In 2022 we finished another round of SAP Customer Connect for:

With this blog we like to introduce all the remaining improvement request which are delivered as part of SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16 and Focused Build SPS11.

Note: There are further features delivered in SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16. Watch out for this on all our common communication channels.

SAP Customer Connect deliverables in SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16 – Process Management


Below you find an overview of the improvement request where we targeting a delivery as part of SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16

ID Improvement Request Title Votes SAP Note/SP/
Lowest Release
272427 In the SolDoc, the language should also be broken down at the document/object level 15 SP 16
272426 Solution Documentation- Integrating the translation of documents into SolDoc via translation service 19 SP 16
272835 Automatic transfer of process step names (original) to all process step references 21 SP 16
273272 Document and Teststeps assignment search improvement 21 SP 16
272696 Ability to mass move elements of different type 23 SP 16

Here you can review the whole presentation of the Delivery Call executed: find details here.

Now, lets go thru every single improvement request in detail.


Improvement Request #272427 and #272426:

The first two request we combined into one function.


  • Customer like to use a document translation via SAP Machine Learning Translation Services powered by SAP Business Technology Platform


  • You can trigger an automatic translation process using the SAP translation service directly in the context menu of a document.
  • Use the Re-Translate function to apply the changes when you edit the original document again.
  • If you have already manually translated your documents, you can group the documents and define the original and translated documents.
  • Only documents in the selected language are shown
  • Check all available languages for translation


  • No longer any need to translate document per language manually


Improvement Request #272835:


  • You can now move several elements of different types


  • You can now move several elements of different types (e.g. documents, test cases, executables and configuration units)
  • The operation is only allowed to move elements for the same structure types (e.g. from Process A to Process B or from Process Step to Process Step)


  • Time Savings
  • Better Usability


Improvement Request #273272:


  • Improved search for Document and Test steps during assignment operation


  • In the Solution Documentation, to do a Document (Assign) or a Test Steps (Assign) it includes “Marked for deletion” Documents/Test steps in the selection of option “Used Documents”.


  • Improved end user experience
  • Better Usability

Improvement Request #272696:


  • When changing the name of a process step in the process step library, this name can be adopted in all process step names.


  • New context menu available to distribute the process step names from the original to their references
  • Get an overview of all process steps to compare and adjust all names


  • Unified use of process steps
  • No adjustment effort (via where-used-list)


SAP Customer Connect deliverables in SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16 – Test Suite


Below you find an overview of the improvement request where we targeting a delivery as part of SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16

ID Improvement Request Title Votes SAP Note/SP/ Release Lowest Release
272939 Possibility to change the scope during copying a test plan 11 SP 16
272473 Test Management – Test Suite – changes sites during testplan copy 9 SP 16
272334 description of testcase from soldoc should be shown in testpackages for testers 19 SP 16


Improvement Request 272939 and 272473:

The two request were combined into one function.

Possibility to change the scope during copying a test plan


Test Management – Test Suite – changes sites during testplan copy


In the test plan copy, the Solution Documentation attributes for the target test plans can be adjusted.


  • You can specify parameters such as the target branch, the scope, the site, and the system role for the target test plans.
  • As source and target test plans do not refer to the same test cases hierarchy anymore, target hierarchy will be generated (or updated) when at least one node of the source test plan cannot be retrieved.
  • The copy can be a partial copy, in case some test cases from the source test plan are not available in the target hierarchy. Test sequences and test packages referring to it will only be created if all nodes can be retrieved in the target test plan.


Less manual effort in test preparation / time savings<img />


Improvement Request 272334:

description of testcase from soldoc should be shown in testpackages for testers


The test case description that is defined in Solution Documentation for manual test cases is now visible in the Tester Worklist (lists of test cases and status popups).


  • The test case description was visible in Manual Test Case Execution since SPS 15.
  • The visibility is extended to the Tester Worklist.


  • Improved end user experience
  • Better usability


SAP Customer Connect deliverables in Focused Build SPS11 – Test Suite


Below you find an overview of the improvement request where we targeting a delivery as part of Focused Build SPS11

ID Improvement Request Title Votes SAP Note/SP/ Release Lowest Release
272937 Focused Build Test Steps make My Result to must-field 5 SP 11
273289 Possibility to have an Overview about the Status of Test Steps 29 SP 11
272748 Test Suite Dashboard – Test Execution Results – Details of Test Step 19 SP 11
272383 FB: Test Suite Dashboard – Reporting to the steps level of test cases 18 SP 11
273716 Ability to review all test step execution results under a test plan 15 SP 11
273044 Test step information in Test Suite Dashboard 9 SP 11
272376 FB: Email from test step 18 SP 11


Improvement Request 272937:

Focused Build Test Steps make My Result to must-field / Consider Test Results mandatory also for Test Steps


Option to specify that a tester must create a test result entry if the test has a definitive status (red or green), valid for test steps.


Testers will not be able to save a Test Steps test case without creating a Test Result, if this is defined in Global Settings for Test Suite and in Test Steps Customizing.


Better quality of test results, less manual checks.


Improvement Request 273289, 272748, 272383, 273716 and 273044:

These five requests were combined into one function: Detailed Test Steps reporting.

Possibility to have an Overview about the Status of Test Steps


Test Suite Dashboard – Test Execution Results – Details of Test Step


FB: Test Suite Dashboard – Reporting to the steps level of test cases


Ability to review all test step execution results under a test plan


Test step information in Test Suite Dashboard


Detailed information about Test Steps test cases on step level


  • Additionally, to the normal Test Case Status you can report on Test Step Level


Improvement Request 272376:

FB: Email from test step / Send Email from test cases


Use the Send Email Button to write test case information’s to your fellow testers.


Test case information could now be sent to other testers via Email.


Flexible communication between testers of the same test case


SAP Customer Connect deliverables in SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16 – Change Request Management


Below you find an overview of the improvement request where we targeting a delivery as part of SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16

ID Improvement Request Title Votes SAP Note/SP/ Release Lowest Release
272697 Ability to start the Tester Worklist / My Test Executions from the Charm change document 24 SP 16
273009 Able to create Test Packages directly from the Charm CD Test Mgt.Block 19 SP 16


Improvement Request 272697 and 273009 were combined into one function.

Improved Integration between Change Request Management and Test Suite


The integration between Change Request Management and Test Suite is improved.


  • Test Plan creation is replaced by Test Plan and Test Package creation.
  • Direct link to the Tester Worklist
  • Email notifications include the Tester Worklist link
  • Improved BAdI to support test results coming from test automation tools


Better integration, improved usability

Less manual effort, maximum automation



All the introduced improvement request are available as part of SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16.

Watch out for all features delivered in SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SPS16 on our common communication channels.

Feel free to raise your questions or provide your feedback in the comments.

With that we have completed the overall delivery of improvement request of SAP Customer Connect:

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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