This blog post describes the Two-Tier scenario of Equipment calibration between headquarters and subsidiary which run on two different instances of SAP. This scenario is beneficial in case of external calibration, in cases where the test equipment is sent to external vendor for calibration. Headquarters are expected to gain better visibility on the Calibration results generated at Subsidiary end and vice versa. This scenario supports organizations running on Two-Tier setup to have better coverage on Calibration process between Tier 1 and Tier 2 systems.


Business Enterprises implemented with Two-Tier scenario involving Equipment calibration and setup wherein the headquarter runs on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition acting as Tier 1 and the subsidiary running on any deployments such as SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, SAP S/4HANA, or SAP ECC or any other ERP system acting as Tier 2 which can cater calibration of equipment acting as external vendor.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition does not yet support the calibration in integration with Quality Management. This two-tier process can bridge this gap in cases where the test equipment are sent out to external vendor for calibration provided vendor is also using any of the SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA systems.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition system plans the calibration schedule for the test equipment and notifies the vendor whenever the equipment is due for calibration. The vendor on the other hand calibrates the equipment, captures the values for Master Inspection characteristics and generates the calibration label and certificate. Vendor can share the certificate for calibration and the SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition system captures the services catered by vendor in Service Entry Sheet and attach the vendor certificate to the maintenance order created for calibration. This is how the process concludes.

Two-Tier Solution:

To achieve the above s requirement, SAP’s Two -Tier Solution provides the Event based direct integration between SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition system at the headquarter and SAP S/4HANA / SAP S/4HANA Cloud public edition / SAP ECC/other ERP system at the subsidiary.

Let’s see the process flow,


Equipment Calibration in Two-Tier ERP



  • The process starts with the creation of test equipment at Tier 1 system and same is replicated to Tier 2 system via event mesh based on certain filter criteria. The mappings can be created to map the plant code, related planner groups, object types, location details etc
  • Once the Equipment created in Tier 1 system, Maintenance planner will create the Time-based Maintenance plan with required details linking the equipment and task list and schedule accordingly. Based on the schedule the maintenance Plan will generate notification for the due calibration tasks.
  • This due notification will create an event and will be replicated to Tier 2 system.
  • A maintenance order with activity type as external calibration is created and external services are added.
  • Once vendor confirms the calibration services are done, the Service entry sheet created and provided vendor certificate is attached to the order.



Let’s see here the activities at Tier 2 system which is notified of the equipment that is due for calibration.

  • Tier 2 system receives the notification that the test equipment is due for calibration.
  • Now, a calibration order is created by the external vendor to carry out the calibration process for the test equipment. A designated task list is added at the order creation.
  • Inspection lot is generated at the order release and Result recording, usage decision is carried out on the inspection lot.
  • Subsequently calibration label and certificate are generated.
  • In case of failure on the result recording the test, equipment is recalibrated.
  • Vendor also provides the calibration certificate.

This way we can cater to calibration services provided by external vendor for test equipment with Two-Tier scenario.


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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