There are two Authentication type to trigger a CPI process from SuccessFactors Intelligent Services Center.

  1. Basic : Basic Authentication is coved in this blog. Please click on the link
  2. OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant : I will be covering this Authentication type in this blog.

Step 1 :

Add Event Connector in Intelligence service Center and click on New Event Connector

Step 2 :

Give Name of the Connector, End Point Url (Your CPI Process End Point Url)

You can find your End Point URL from your CPI process after deploying the process.


Step 3 :

Select OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant in Authentication

You can get your client id, client Secret and Token Endpoint from the SAP BTP cockpit of your CPI

In Cockpit : Go to Security -> OAuth -> Clients -> Register New Clent

Under Register New Client

Name : Give any name.

Subscription : Select the CPI subscription you are currently using.

ID : This is auto generated.

Authorization Grant : Select Client Credentials.

Secret : Give your any password.

Token Lifetime : You can select time how long you want to validate your token.

Then click on save.

After this,

Go to Security -> Authorizations -> Groups

And under admin assign oauth_client_{your_id} or you can create your own group for granting only oauth authentication


Now go to Intelligence Service Center in SuccessFacor’s

and provide the credentials which we have created in Cockpit :

Client ID : The ID of cockpit.

Client Secret : The password which you have given in cockpit under Secret field.

Token End Point : You can find Token Endpoint from your cockpit. Go to, Security -> OAuth -> Branding


Click on add and then save the flow.


Now, whenever the event got triggered, you can see the result in 41 CPI Process.


Conclusion :

In this blog I have tried to explain how to trigger a CPI process from SuccessFactors Intelligent Services Center using OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant.

If you have any question, feel free to ask.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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