As a Identity Authentication – tenant administrator, you can now configure target systems for real-time provisioning and provision users to these target systems.


  • Identity Authentication Admin Access
  • Target System SCIM API URL (SCIM 2.0)

Provision All the Users to Target Systems

Tenant administrators can provision users of Identity Authentication to Identity Provisioning target systems .

At a High Level Flow


Using the Identity Authentication real-time provisioning feature for up to 500 users.

If you want to provision more than 500 user, use Identity Provisioning. For more information, see SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Provisioning.


  1. Access the tenant’s administration console for Identity Authentication by using the console’s URL.

    The URL has the following pattern:
    https://<tenant ID>​
  2. Choose the list item of the target system that you want to provision the users to
    ## Below url is for SAP Commissions SCIM API as an example 
  3. Press Provision.

    If the operation is successful, the system displays the message <number of users> provisioned.

    Target System

    You will able to see the users are now created in Target System with appropriate groups assigned.

    Provision Selected Users to All Target Systems

    The tenant administrator can choose which of the users to be provisioned to the configured target systems.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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