What is AppGyver ?

The world’s first professional no-code platform, enabling you to build apps for all form factors. AppGyver Composer Pro is the best no-code, drag&drop app development environment I’ve seen. It allows you to create both web and mobile apps for Android (even Android TV) and iOS, packs tons of flexibility, and offers most of the best features in a generous free plan

Business Use Case

‘Telporter’ is a food processed company  which serves customers across various parts of the world. Recently they kicked off the process of to know the list of tasks for agent for a particular opportunity. They also want prompt action to be taken on task when completed

Key Capabilities and Business Benefits

  • Easily integrate AppGyver with SAP Sales Cloud
  • Bi Direction flow of tasks details
  • Drive Management in Sales Cloud by showcase related Activity tasks for agent


  • SAP Cloud for Customer
  • AppGyver
  • Cloudfoundry


As a simple use case here we are showing the related Activity task of opportunity info in AppGyver .

When we status to Complete in Appgyver the same will be reflected to C4C



As the standard C4C ODATA I’m getting below error as “Failed to fetch. Does the server allow CORS”. I had created my Nodejs App for GET&POST Call



Step 1: Please signup https://www.appgyver.com/ if u don’t have account


Step 2:Please register with your details

Step 3:Please create New Project

Step 4:Please fill the below details

Step 5: Goto à Data à REST API direct integration

Step 6:Please enter following details with Resource URL in BASE tab.

I had taken selected the few fields in the ODATA

Step 7 : Goto GET COLLECTION(GET) and enter the Relative Path and Response Key path

Step 8 :Run test and Save Schema

Step 9:Select the Schema Tab ,you can see the related fields in payload

Step 10:Drag Image Core component and enter source

Step 11:Drag and Drop the Input field enter Label and Value

For Binding value –> Select Data variables –> Data variables –> Select data variable and select relate the field

Step 12:Select the related fields and bind the values with related fields as per your requirement

Please repeat the steps 11 for binding values

Step 13:An Opportunity can have multiple tasks so we are using List item

i.Drag Container –> Drag List item –> Drag Paragraph

Drag Container :Select Repeat with à Select Data and Variables –> Data variables –> Select Rest and   Save

ii.List Item

Select Content à property of data item in report –> select current –> select relevant field

Step 14:Please do the same for Subject and Status

Step 15: Now when we click on Status we need set status to complete in c4c

Step 16: As mentioned in step 15 we need to create Data Connection to update the C4C task status

Step 17: Click on button à Write logic to set status to complete

Drag Create record –> Resource =patch ODATA

Step 18: Launch preview –> Click button Inprocess –> it will set status to complete in c4c

Step 19: I had kept an alert to show status as success

Step 20 : We can see status to complete in c4c

Conclusion: We had set the C4C status to complete from Appgyver.

This is Bidirectional Application when ever we add new task it will replicate in Appgyver too ?


Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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