I’m writing this blog to help new Users who are trying to understand how Cloud Data Sources work. The general idea is to share some very basic information about Cloud Data Sources and to provide more advanced understanding about this topic.

Cloud Data Sources:

Cloud data sources are useful if you want to upload analytical data from external sources into your solution for reporting purposes

How to Create Data Source:

Process Flow:

    1. Go to Business Analytics Work Centre > Design Data Sources > Click on New and Create New Cloud Source
    2. Go to Business Analytics Work Centre > Click on New > Click on Report and design the report
    3. Go to Business Analytics Work Centre > Select the Designed Report > Click on Preview for Report here no information is given
    4. Go to Business Analytics Work Centre > Click on Design Report > Click on Data and Upload External Data Source
    5. Go to Business Analytics Work Centre > Select Design Report > Click on View Log to view the uploaded data source
    6. Go to Business Analytics Work Centre > Select Design Report > Click on Preview Button to View your report on uploading data source

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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