The purpose of this article is to describe the procedure to enlarge the MAXDB database size running on any SAP application. There was an alert that the database size used was getting full.

The procedure for enlarging MAXDB datafiles is described below.


Login using SAPGUI  in any productive client.

To identify and confirm  the type of database used,  in the menu path, select System –>Status

As shown above,  MAXDB was running on Windows Server.

Check available disk space for all disk drives as shown below.

Select properties by clicking the right button of the mouse on the SAPDATA drive (in this case

K: drive).


As shown above, SAPDATA  drive  (for example Drive K:  has enough disk space for enlarging  the database manually

Open the SAPDB Database studio



After entering the password, a screen appears as shown below

Select <SID>  where the database size used was full.

Click the Administration tab highlighted in the red color circle as shown above.

You will get the details information  on the right side of the screen as shown below


On the tab, click Data Area.  You can see that out of 22GB used in each data file, approx 2.6GB was free for each data file.  However, a warning alert was appearing frequently that the database size used was almost full. This is because the threshold value  that crossed  89%  triggered the alert.

To clear the alert, we need to enlarge the database size by adding new data files.

The procedure to add new data files will be described below.

Make sure there should be enough disk space available in the SAPDATA drive. If not then add more disk space (extend disk space in the same drive or  add a new disk drive with sufficient  disk space )

Procedure :

Select new DATA0006, click the right button of  a mouse, then select New  as shown below



Enter the size and device / File location. Make sure the size of the new datafile must the same for all existing datafiles such as DISKD0001, DISKD0002, DISKD0003, etc. Click Ok.

You can see the status “Adding volume DATA0006”  was running. Wait for a few minutes to complete and the status should show volume added.


The status for DATA0006 was changed to green as shown below.

Repeat the same procedure for adding new Datafile  DATA0007


Click Ok. The status  for adding volume DATA0007 is as shown below




After DATA0007 was added, the reorganization of each data file was carried out automatically as shown above. The used size was distributed in all Active datafiles as shown below highlighted in yellow color.


Check the available disk space in the SAPDATA drive.

Now available disk was reduced after enlarging the size of the database.

Conclusion:  There is no need for downtime in the system to enlarge the existing database size. The above procedure can be used online while end users can continue to do business transactions.


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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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