Philip MUGGLESTONE from the SAP HANA Academy and the Partner Innovation Lab just uploaded a new series of hands-on video tutorials about SAP Business Technology Platform extension generators.

In this blog post you will find the videos embedded with references and additional information.

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Hands-On Video Tutorials

What You Will Learn

The SAP Business Technology Platform – Extension Generators playlist on the SAP HANA Academy YouTube channel contains 14 videos running for about 150 minutes (time of writing, new videos may be added in the future).

What you will learn

  • How to install the SAP HANA Academy CAP generator
  • How to configure the generator to create BTP business application extensions
  • How to test the app locally
  • How to build and deploy the app to the BTP Cloud Foundry environment
  • How to generate code for OData v2 (v4 is default)
  • How to configure application logging for Kibana
  • How to debug the app
  • How to generate authentication (using XSUAA)
  • How to generate authorization
  • How to generate role attributes
  • How to generate native SAP HANA Cloud artifacts (calculation view)
  • How to generate OData access to classical database schema
  • How to generate intra-HDI container access

Business Value for SAP Partners

For insights and an overview of the business value for SAP partners, listen to the introduction of the SAP HANA Academy extension generators for SAP Business Technology Platform Extension Suite by Joe King.


To bookmark or directly access the playlist, go to


To follow along, you’ll need a (free) SAP BTP trial account. If you are new to the SAP SAP Business Technology Platform, consider watching the onboaring series first.

Although not required, for persistence most of the extension generator apps leverage SAP HANA Cloud. If you are new to this topic, consider watching this tutorial first.

Github Code Sample

For the code samples used in the OData Classical Schema tutorial, go to

About BTP Extension Generators

The SAP BTP extension generator uses Yeoman to scaffold a business application. This enables us to present a simple yet fully functional business application to jumpstart your app development. Whether you want to create an extension for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, SAP SuccessFactors, or build an application powered by SAP HANA Cloud, you can easily scaffold the app using the generator and adapt the app to your development.

Yeoman generators are extensively used (as extensions) in SAP Business Application Studio and you can easliy add your own. However, the IDE and generator have no dependencies. Yeoman works just a well on the command line (using the yo command) or other IDE’s like Microsoft Visual Studio Code, etc.

For more information about Yeoman generators, visit


Cloud Application Programming

Video Tutorial

In the first video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how to jumpstart a SAP Extension Suite application based on the CAP framework in the Cloud Foundry environment.

0:00 – Introduction

0:20 – About SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP)

1:00 – Demo SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) trial environment

1:30 – SAP Business Application Studio

2:00 – Install generator

3:00 – Run template wizard

5:45 – Code review

7:00 – Build for local development

10:00 – Build and deploy MTA project

12:00 – About extension generators


Core Functionality

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through the core functionality of the example SAP Extension Suite application based on the CAP framework and created via the jumpstart generator.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Run template wizard

1:00 – View output

1:25 – Code review

1:35 – Data model CDS

2:30 – Business logic in server module 

4:00 – API

6:00 – User interface and app router

7:20 – Multi-target application with services and modules

10:40 – Build for local development with demo

12:55 – Customising extensions


OData v2

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to enable OData v2 services in addition to the default of OData v4.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Run generator

0:55 – Code review: proxy in package.json and server.js

3:00 – Differences with actions and functions

4:10 – Run app locally 


Application Logging

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to enable Application Logging.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Generate app and enable application logging

1:00 – Code review: app-logging in mta.yaml

2:15 – Nodejs logging support in package.json

3:00 – Logging in catalog-service.js

4:00 – Build and deploy MTA project

4:30 – Run application

4:50 – Command cf logs

5:15 – BTP application logging service 

6:00 – Kibana dashboard



Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to work with debug logging for both local development and testing as well as applications already deployed to BTP.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Debug module in package.json

0:55 – Code sample

2:40 – Run app locally

3:20 – Set debug command

4:30 – Debugging deployed apps

5:15 – Set environment variable and restage app



Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to configure authentication for both local development and testing as well as applications deployed to BTP.

0:00 – Introduction

0:20 – Generate app and enable authentication

0:40 – Code review

2:10 – Server module

3:10 – XSUAA service

4:05 – App router

4:45 – Run app locally

5:50 – Build and deploy MTA project

6:15 – Access server module (back-end)

6:50 – Access app router (front-end)

7:20 – Identity provider



Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to configure authorization for both local development and testing as well as applications deployed to BTP.

0:00 – Introduction

0:25 – Generate app and enable authorization

0:40 – Code review

1:30 – Configuration security.json with scopes and role collections

2:30 – CDS requires and restrict

3:45 – Run app locally

4:55 – Test with test.http

6:00 – App router configuration xs-app.json

6:30 – Build and deploy MTA project

6:50 – Assign role collection

7:30 – Run app



Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to configure role attributes for both local development and testing as well as applications deployed to BTP.

0:00 – Introduction

0:25 – Generate app with role attributes

1:00 – Code review: attributes and attribute-references in xs-security.json

1:50 – Server module

3:20 – Mock users and test.http

4:00 – Run app locally

5:20 – Build and deploy MTA project

5:40 – Configure role

7:20 – Assign role collection

8:00 – Run app


Native HANA (1)

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to configure native SAP HANA artifacts with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model projects. Native HANA artifacts include stored procedures and calculation views.

In Part 1 Philip shows how to use the generator to scaffold an example application which is then built and deployed to the Cloud Foundry runtime and tested.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Business Application Studio space with full stack and calculation view editor and HANA tools

1:00 – Install SAP Partner Engineering BAS extension pack

1:50 – Install HANA Academy yeoman generator

2:10 – Generate app with SAP HANA Cloud artifacts

2:45 – Code review database and server module and MTA configuration files

7:30 – CAP documentation about Native SAP HANA

7:50 – Build and deploy MTA project

8:35 – Run app/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/sapnwabline_885687.png

Native HANA (2)

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to configure native SAP HANA artifacts with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model projects. Native HANA artifacts include stored procedures and calculation views.

In Part 2 Philip shows how to create new antive SAP HANA artifacts and test them locally before building and deploying the full application to the Cloud Foundry runtime.

0:00 – Introduction

2:10 – About gen folder

2:45 – SAP HANA tools

3:20 – Bind to HDI container and open in SAP HANA database explorer

4:30 – Create new database artifact and edit in Calculation View editor

6:35 – Deploy

7:30 – Move from gen/db/src to db/src

8:00 – Configuration file .env

8:20 – Data model

9:10 – Run app locally

10:20 – Install Cloud Foundry .env plugin

12:00 – Build and deploy MTA project

Commands used

cds build --production
cf de app-srv
CDS_ENV=production cds watch


OData Classical Schema

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone walks through how to enable OData on all tables and views of an existing SAP HANA Cloud classical schema. Philip also shows how to access the OData service via a UI and programmatically via Postman.

0:00 – Introduction

0:40 – Prerequisites

1:20 – Allowed connections

2:00 – Open SQL Console and execute sample code [travel_OData.sql]

3:00 – Connect BAS to your BTP Cloud Foundry org and space (hack)

3:40 – Generate app with existing SAP HANA Cloud schema

5:50 – View Output

6:45 – View apps and services in SAP BTP cockpit

7:30 – Code review MTA for mta.yaml and xs-security.json

9:00 – db module

11:00 – srv module

12:00 – app module

12:30 – Build and deploy MTA project

13:00 – Assign role collection

14:00 – Run app

15:30 – Interact with OData service using Postman

16:45 – Get OAuth 2.0 token

18:00 – GET request

18:30 – POST request/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/sapnwabline_885687.png

Intra-HDI Container Access

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how to configure access from one HDI Container to another HDI Container in the same org and space. Firstly Philip builds and deploys an application to create the target HDI container with hdbrole artifacts. Then Philip builds and deploys a second application that accesses the HDI container of the first application with hdbgrants and hdbsynonym artIfacts.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – About HDI containers

1:30 – Generate app with external access to HDI container

2:00 – Build MTA project

2:20 – Code review database module

5:00 – Deploy MTA project

5:20 – Run app

5:45 – View db deployer logs

6:30 – Generate app with HDI container service instance referenced

7:30 – Code review database and server module

11:30 – Deploy MTA project


Jumpstart MTA

Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, Philip Mugglestone shows how to jumpstart a SAP Cloud Platform Extension Suite application in the Cloud Foundry environment.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – Prerequisites SAP HANA Cloud and Business Application Studio

1:45 – Install saphanaacademy-mta generator

2:25 – Generate app 

5:00 – Code review app, db, and srv modules, security and MTA configuration

8:10 – Build and deploy MTA project

9:30 – View deployment in SAP BTP cockpit

10:00 – Assign role collections

11:30 – Access app

13:10 – About jumpstarts and frameworks


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Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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