Refer Previous blog : Introducing SAP CPQ Script Plugin in VS Code

Step 1 – Follow the steps below to register into the SAP CPQ Script Plugin.

  • Open the browser and log into SAP CPQ.

  • Navigate to Setup — Trusted Applications.

  • Click Add New  Add  SAP CPQ Script Plugin

  • Click Save.

Step 2 –  Configure SAP CPQ Environment in VS Code

To configure the environment, follow the steps below:

  • Select Add new environment from the environment dropdown.

  • Provide a meaningful name to the configuration.

  • In the Environment URL, give the SAP CPQ host URL that you have used in the registration steps.

Step 3 –  Login Steps

Follow the steps below to login to the SAP CPQ Script Plugin.

  • Click the SAP CPQ plugin icon.

  • Go to the login section.

  • Select the configuration.

  • Click Login.

  • Click Open to trust the request in the visual studio code. SAP CPQ will open in the browser.

  • Provide the username and password.
  • Click Open Visual Studio Code.

  • Click Open to trust the request from the SAP CPQ browser to the visual studio code.

There are two views of the SAP CPQ Script Plugin from VS code.

  • Explorer view: You can navigate to this view from the Sidebar  Explorer.

  • SAP CPQ Plugin View: You can navigate to this view from the Sidebar  SAP CPQ

This process will definitely improve to maintain your versioning and CI/CD process as well.

Typings and Automatic Type Acquisition

IntelliSense for SAP CPQ libraries and frameworks is powered by Ironpython declaration (typings) files. Type declaration files are written in python so they can express the data types of parameters and functions, allowing VS Code to provide a rich IntelliSense experience in a performant manner.

Many popular libraries ship with typings files so you get IntelliSense for them automatically. For libraries that do not include typings, VS Code’s Automatic Type Acquisition will automatically install community maintained typings file for you.

Keyboard shortcut in VS Code : Ctrl + Space



Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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