forms. In the layout panel, it is possible to see all the settings: for example dimension filter mode and values, formula syntaxes. The new formula feature includes capabilities such as conditions and manipulation of texts. It also includes the following capabilities:

  • Arithmetic operations +, -, /, *, %, ^
  • Comparison operations =, >, >=, <, <=, <>
  • Excel-like formulas, such as IF
  • Logical operations AND, OR, NOT, XOR
  • Relative and absolute cell references A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1
  • Support of labels, such as form or total titles, and string operations
  • Error handling #DIV/0!, #ERROR!, #VALUE!, #REF!, #NAME?, #N/A, #NUM!

When you’re in the Enter Group Reporting Data app, formulas are calculated and refreshed in real-time when you enter data. In the form, you can see the syntax formula applied in the cell (see the screenshot below).

With formulas, you can now define visual controls in forms. In the example below, the profit and loss needs to be split by functional area. The column C contains the total uploaded amount (in grey) and the columns E to I display the functional areas. The last column “Remains to be split” is a formula calculation which controls that the uploaded amount is being broken-down by functional areas.

In the Define Forms app, you can now enter labels (texts) in any cell when defining your form. The label feature is available to add titles, headlines or insert help text directly in the form. In the example below, “% Share” and “REMINDER of collected data” are labels, inserted to make the form easier to read for the end-user.

When defining a form, you can also use a new formatting feature to add separation rows or columns in the form. The separation rows and columns can be added anywhere in the form, to insert blank row or column between data rows or columns. In the example below, row 3 is defined as a separation row.

Enter comments

“Please add the sales numbers from the London acquisition”, “Can this figure be right based to the new guidelines?”, “Exceeds target expectations due to overall growing market”: with the May 28, 2021 release we’re thrilled to introduce a new “comment” capability in SAP Group Reporting Data Collection. You can now use comments in forms to express any remarks or additions you want to make regarding a data.

As depicted above, you can comment on data points shown in form cells by right-clicking a cell and selecting “Comment”. Comments are directly associated to the commented data point – allowing their later re-use. They can be short, which is what the dialog’s size encourages – or up to 10.000 characters long, if required in certain cases.

From a technical architecture standpoint, comments are stored in the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), as shown in the diagram below:

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Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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