Philip MUGGLESTONE from the SAP HANA Academy just released a new series of hands-on tutorial videos introducing SAP Graph.

In this blog post you will find the videos embedded with references and some additional information for the Developer persona.

For the introduction article, see

For the other personas, see

For the article about Low-Code / No-Code, go to

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Hands-On Video Tutorials

In this article, you will find the videos embedded with some additional information and resources. The focus is on the Developer persona.

For the introduction article, see

As a prerequisite, you will first need to have created and configured the SAP Graph environment. For this, see

Following along in the patented zero-to-hero format, you will be ready to start developing business applications using SAP Graph with minimal effort and no time wasted.

What You Will Learn

You can watch the 12 video tutorials in about 2 hours covering developing applications using SAP Business Application Studio and the SAP HANA Academy app generators.

What you will learn is

  • How to configure the SAP BTP Cloud Foundry development environment
  • How to generate a configure MTA applications with SAP Graph
  • How to generate and configure CAP applications with SAP Graph
  • How to configure a local development environment
  • How to deploy a Node.js SAP Graph web app to SAP BTP Cloud Foundry
  • How to deploy a Node.js SAP Graph web app to AWS Elastic Beanstalk (as example of third-party, non-SAP, cloud hosting environment)
  • How to configure access using different SAP BTP subaccounts
  • How to build and deploy an extension app to the Kyma environment
  • How a developer can perform write, update and delete operations on native services

Sample Code on GitHub

As we know your time is precious, this will be a low-code affair as we will be using Yeoman to provide the scaffolding for our app supplemented with sample code from SAP HANA Academy GitHub repository:

YouTube Playlist

To bookmark or directly access the full playlist, go to


SAP BTP Cloud Foundry Getting Started

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can get started with SAP BTP and the Cloud Foundry environment along with SAP Business Application Studio. Philip shows how to install yeoman jump-start generators provided by the SAP HANA Academy.


0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Configure SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment 

2:45 – Configure Business Application Studio

5:50 – Install SAP HANA Academy generators (Yeoman) CAP and MTA


For the documentation on the SAP Help Portal, see


MTA BTP Cloud Foundry

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can create a multitarget application (MTA) that uses SAP Graph and deploy it to SAP BTP Cloud Foundry environment.


0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Run MTA generator

2:15 – Code walkthrough

6:10 – Build and deploy project

6:45 – SAP BTP cockpit, configure destination

8:35 – Authorise user(s)

9:05 – App review/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/sapnwabline_885687.png

CAP BTP Cloud Foundry

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can create a SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) multitarget application (MTA) that uses SAP Graph and deploy it to SAP BTP Cloud Foundry environment.


0:00 – Introduction

0:45 – Run CAP generator

3:30 – Code walkthrough

7:10 – Build and deploy project

8:10 – SAP BTP cockpit, configure destination

9:40 – Authorise user(s)

10:00 – App review


For more information about the SAP Cloud Application Programming model, see

For the video tutorial series, see


CAP Refresh

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can refresh a SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) multitarget application (MTA) that uses SAP Graph.


0:00 – Introduction

0:45 – Run generator to update configuration

4:00 – Update catalog-service files

Command Line

Commands used in this video

yo saphanaacademy-cap:graph


CAP Local Dev

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can perform ongoing development of a SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) multitarget application (MTA) that uses SAP Graph.


0:00 – Introduction

1:00 – Configure OAuth 2.0 authentication 

3:30 – Configure DefaultEnv

6:00 – Run backend app (srv)

7:00 – Run frontend app

8:35 – Local development

Command Line

Commands used in this video

# Update UAA app 
cf update-service app-uaa -c xs-security.json

# download DefaultEnv
curl -LJO

# install DefaultEnv
cf install-plugin DefaultEnv.linux64

# write environment variables to default-env.json
cf de app-srv

# run app
export DEBUG=graph-app:* && cds watch

# frontend
npm start


For the SAP HANA Academy DefaultEnv repository, visit GitHub


Node.js Local

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can create a Node.js application that uses SAP Graph and test it locally.


0:00 – Introduction

0:40 – Clone repository

1:20 – Code walkthrough

4:00 – Set environment variables (dot.env)

5:50 – SAP BTP, Update Graph service instance parameters

8:20 – Using client authentication 


For the SAP HANA Academy SAP Graph repository, visit GitHub


Node.js BTP Cloud Foundry

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can create a Node.js application that uses SAP Graph and push it to SAP BTP Cloud Foundry environment.


0:00 – Introduction

2:00 – Push app 

2:50 – Configure user-provided variables

6:20 – SAP BTP, Update Graph service instance parameters

Command Line

Commands used in this video

cf login
cf t
cf push
cf delete graph-app


Node.js AWS

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can create a Node.js application that uses SAP Graph and deploy it to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.


0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Sample application graph-app

4:00 – AWS Certificate Manager

5:00 – Create AWS Beanstalk web app

6:30 – Environment properties

8:30 – AWS Route 53

9:30 – SAP BTP, Update Graph service instance parameters


SAP BTP Different Subaccount

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can create a multitarget application (MTA) that incorporates SAP Graph but deploy it to a different global account, subaccount and region of SAP BTP.


0:00 – Introduction

1:00 – Security, download SAML metadata (subaccount)

2:20 – Destinations, download IdP metadata

4:05 – Security, new trust configuration (SAP Graph)

5:00 – Security, download SAML metadata (SAP Graph)

5:30 – SAP Business Application Studio, Yeoman generator

6:50 – Code walkthrough

8:00 – Build and deploy

8:15 – Configure destination (subaccount)

9:30 – Test app

10:45 – Documentation


For the documentation, visit the SAP Help Portal


SAP BTP Kyma – Getting Started

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can get started with SAP BTP, Kyma runtime. Philip shows how to enable SAP BTP, Kyma runtime, install key pre-requisites, and set up the yeoman jump-start generator provided by the SAP HANA Academy.


0:30 –  Set up Kyma environment

2:15 – Install prerequisites

5:30 – Install SAP HANA Yeoman generator

6:30 – Interactive and programmatic access: Kyma Dashboard and kubectl

7:45 – Create namespace

8:00 – Documentation


For the documentation, visit


SAP BTP Kyma – Full-stack

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can create a full-stack microservices application that incorporates SAP Graph and deploy it to SAP BTP, Kyma runtime.


0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Generate sample app

3:30 – Code review

4:50 – Build and deploy

7:55 – Configure destination using SAP API Business Hub

11:30 – Access app

13:30 – Undeploy


SAP Graph: Dev – Write Operations

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how a developer can perform write, update and delete operations on native services. Philip shows how to update a Sales Order in SAP S/4HANA Cloud via Postman and from an application that incorporates SAP Graph and has been deployed to SAP BTP.


0:00 – Introduction

0:35 – SAP Graph Navigator

1:40 – Using Postman for update (patch)

5:00 – Code sample in SAP Business Application Studio

6:00 – Test scenario


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Over the years, for the SAP HANA Academy, SAP’s Partner Innovation Lab, and à titre personnel, I have written a little over 300 posts here for the SAP Community. Some articles only reached a few readers. Others attracted quite a few more. For your reading pleasure and convenience, here is a curated list of posts which somehow managed to pass the 10k-view milestone and, as sign of current interest, still tickle the counters each month. 


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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