Understanding following Payroll Operations which are most frequently used. Will be helpful in understanding and writing personnel calculation rules (PCR).


S.No Operation Description Use
1 ADDCU Collect in Cumulative Wage Types By reading table T512W, Wage Type Valuation, operation ADDCU determines the following parameters for the current wage type:

1. In which of the 96 cumulation wage types the amount of the current wage type should be included 2. In which of the 32 mean values the amount and/or number and/or rate of the current wage type should be included, and with which Percentage.

2 ADDWT Add Wage Type to Subsequent Wage Type The wage type affected is transferred to an internal table according to parameter 5.

Input Wage types that are in the header of the input table OT (= work field)

When processing is performed are the input values of this operation.

3 SUBWT Subtract Wage Type to Form Subsequent Wage Type The wage type in question is passed on as a negative value to an internal table.
4 ADDWS Add Wage Type to Subsequent Wage Type and Fill Out V0 The wage type affected is transferred to an internal table.
5 DIVID Divide This operation divides two fields in the current entry and places the result in a third field.
6 MULTI Multiply This operation multiplies two fields of the current entry of table OT and stores the result in a third field.
7 AMT Calculations in the Current Amount Field Changing or call up values in the AMT field.
8 NUM Calculations in the Current Number Field Changing or reading values in the NUM field.
9 RTE Calculations in the Current Rate Field Changing or reading the value of the RTE field.
10 CMPER Comparison of Payroll Periods Operation CMPER is a decision operation. You must therefore specify â€˜D’ as the rule type. CMPER compares two period specifications in three different variants. The periods used in the comparison are the in–period and for–period of the current payroll run.

As a result of the comparison, one of two signs ‘<‘, ‘>’ or ‘=’ is entered in the variable key. The operation CMPER is only advisable for regular payroll runs, not special runs.

11 ELIMI Eliminate Period Indicators This operation removes the period indicators (split indicators) for the   wage type in the current work entry. This prepares the way for combining the values stored in WTs which up to this point were distinct.
12 RESET Set Original Time Period Indicator The RESET operation sets the time period indicators (split indicators).
13 SPLIT Split Indicator Query The SPLIT operation performs a query on the split indicator of the wage type currently being processed.
14 SETIN Setting a Wage Type Split Operation SETIN sets a wage type split for the current wage type.
15 WPALL Check/Set Work Centre and Basic Pay Split The WPALL operation checks or sets the work centre/basic pay split APZNR of the wage type that has just been processed. This split indicator highlights an entry in the WPBP table. FRST LAST
16 ERROR Warning in the event of incorrect entries Marks the source of errors within decision trees and terminates processing.
17 GCY Continue Processing with PCR (GTCycle) Branching to sub rules, no return.
18 PCY Run PCR (Perform Cycle) Accesses sub rules and returns.
19 VALEN Set Length of Variable Key Sets the length of the variable key to the value specified as the parameter.
20 VAOFF Set Offset for Variable Key The offset for the variable key is set to the value specified as the parameter.
21 NEXTR Processing a Continuation Rule This operation indicates that at least one more rule must be interpreted to complete the processing of the rule.
22 VAKEY Place in variable key Operation VAKEY places the field specified as a parameter, from a record being read, into the variable key.
23 OPIND Evaluate Operation Indicator This operation evaluates the operation indicator OPKEN of the wage type.
24 OUTWP Load Work Centre and Basic Pay Data The OUTWP operation loads the currently valid work centre and basic pay data. If you use the operation OUTWP in an evaluation schema, you can only query the fields that are part of the payroll results (generally as an entry in table WPBP). It is not permissible to query values from infotypes within the framework of evaluation schemas, since you must be able to repeat evaluation runs in retroactive accounting or for revision purposes and thus they cannot be based on information that can be changed.
25 PRINT Print Out the Current Work Table Entry To print the current header of the specified table and the IT or a Variable.
26 RETRO Retroactive Accounting or Recalculation Operation RETRO checks if the payroll run is a retroactive accounting Run.
27 ROUND Rounding Off Within Current Wage Type The ROUND operation rounds off field values in the current wage type.
28 TABLE Prepare Access to Table Fields This operation is a tool allowing you to access any fields in ATAB tables or internal tables that are used in Payroll.
29 VARGB Place Table Field in Variable Key The VARGB operation enters any field in the variable key from the table determined by operation Operation TABLE.
30 VWTCL Set Processing Class Value Operation VWTCL VV reads the specification of processing class VV for the current wage type in table T512W, and enters this as a single–character entry in the variable argument of the pcr. Function VWTCL is a decision operation.
31 WGTYP Set Wage Type The WGTYP operation moves the current wage type into the variable key or changes the wage type designation of the current wage type.
32 ZERO= Initializing the Current Working Fields Operation ZERO= initializes fields in the current header entry of a table or variable.
33 XMES Output of messages to payroll log Using the operation XMES you can ensure that the system issues a message in the payroll log during the payroll run.
34 PPPAR Provide Partial Period Parameters Operation PPPAR is a decision operation. It writes IDs to the variable key when partial period factors are calculated.
35 LRTST Evaluate the Status of the LRT Table The LRTST operation evaluates the status of internal table LRT (Last Result Table) and controls further processing.
36 FILLF Fill the following fields In the current work entry the fields specified are restored from the basic entry in the input table.
37 MODIF Set Employee Grouping This operation sets the employee grouping for use in accessing tables for Payroll.
38 PAYTP Set Employee Subgroup Grouping for Personnel Calculation Rule This operation sets the employee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation rules regardless of its current value. After processing the rule line, it then reads the payroll rules table, T52C5 (transaction PE02) and the variable key and subsequent line number are deleted. You can also set the wage type to generic, i.e. to ‘****’.

The operation requires rule type ‘Z’.

Operation PAYTP sets the employee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation rules to ‘*’. This might be used to specify the same processing forms for different employee subgroup groupings for personnel calculation rules only once by entering ‘*’ under the employee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation rules. Payroll rules are then accessed by generalizing the employee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation rules.

39 SCOND Set Validity of Condition Operation SCOND sets conditions for functions in Payroll.
40 PSPRN Off–Cycle Payroll The operation PSPRN is a decision operation. It checks if the current payroll is dealing with off–cycle payroll or a regular payroll run. The result of the comparison is written in the variable key.
41 ADDNA Collect Number and Amount in Subsequent Wage Type Processing of the current work entry is (almost) the same as for operation ADDWT. Field RTE (amount per unit) is used once only however: in other words, it is not cumulated. The NUM (number) and AMT (amount) fields are cumulated.
42 CPAGE Compare Employee’s Age with Specified Number Operation CPAGE compares the age of an employee or a family member with   a specified number. You can use this, for example, to determine age– dependent bonus payments.
43 EVLCL Use Specification of Evaluation Class nn Operation EVLCL nn (nn = a number between 01 and 10) places the 2–characters indicator stored in the nnth position of the evaluation class string in the variable key once the current wage type has been read in the Wage Type Valuation table, T512W.
44 WPBPC Distribute Lump Sum Wage Elements to WPBP Periods Operation WPBPC distributes the amount of the current wage type to the active WPBP periods in the payroll period.
45 STATU Enter Status Field in Variable Key The STATU operation enters one of the status fields from infotype P0000 (Events) in the variable key.
46 SUBRC Set & Query a Return Code The SUBRC operation evaluates the return code of the import of a payroll result, or sets an internal return code which in turn is evaluated.
47 VALBS Evaluating Valuation Bases The operation VALBS evaluates the Customizing for the evaluation of time wage types from table T512W (Wage Type Evaluation) for the current wage type. These Customizing settings are made in view V_512W_B (Valuation Bases: Detail). For every wage type, Customizing consists of 3 blocks that are represented as lines in view V_512W_B.

  • 1. A block for the current wage type (line “0” in the view V_512W_B)
  • 2. A block for the first wage type derived from the current wage type (first line)
  • 3. A block for the second wage type derived from the current wage type (second line)

A valuation basis, a statement wage type, and a percentage can be stored in every block/every line. If you use the syntax VALBSv yz, the current wage type is valuated with   the valuation basis from the block or line that you specify in parameter   v. Operation VALBS places the valuation basis in the RTE field (Rate) of   the current wage type and then multiply RTE field by the Num field.

48 RE510 Read Pay Scale Table (T510) Operation RE510 prepares the reading of entries from the Pay Scale Groups table (T510).
49 R51P6 Read in Table T51P6—>Characteristics of Arrears deduction wage types Operation R51P6 reads an entry from table T51P6. This table determines the characteristics of the deduction wage types.
50 R51P1 Read Table T51P1 —–>advance & balances wage type assignment Operation R51P1 reads an entry from table T51P1. In this table, a link   between wage types is created for various indicators.
51 MESSG Massage Output Operation MESSG outputs a message containing the personnel number.
52 BTREC Set Recipient Data for Bank Transfers Operation BTREC must be run after bank transfer data has been read from an infotype. Data on wage type and amount are transferred from the current fields  (OT) and retained in the transfer table together with data on the recipient of the record last read.
53 BREAK Setting a Break–Point The BREAK operation interrupts the processing of rules and branches into the debugging mode.
54 IMPRE Import from database PCL2 Operation IMPRE imports the interim and end results from database PCL2    and stores them ready for processing. You can use this operation to import payroll results from cluster Rx (x = country indicator, for example D for Germany) for the current personnel number. You can also use function IMPRT. Depending on the parameters, the data is supplied in a second record of tables. In this way, you have the option of processing or comparing old and new results, or creating differences and so on.
55 PRATE Factor Amount The PRATE operation reduces the current amount of the wage type in the OT table (results table) according to calendar days.

In the Recurring Payments/Deductions (0014) infotype, create recurring   payments and deductions using a wage type. You can choose the validity   period so that the infotype record is only partly in the current payroll   period. In this case the wage type is taken into account as normal with   its full amount, and is not factored. You can perform factoring for this wage type using the PRATE operation.

Wael Muhammed

WAEL Muhamed

Author Since: March 19, 2022

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