This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to enable the OdataAdapter  & configure in your SDI Project

Create a Remote Source

Right-click on Remote Sources. Choose Add Remote Source

Here you can define the Source Name (arbitary), the Adapter will be the OdataAdapter

Select Credentials Mode : Technical User which supports currently Basic Authentication and in future it will support Client Credentials.

Note : Credentials is your SAP Commissions RestAPI User ( Refer the SAP Commissions Blogs on RestAPI)

Click Create

Check the remote objects to make sure configuration has been successful and to complete the validation below.

Also you can CREATE REMOTE SOURCE using below statement in your webIDE

CREATE REMOTE SOURCE "Odata_Pipeline"                
ADAPTER "ODataAdapter" AT LOCATION DPSERVER                                
CONFIGURATION '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
               <ConnectionProperties name="UI">  
               <PropertyEntry name="URL">https://<TENANTID></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="proxyserver"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="proxyport"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="truststore"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="isfiletruststore"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="supportformatquery">true</PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="requireCSRFheader"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="CSRFheadername"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="CSRFheaderfetchvalue"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="supportdatefunctions"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="shownavigationproperties"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="supportEncodingGzip"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="followRedirects"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="extraconnectionparameters"></PropertyEntry>  
               <PropertyEntry name="verifyServerCertificate"></PropertyEntry> 
               </ConnectionProperties> '                
               '<CredentialEntry name="password">              
               <user>enter your username</user>              
               <password>enter your password here </password>       

Create a Virtual Table

you will have to create a Virtual table by connecting to your remote source to load the data into table.

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "EXT"."VT_Pipeline" at "Odata_Pipeline"."<NULL>"."<NULL>"."PipelineRuns";

you can preview your Virtual table if that’s displaying all the Pipeline fields (Table : CS_PLRUN)



SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 1

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 2

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 3

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 4

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 5

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 6

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 7a

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 7b

SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 7c

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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