This blog is for anyone who is developing CDS views, they can check CDS views already available in the system based on source tables provided to executable ABAP Program.

Based on the findings, CDS view already available can be utilized instead of developing new CDS views.

When many developers are working, we will create lot of duplicate objects for the same purpose –

It will be helpful in effective resource utilization .

Avoid SAP system creating lot of duplicate objects that will cause more memory usage and system performance.

This program is written in ABAP 7.5 and will be helpful in writing new way of coding .


Create executable program using Tcode SE38

2. Code as shown below in screen shots



Pathway-> Eclipse Source Code Library




Below is the source code

***Begin of Selection Screen
PARAMETERS: p_table TYPE vibastab.
***End of Selection Screen

***Begin of Data declaration
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_cdsview,
table TYPE vibastab,
cdsview(40) TYPE c,
END OF ty_cdsview,
lt_cdsview TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_cdsview
***End of Data declaration

***To get the View name based on the table
SELECT viewname,as4local,objpos,as4vers,tabname FROM dd27s
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_dd27s)
WHERE tabname = @p_table.

IF lt_dd27s[] IS NOT INITIAL.
SELECT * FROM acm_ddlstbviw_1r INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_cds)
WHERE view_name = @lt_dd27s-viewname.

DATA(lt_cdsview1) = VALUE lt_cdsview( FOR ls_dd27s IN lt_dd27s
FOR ls_cds IN lt_cds FROM line_index( lt_cds[ view_name = ls_dd27s-viewname ] )
WHERE ( view_name = ls_dd27s-viewname )
LET ls_final = VALUE ty_cdsview(
table = ls_dd27s-tabname
cdsview = ls_cds-ddls_name )
IN ( CORRESPONDING #( BASE ( ls_final ) ls_dd27s ) ) ).

***Unique records based table and View
data(list_of_cdsviews) = value lt_cdsview( FOR GROUPS gr1 of ls_cdsview1 in lt_cdsview1
GROUP BY ( table = ls_cdsview1-table
cdsview = ls_cdsview1-cdsview
count = group size ) ASCENDING
( table = gr1-table
cdsview = gr1-cdsview ) ).

DATA(lv_count) = lines( list_of_cdsviews ).
WRITE:/ ‘no.of records:’, lv_count.
***Display the data
cl_demo_output=>display_data( list_of_cdsviews ).
Conclusion –

This ABAP program will be helpful to avoid creating duplicate CDS views with same functionality and purpose

This coding show new way of writing ABAP code

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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