I know most of you would have got a chance to experience the Beginner mission of SAP Process Automation.

You would be eagerly waiting to get a next-level understanding of SAP Process Automation which includes the automation and decisions.

Want to get Hands-on experience to know those capabilities of Process automation. Then, have a look at our learning tutorial which explains automating the E2E process of Invoice Processing and Approval using SAP Process Automation.


You work in the finance department of the company and need to regularly process incoming scanned invoices. This is actually causing a lot of manual effort in order to extract the data out of the pdf or image, send to the approval of the manager before the data would be actually entered into the system. This needs to be automated since we are talking about multiple invoices which are coming every single day. Also we need to define the approval flow depending on the specific criteria (in this example, company).



In this tutorial mission,

1. You will start by creating a process and a  form to enter your name as the processor and the file path where the invoice is stored.Create an Invoice Approval Process

2. You would need to upload and annotate the invoice using Document Extraction in order to get the data from the relevant fields by the automation: company name, invoice amount, and document number. The bot will extract this data. Create automation to extract Invoice Details

3. After this, we need to decide, who would be the approver (so you need to enter your email).Create a Decision for Invoice Approval Process

4. Then we need to build the approval form to review the submitted data and approve it for further processing.Create Forms for Invoice Approval Process

Later you can also extend this scenario to create the approval and rejection notifications with the document number. Optionally you can also put the data into Excel or the S4HANA Cloud Trial system.

5. Finally, you would release, deploy and run the process. Release, Run and deploy process.

After completing this tutorial you would learn how to create a process, and create and add automation, decision, and forms to your business process.

If you have any questions, do write to us.

Thanks to Stephan Schluchter  for his valuable contribution to the mission.

Wish you a Happy Learning !


For more information on SAP Process Automation, please refer to the following sources:

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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