This post is part of Transformational Tuesdays: A Series on SAP HANA Business Value from the SAP HANA Solution Management team celebrating 10 years of SAP HANA in 2020. 

Data is everywhere and is growing faster than ever. The bigger data grows, however, the harder it is to make data-driven decisions. 


Why is this a challenge?  

Because isolated sources of data cannot provide a complete picture to our problems and create lengthy delays to navigate reports. Simply put, good data doesn’t lead to great insights if you can’t bring the data together. This lack of data integration is a real problem to making effective, timely business decisions. 


How do we end this isolation of siloed data? 

In the case of business and spatial data, you can now integrate your ArcGIS system of record to run on the same platform as your business system – SAP HANA. 


What is the business value of breaking down the silos?  

This integration of data allows you to 


  • Eliminate Complexity 

Moving data back and forth between systems is extremely cumbersome and labor intensive, yet this is a standard practice when GIS and business systems operate in silos. With Esri ArcGIS on SAP HANA, customers remove the need for ETL and data replication making virtual access possible in both directions. This allows customers to run complex spatial analytics in seconds while keeping the data at the source where it naturally belongs. 


  • Gain Real-Time Insights 

With the complexity of ETL eliminated and no batch schedule to maintain, the integration between spatial and business data allows more insights to become available on-demandCustomers can now drive toward future innovation faster than ever before with latency removed and the ability to fail fast, learn, and adapt. 


  • Increase Trust 

Multiple versions of the truth exist when data is siloed – with owners of each silo left to rationalize and defend their position. With Esri ArcGIS on SAP HANA, customers now have a single source of truth and transparency throughout their organization. 


  • Reduce Costs 

By eliminating DBA tasks and ETL and standardizing on a common platform, GIS and IT departments can now reclaim wasted time and create substantial productivity gains. 


Ultimately, the integration between Esri ArcGIS and SAP HANA allows for a seamless view across previously siloed data and avoids the enormous hurdle of complex ETL that has historically been a challenge to maintain. By breaking down these silos, you can now have a clear source of truth between GIS and IT. For more technical analysis, please visit these blogs by my colleagues, Tom Turchioe and Chris Tam (ArcGIS Enterprise GeodatabaseFour Advantages of ArcGIS on HANA, and Spatial Data Integration with S/4).

jooman neshat


Author Since: April 23, 2021

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