Bidgely is an AI-powered SaaS Company accelerating a clean energy future by enabling energy companies and consumers to make data-driven energy-related decisions. Powered by their unique patented technology, Bidgely’s UtilityAI™ Platform transforms multiple dimensions of customer data – such as energy consumption, demographics, and interactions – into deeply accurate and actionable consumer energy insights. Bidgely leverages these insights to empower each customer with personalized recommendations, tailored to their individual personality and lifestyle, usage attributes, behavioral patterns, purchase propensity, and beyond. From a Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Grid Edge perspective, whether it is smart thermostats to EV chargers, solar PVs to TOU rate designs and tariffs; UtilityAI™ energy analytics provides deep visibility into generation, consumption for better peak load shaping and grid planning, and delivers targeted recommendations for new value-added products and services. With roots in Silicon Valley, Bidgely has over 17 energy patents, $50M+ in funding, retains 30+ data scientists, and brings a passion for AI to utilities serving residential and commercial customers around the world.

To tell us more about Bidgely and how they are driving sustainability we have Ben Snyder from Bidgely.


What problem is Bidgely trying to solve?

Utilities have made large investments in smart grid infrastructure, the data sits within a meter data management system or data lake, but there continues to be an insufficient analytics layer to proactively leverage this data for consumer benefit. Bidgely specializes in maximizing the value of multidimensional datasets — such as energy consumption, demographic, weather and customer interactions — into the world’s most accurate and actionable consumer energy profile with 100+ attributes.

Bidgely’s products help utilities overcome this hurdle and transition their transactional relationship with customers to that of a trusted energy advisor. Bidgely’s energy disaggregation platform enables utilities to identify the optimal energy insights and recommended actions for each customer at a given point in time, delivering combinations of unique insights and actions that Bidgely calls “Next Best Interactions”* (NBIs). Bidgely brings personalization to the utility vertical.


How is Bidgely addressing this problem?

Bidgely’s platform is primarily used for customer engagement/energy management, behavioral energy efficiency, and utility analytics. Bidgely offers a diverse range of AI-based solutions and our hyper-personalization engine and appliance disaggregation technology is our differentiator.  Depending on the use case for each utility or project, our unique value proposition and key deliverables can include: – Customer Engagement, via proactive alerts and web portals, which results in higher customer satisfaction as measured via our thumbs-up/thumbs-down module shown at the bottom of our emails as well as independent industry surveys like JD Power Scores; – Energy Efficiency Savings, both via traditional paper Home Energy Reports and digital channels; – Program targeting & recruitment, whether for demand-side management, electrification, LMI programs, etc.; – Call Center/CSR high bill management; and  – Utility Analytics for Load shifting, specifically for EVs, Time of Use analysis, grid planning.


How do you differentiate yourself?

Bidgely pioneered load disaggregation and it has rapidly become a standard in the industry for any utility deploying AMI meters. We have 17 patents, 11+ true disaggregation categories and confidence to show itemized bills to 24M+ customers proactively and get 87% thumbs up. Our deep energy analytics technology fuels the process to generate the most personalized customer journey. Our platform’s analytics engine utilizes AI and Machine Learning (ML) to analyze hundreds of unique customer-specific insights, including relevant ones such as appliance use hours, size, relative efficiency, and more. Over the past 6 years, Bidgely has rapidly gained traction among customers, being named a “Leader” in the 2021 Guidehouse Insights Leaderboard for Home Energy Management. Analysts called Bidgely “more imaginative with its business strategy and marketing” as well as scoring our vision and innovation efforts a full 5% higher than others in the Leader quadrant


How does your partnership with SAP help in driving sustainability?

We are currently working on personalizing SAP Service Cloud by integrating and embedding our energy insights widgets. The use case for Service Cloud is focused on high bill calls and case management. The goal is to empower customer Service representatives and transition them into trusted energy advisors so they can guide customers with more energy data at their fingertips. The goal is to drive sustainability, increase customer satisfaction and reduce operating costs through shorter call handling time. We are also integrating SAP Marketing Cloud to enable personalized campaigns with energy intelligence and triggered notifications to support program enrollments.


For further information on sustainability, you can refer to the Sustainability topic page. If you have any questions, you can post them in the community.


Call to action: To learn more about the startups and how they are partnering with SAP to drive sustainability, join us at our SAP.iO Sustainability in Energy and Natural Resources Demo Day on January 27 – Register here 🎉

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Sustainability Blog series here.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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