One Business Add-In (BAdI) FINS_PAYMENT_LIST_PRINT_ITEM (Payment List Output Item Adaption) is available for adding custom fields to payment list forms.

The goal of this post is to describe the step-by -step process of how to export the custom field and logic in the payment list form, Based on the best practice experience, it will be explained for you with an example:

• Export Invoice item text into a payment list form


Possible business scenarios/processes:

You use the enhancement spot (Business Add-In BAdI):

  • Finance: Payment List

to add your own custom fields and enable it into the payment List form template; furthermore to implement your own logic to fill the data into your own custom fields which defined in previous step, ultimately those custom fields with values will be exported into your payment list form during the printing or emailing.

Note: To be able to access this app and follow the described process, your user must be assigned a role that has the authorization as defined in the business catalog Extensibility (SAP_CORE_BC_EXT), or you could use the user Administrator.

The content of the document is the following:



The business process and preliminary steps to configure the payment list are described in the accounts payable scope item (J60).

Create Custom Field

  1. Open the APP: Custom Fields from the extensibility business group on your launchpadcustomfields
  2. In the Custom Fields tab
  3. Choose +(Create) to add and create a new header field
  4. Fill out the dialog box as explained in the following table and then choose Create.
    Field Explanation
    Business Context Finance: Payment List Item
    Label InvoiceItemText
    Identifier YY1_ITEM_TXT
    Tooltip Invoice_Item_Text
    Type Text
  5. Enable the field usage in the Form Templates

Create Custom Logic


  1. Switch to the Custom Logic tab
  2. Choose + (Create) to add and create new enhancement implementation for the Header filed
  3. Fill out the dialog box as explained in the following table and then choose Create.* Note: There is only 1 Implementation can be created, the new custom fields should be adopted in the existing logic
    Field Explanation
    Business Context Finance: Payment List Item
    BAdI Description Payment List Output Item Adoption
    Implementation Description Payment List Extension

  4. To get the invoice Item text you must implement the following logic.
  5. Choose Save Draft in the bottom-right corner.

Choose Publish in the bottom-right corner to activate your new logic.

Maintain Form Template

  1. Open the app Maintain Form Templates, switch to the tap ‘Pre-delivered Templates’, search the “FIN_FO_PAYM_LIST_V2”
  2. Download the payment list form and it will be extracted as the ZIP file Note: Please choose “SOMU_FORM_MASTER_A4” from drop-down list and make sure the checkbox “Download without Form Template Master” is NOT selected

  3. Install the software ‘Adobe LiveCycle Designer’ into your laptop, and open the downloaded form “FIN_FO_PAYM_LIST_V2_E.xdp”

  4. Find out your custom field from the ‘Data View’ structure


    Items PaymentNode

Add the custom field ‘InvoiceItemText’(YY1_INV_ITEM_TXT_PLI) into the form and binding the dataNote: As the form is filled by current fields, so it is recommended to replace an existed field rather than adding a new column

Upload Form Template

  1. Save the changes and open the app Maintain Form Templates to upload your own customized form
  2. Click + to create a form template
    Input explanation


    Form Template Name [Your customized form template]
    Language Choose the supported language
    Select Form Template File Select the customized form adopted in previous step
    Form Type Content

    Assign Form Template

    1. Logon as BCP_EXPERT
    2. Assign your customized form for the output type in the SSCUI (102313) “Assign Form Templates” by creating new entry
      Application Object Type Output Type Form template ID
      FFO_PAYM_LIST PAYM_LIST [Your customized form template]

      Output Parameter Determination (BRF+)

  3. Login as Administrator
  4. In APP: Output Parameter Determination, choose “Payment List” and “Form Template” from the drop-down list, fill your customized form template ID


  1. Login as AP_ACCOUNTANT
  2. Create invoice by APP: Create Incoming Invoice with Item Text “*TEST item1”
    Note: The “*” is must have, otherwise the text cannot be displayed in the payment list form
  3. Create and schedule payment proposal by APP: Manage Automatic Payments
  4. Preview the payment list form by APP: Revise Payment Proposal
  5. Choose the Export to PDF icon above the Payments table.

  6. [Check]: Item text “*TEST item1” is in the form.
  7. Schedule payment run and review the payment list form by APP: Manage Automatic Payments
  8. [Check]: Item text “*TEST item1” is in the form.
  9. To view a payment list in the Manage Automatic Payments app, proceed as follows:
  10. Switch to the Payments Processed tab.
  11. Search for the payment that you want to view.
  12. Open the payment from the search result.
  13. Switch to the PAYMENTS tab.
  14. Choose the Export to PDF icon above the Payments table.



Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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