Remember to join SAP and Guy Kawasaki for next week’s Data to Outcome event.  It is open to all.


Figure 1 Source: SAP


This was an ASUG webcast earlier this month given by Maheshwar Singh

Special thanks to Ingo Hilgefort for setting up this webcast for ASUG.


Figure 2 Source: SAP

Need new license keys for BI4.3


Figure 3 Source: SAP

SAP has released SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3 in general availability. With the new release of SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3, SAP supports customers with on-premise needs while enabling cloud interoperability, further enabling organizations to manage all types of analytics across their business. As per our commitment to our on-premise customers, the maintenance will be extended to at least 2027. Source: SAP


Beta this year; SAP thanks beta partners/customers

Tentatively BI4.3 SP1 is planned for this year

Incremental SP’s for 4.3 release



Figure 4 Source: SAP

Hybrid – SAC live connectivity


Did implement top enhancements voted at



Figure 5 Source: SAP

Hybrid topics


Figure 6 Source: SAP

SAC is an application in BI platform

Link is to the trial tenant

If you are already a customer, you can change it already to the tenant you have



Figure 7 Source: SAP

This was formerly known as Live Data Access 3.0 for Universes (compatible with BI4.3 release)

Introduced in BI4.2

Improvements in deployment



Figure 8 Source: SAP

New functionality introduced in BI4.3

Leverage existing CR report as a source in SAC

Use Crystal as a source for SAC

Data has to be acquired



Figure 9 Source: SAP

In 4.2 and earlier, either the admin or the user had to create empty asset, enter opendoc name

It was a time consuming process


Automated in 4.3:

  1. Select and identify BI platform content to be pushed to automatically appear as Analytics Hub content (need to assign to a category)
  2. Remain synchronized and up to date

With BusinessObjects BI 4.3 you can now:

  1. Push content to automatically appear as Analytics Hub content from central management console or the BI Launch Pad Update and synchronize content

  2. Supports SAML configuration (source: SAP)


User Experience



Figure 10 Source: SAP

Original classic BI Launchpad is no longer shipped with BI 4.3

All content, authorizations, are there – there is no update – it works


Scheduling and Publication enhancements



Figure 11 Source: SAP


One application section – tiles, governed by security

Preference page with options


Appearance has out of the box themes

If you want to create a corporate standing, see skinning/theming – introduced Theme Designer tool (BI4.2 SP7) – updated in BI4.3




Figure 12 Source: SAP


Was in earlier release; enhanced in 4.3; a dropdown




Figure 13 Source: SAP


Changed user experience

Notification introduced in 4.3

Recurrence – new option, business hours – decide day, interval for schedule


Figure 14 Source: SAP

Enhanced with UI experience

It has an additional summary tab



Figure 15 Source: SAP

Updated user experience – can’t customize home page


Old workspace in 4.2 and earlier can be edited – some modules not supported, will show empty space


Enterprise Readiness


Figure 16 Source: SAP

Many wanted silent installer enhanced



Figure 17 Source: SAP

Had not been used extensively

In 4.3, enhanced – user can have multiple credentials – multiple user name password combinations

Security Enhancements include Support for SAML 3.0, simplified SAML configuration and setup, and enhanced credential mapping, supported by: OLAP, Web Intelligence, Crystal Reports 2020, Crystal Reports for Enterprise (source: SAP)



Figure 18 Source: SAP

Several enhancements, consolidation

New studio

Integrates BI admin cockpit with monitor app with visual difference into 1 tool



Figure 19 Source: SAP

Now use JDBC connectors

Removed Derby database as part of the monitoring experience

Connect to audit database to store


Version management – remove ClearCase support; introduced support for Git, Local and HTTP mode


Promotion management – rollback support for promotion management job in the command line tool



Figure 20 Source: SAP

4.2 SP5 – admin console, separate URL – customers complained, so in 4.3, removed BI admin console, integrated as an application in CMC


Enhanced workflow assistant


Updated templates



Figure 21 Source: SAP

Auditing enhanced to capture additional information


Integration between auditing and monitoring – e.g. who turned off auditing



Figure 22 Source: SAP



Figure 23 Source: SAP

Connections can be based on http, Bex queries are not required



Figure 24 Source: SAP

New native data sources, with Snowflake being highly requested


Client Updates




Figure 25 Source: SAP

Client: Crystal Reports 2020 Designer (CR2020) 64 bit for client & server

Crystal Reports for Enterprise Designer (CR4E) – client 64 bit

Crystal Reports Viewer 2020


Figure 26 Source: SAP

One client for web and desktop


Parity with Web Intelligence Java Applet and Web Intelligence Rich Client 4.2 SP07 HTML5 (no Java), touch ready, Fiori like Light Dashboards




Figure 27 Source: SAP




BI Widgets

Lumira 1.x

Design studio



Lumira Discovery 2.x

Lumira Designer 2.x

Webi Rich Client


Live Office

Analysis Office

Crystal Reports



Figure 28 Source: SAP

For Cloud Extension Policy, customers can contact their SAP Account Executive.





Figure 29 Source: SAP

DeskI – convert in 4.2 and move to 4.3





Can you now schedule a webi and then use the latest instance in a publication using dynamic recipients to use the latest instance so that the publication performance is approved by not having to refresh the source webi?

please see this blog which has a link to scheduling

Is there a limit of concurrent session numbers per BOBJ user ?

Hopefully the answer can be found in this blog from SAP:

Is it possible to add trending lines in charts in this 4.3 version?


For hybrid user management, do we need to purchase the SCP IPS, or is it included with SAC license ?

Check with your AE

So in Webi, can I add a trending line in 4.3?


Will there be a 4.4?


is there an administrative setting that could still allow classic BI launchpad as an option?


How can you display a visualization in the default launchpad if BI workspaces can no longer be used as home page? Are we resigned to view a grid of tiles? And these tiles are not intelligent, we are not able to add a KPI to them?

Settings, select document open by default

Is Microsoft Sharepoint or Onedrive included as new datasources?



What do you think? Have you downloaded BI4.3?  What are your impressions?

Thanks again to Maheshwar and Ingo for this session

jooman neshat


Author Since: April 23, 2021

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