Since SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208 and S/4HANA 2022, advanced configuration options are available for message-based situations with the Manage Situation Types – Extended app. This includes sending notifications to the right group of users and providing solution proposals in the My Situation – Extended app.

Merger of configuration apps

The configuration of message-based and object-based situations is now combined in one app: Manage Situation Types – Extended. This means when creating message-based situations you benefit from all features available for object-based situations, including notifications for end users. The configuration layout is now the same for object-based and message-based situations.


Situation Handling apps for message-based situations

Notifications for message-based situations

You’ve probably been waiting for this feature. Now you can notify users about message-based situations on SAP Fiori launchpad and by email. You can choose the notification option for each message-based trigger, like a run type. Email notifications are enabled in the user settings of SAP Fiori launchpad.


Notification texts for message-based situations

Different texts for each message-based trigger

You can define different texts for each message-based trigger. That means, you can adapt the texts to specific run types and reports and give users specific guidance.



Specific texts for message-based triggers

Further new features

With the merge of the configuration apps, you get these additional features.

Solution proposals for end users

In addition to already being able to define navigation actions to related apps, you can now also select callback actions from the underlying scenario. Callback actions are displayed to end users as solution proposals and can close a situation right away.


Configuration of callback actions (solution proposals)

Configuration of manual close

If there are no solution proposals available, you can also define that manually closing a situation deletes the instance right away.


Configuration of instance closing behavior

For more information, see:


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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