if you are working on SAP SuccessFactors Compensation, you certainly know already how to publish information from Compensation Worksheets to Employee Central. The module lets us define some fields to control the publishing (e.g. by Country, Legal Entity, etc.).

But what about the publishing towards a custom MDF portlet?

Publishing compensation data to a custom MDF table is pretty recent (at the time I write this blog post) and there is certainly room for improvement but if there is one thing that is missing compared to a publishing to Employee Central, that is the ability to “filter” or we should rather say “control” which employee we want to push/publish versus some others we must not or do not want.

There is no standard feature available so here under are few steps to guide you through implementing something simple to better control who is going to get published versus not.

  1. Create a Mandatory String Field in your custom MDF object (e.g. Published from Compensation?)
  2. Add a Custom String Field in your Form Template and play with its formula to describe the conditions upon which one employee should be published at the end of your campaign or not. (e.g. for an LTI process, you can set this custom field equal to blank if nothing has been granted to the employee and YES if otherwise)
  3. In your XML, map your Custom String Compensation Field with you Mandatory String Custom MDF Field

Make sure the custom field either displays YES or blank. This way, during the publishing, sending blank towards your Custom MDF Object on that mandatory field will simply make the publishing fail for that particular employee. All the other employees having a YES would be published as expected.


Publishing log file

I will surely check in the Influence SAP Compensation campaign there is already an enhancement request to add a filter like we do have for EC publishing, but in the meantime, you can definitely go with the above solution to quickly control your MDF publishing.

If you want to go further, you can even add an Editable YES/NO dropdown field in your worksheet to let some C&B Admin or HRBP users choose who should get published or not, and ask them to provide a rationale maybe. Then based on that additional field, you take this dropdown field into consideration inside your formula which is controlling the publishing and you shall have something pretty handy for your compensation campaigns.

Should you have any questions or feedback, thanks for posting feedback here below, I’d love to hear back from you if that helped you or if you find any improvements to it!

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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