Hello friends,

SAP Commercial Project Management (SAP CPM) has been around for quite sometime now and it is tightly integrated with other SAP modules.

The Master Project in CPM can be linked to a PS Project or PPM Item or Sales Order.

The financial Planning Values can be transferred over to PS.

SAP CPM revolves around its Master Project. It is the main binding factor. All the information can be traced back to the Master Project.

In this blog post, I have listed down the tables for SAP CPM Master Project and Financial Plan..

The following are the Tables for Master Project in SAP CPM.

CPM Master Project
Table Name Description
/CPD/D_MP_ATTA_S Status Report Attachments
/CPD/D_MP_ATTACH Master Project Attachments
/CPD/D_MP_CONTAC Master Project contact person
/CPD/D_MP_HDR Master Project Header
/CPD/D_MP_HDR_S Master Project Header Short Text
/CPD/D_MP_ITEM Master Project  Structure  Elements
/CPD/D_MP_MEMBER Project Member
/CPD/D_MP_PROJ_8 Qualification of Project Member
/CPD/D_MP_PROJ_9 Qualification of Project Member
/CPD/D_MP_PROJ10 Qualification of Project Member – #GENERAT
/CPD/D_MP_REP_AT Reporting Attribute Node
/CPD/D_MP_RESP Responsibility Node
/CPD/D_MP_ST_ARV Table for Status Area version
/CPD/D_MP_ST_HRA Status Header Area
/CPD/D_MP_ST_REF Master Project Status reference – #GENERATED
/CPD/D_MP_ST_VHR Status Versions
/CPD/D_MP_STATUS Status Header
/CPD/D_MP_TEAM_M Team Member Subnode
/CPD/D_MP_TEAM_R Team Role Subnodes
/CPD/D_MP_TM_RES Responsibility assigned to a Team
/CPD/D_MP_TMSKL Table for storing skill

To understand it .. Let’s see it with an example.. Below is the screenshot of a SAP CPM Master Project which is linked to a SAP PS Project.


SAP CPM Master Project


Now If we want to check to which PS Object this Master Project is linked to from the DB tables, we need to do the following..

Go to Table /CPD/D_MP_HDR and get the DB Key for the master project ID. By passing the Master Project ID in the field MP_ID

Pass the DB key in the  /CPD/D_MP_ITEM table in field Node ID (Parent Key) and not in the DB_KEY field. ?

The Item Key field in this table stores the Value for the PS Project. And the field Related Object link gives the logical relation.

To get the Project Number you can pass the Item Key Value to Table Project in field OBJNR

Similarly We can get the linkage between the Master Project and its financial Plan from the following Tables

CPM Financial Plan
Table Name Description
/CPD/D_PFP_MS Mapped Structure
/CPD/D_PFP_OPLOG Reference Object error log table
/CPD/D_PFP_PA Plan Attachment
/CPD/D_PFP_PER Plan Exchange Rate
/CPD/D_PFP_PH Plan Header
/CPD/D_PFP_PH_KF Mapped Key Figure
/CPD/D_PFP_PHTXT Plan Header Description Text
/CPD/D_PFP_PLNBL Table for Planable Field of Plan Structure
/CPD/D_PFP_PS Plan Structure
/CPD/D_PFP_PV Plan Version
/CPD/D_PFP_PVTXT Plan Version Description Text
/CPD/D_PFP_RES Plan Details for Resources – #GENERATED#

Hope it helps..

Cheers !!


jooman neshat


Author Since: April 23, 2021

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