During an initial implementation as well as in a roll-out project for several reasons (add new companies, countries etc.), often the question came up, how many of each User Type needs to be purchased on top. In the past, often estimates has been made and sometimes those guesses have not reached the origin goal and a miss match of user types vs. contract Bill of Material was the result and has caused incompliances and re-work necessities.

This challenge can be mitigated now!

With release 2105 you can choose (also in a test tenant) whether you want to view the user subscriptions in your productive systems or in the system you are currently logged into only. The latter option can be useful, for instance, to check the status of all the business users you plan to use in your productive system and identify possible overuse of licenses before going live.

Select By Date in Productive Systems or By Date in Current System respectively.


Service Control Center User subscription 001


Service Control Center User subscription 002


Service Control Center User subscription 003


Check the number of Licensed Users against the number of Assigned Users. If the number of assigned users exceeds the number of licensed users, a red traffic light is displayed in the Status column. The number of excess users is shown in the Overuse column.


Display List of Users by User Type

To view a list of all users assigned to a particular user type, click the user type highlighted in blue.

For details about a specific user, select the line and click Edit. In the Business User factsheet you can view all work centers, views, and business roles that are assigned to the user. You can also remove assignments to work centers that the business user does not need by clicking Edit  Access Rights

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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