Hi Community!
Some time ago, I got one issue in a customer, the situation was following:
The customer needed to send a number + number converted to words from SSFF via CPI to a third-party system.
Architecture Landscape:
What’s the problem here? SSFF sends only the number, not the number in words. So only way to do it where in CPI or in the third-party system. but last option was also not possible.
I couldn’t found any function to convert numbers into words in CPI or Groovy (please, feel free to share is there another way/solution). So I write a code in groovy to do it and convert numbers to words (based on differents JAVA codes that I found), and you can also convert it in two differents languages, Spanish and English.
Follow the groovy code (Input number it’s in p_salary that is a propery defined in the iFlow, output will be in the properties p_salary_txt_sp for Spanish and p_salary_txt_en for English):
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;
def Message processData(Message message) {
int number = 0;
//Get property from iflow p_salary
map = message.getProperties();
p_salary = map.get("p_salary");
number = Integer.parseInt(p_salary);
//Set response number in words in new property p_salary_txt_sp for Spanish
String resp = numberToWord_sp(number);
message.setProperty("p_salary_txt_sp", resp);
//Set response number in words in new property p_salary_txt_sp for English
String resp = numberToWord_en(number);
message.setProperty("p_salary_txt_en", resp);
return message;
//Spanish translate
private static String numberToWord_sp(int number) {
// variable to hold string representation of number
String words = "";
def unitsArray = ["cero", "un", "dos", "tres", "cuatro", "cinco", "seis",
"siete", "ocho", "nueve", "diez", "once", "doce",
"trece", "catorce", "quince", "dieciseis", "diecisiete",
"dieciocho", "diecinueve"] as String[];
def tensArray = ["cero", "diez", "veinti", "treinta", "cuarenta", "cincuenta",
"sesenta", "setenta", "ochenta", "noventa" ];
if (number == 0) {
return "cero";
// add minus before conversion if the number is less than 0
if (number < 0) {
// convert the number to a string
String numberStr = "" + number;
// remove minus before the number
numberStr = numberStr.substring(1);
// add minus before the number and convert the rest of number
return "menos " + numberToWord(Integer.parseInt(numberStr));
// check if number is divisible by 1 million
if (number >= 1000000) {
if (number >= 1000000 && number < 2000000) {
int numAux = number / 1000000;
words += numberToWord(numAux) + " millon ";
number %= 1000000;
int numAux = number / 1000000;
words += numberToWord(numAux) + " millones ";
number %= 1000000;
// check if number is divisible by 1 thousand
if (number >= 1000) {
if(number == 1000) {
words += "mil ";
number %= 1000;
int numAux = number / 1000;
if (numAux == 1){
words += "mil ";
number %= 1000;
words += numberToWord(numAux) + " mil ";
number %= 1000;
// check if number is divisible by 1 hundred
if (number >= 100) {
if(number == 100) {
words += "cien ";
number %= 100;
// Set words for exceptional spells in spanish like 500
int numAux = number / 100;
if (numAux == 1){
words += "ciento ";
number %= 100;
}else if (numAux == 5){
words += "quinientos ";
number %= 100;
}else if (numAux == 9){
words += "novecientos ";
number %= 100;
words += numberToWord(numAux) + "cientos ";
number %= 100;
if (number > 0) {
// check if number is within teens
if (number < 20) {
// fetch the appropriate value from unit array
words += unitsArray[number];
} else if (number == 20){
words += "veinte";
} else if (number < 30 && number > 20 ){
int numAux = number / 10;
words += tensArray[numAux];
if ((number % 10) > 0) {
words += unitsArray[number % 10];
// fetch the appropriate value from tens array
int numAux = number / 10;
words += tensArray[numAux];
if ((number % 10) > 0) {
words += " y " + unitsArray[number % 10];
return words;
// English translate
private static String numberToWord_en(int number) {
// variable to hold string representation of number
String words = "";
def unitsArray = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six",
"seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve",
"thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen",
"eighteen", "nineteen"] as String[];
def tensArray = ["zero", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty",
"sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" ];
if (number == 0) {
return "zero";
// add minus before conversion if the number is less than 0
if (number < 0) {
// convert the number to a string
String numberStr = "" + number;
// remove minus before the number
numberStr = numberStr.substring(1);
// add minus before the number and convert the rest of number
return "minus " + numberToWord(Integer.parseInt(numberStr));
// check if number is divisible by 1 million
if (number >= 1000000) {
int numAux = number / 1000000;
words += numberToWord(numAux) + " million ";
number %= 1000000;
// check if number is divisible by 1 thousand
if (number >= 1000) {
int numAux = number / 1000;
words += numberToWord(numAux) + " thousand ";
number %= 1000;
// check if number is divisible by 1 hundred
if (number >= 100) {
int numAux = number / 100;
words += numberToWord(numAux) + " hundred ";
number %= 100;
if (number > 0) {
// check if number is within teens
if (number < 20) {
// fetch the appropriate value from unit array
words += unitsArray[number];
} else {
// fetch the appropriate value from tens array
int numAux = number / 10;
words += tensArray[numAux];
if ((number % 10) > 0) {
words += "-" + unitsArray[number % 10];
return words;
Any doubt or improvement, please feel free to comment.
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